


After purchasing a vacation home in the remote mountains of Costa Rica, where our neighbors are kind hearted ticos, cows and bulls, our eyes were opened to the world around us and we developed the thirst to explore and travel other countries in a manner that allows us to truly learn the customs and cultures of the places we visit.

Travel backpacking, local transportation, eating as the locals do, a few tourist stops - and blogging along the way. Welcome to Chili adventures...

South America » Ecuador » West » Guayaquil September 25th 2012

At the end of our trip, we spent a few days in Guayaquil, Ecuador’s largest city. It was in this largest city, we spent a few hours with the largest Iguanas we have ever seen, Parque Seminario, appropriately nicknamed Iguana Park. This park, located smack dab in the center of the concrete jungle, is full of hundreds of these seemingly out of place creatures. Ironically, they seem to co-exist quite well with the human spectators walking about, but a few of them didn’t seem to co-exist so peacefully with each other. We witnessed a serious Iguana fight between two males who appeared to be doing a dance of dominance in hopes of winning a female Iguana nearby. Later that day, we hiked up the 466 stairs (they are numbered) to the top of one of the ... read more
466 Stairs to the Top
Date Night
Catching some sun

South America » Ecuador » West » Montañita September 24th 2012

We have covered a variety of landscapes and cultures in this backpacking adventure. International travelers, indigenous mountain folks, kichwa Indians and now hippies. Montañita, is the party mecca of Ecuador popular by surfers for the breaks, young backpackers traveling through and hippies alike. The streets are lined with hippies touting henna tattoos, piercings and dreadlocks, selling artwork to earn a living. Folks beating drums and dancing around the streets, nightclubs, restaurants and ceviche stands, are all the norm here. Quite a different scene than the coastal town we just departed of Puerto Lopez. We were hesitant about visiting as we were told the streets and clubs are intense with sound from the raging partiers into the early hours of the morning. Sleep in this town would be hard to come by. If rest and relaxation is ... read more
No - I think I'll Pass
A Mini Sunset
Ready to Party?

South America » Ecuador » West » Puerto López September 23rd 2012

We traveled from Puyo to Guayaquil on a nine-hour bus ride, spent a night in Guayaquil and then ventured onward via another 4-hour bus to Puerto López, Ecuador. Since we will be travelling through Guayaquil soon to get back to Houston and will spend another night there – I will blog those two days together at the end of the trip. About Puerto López - the guidebooks deem this town as a sleepy fishing village. After spending a morning with the fishermen, we realized there is nothing sleepy about this village at all. The scene at first seemed like utter chaos; but after analyzing the situation further, we recognized they have a very organized system in place. Early each day, hundreds of fishermen maneuver their boats through the bay in Puerto López to bring their prized ... read more
My friends the fishermen
Italian Night in the Village

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Puyo September 20th 2012

After an amazing stay in Banos, we headed deeper south into the Amazon basin to a fairly big city, Puyo. While Puyo, didn’t have quite the charm of Banos, it was a decent place to stay so that we could enjoy an Amazon experience. After the bus dropped us off into town, we attempted to find a cab to our hotel (El Jardin). I asked several police officers at the bus station, and they were totally convinced El Jardin was about a two-hour ride up the road in a town called Tena. In fact, the cops were so convinced, for a brief moment, they convinced me. I had thought I royally messed up with my logistics and took us to the wrong city. Thankfully, there was an internet café across the street. I was able to ... read more
Ready to Hike Amazon!
Steve Gettin His Tribe On!
Amazon Hike

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Baños September 18th 2012

We have blazed a trail south to Baños, back into major civilization and a very touristy part of Ecuador, popular for international backpackers and Ecuadorians alike. Baños, baths in Spanish, was named after the town’s sacred hydrothermal springs. Additionally, the town is situated below the Tungurahua Volcano. Tungurahua, which means “throat of fire” in the indigenous language, Quichua has been very active lately. Just a few weeks before our arrival, it was spewing ashes and a few flames. We were concerned we wouldn’t make it to Baños. Fortunately, the volcano has settled a bit, having milder, intermittent activity. We haven’t heard any rumblings as of yet. Getting here was only an adventure for the first half of the trip. We had to take that dirt path out of Chugchilán via the bus to Latacunga, another harrowing ... read more
To the town below
Hiking above Banos

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Chugchilan September 16th 2012

We just spent three nights in Chugchilián to enjoy some great hikes in the beautiful Andes mountain ranges, which are dotted with indigenous villages along the way. Many of the inhabitants of these villages have maintained their ancient heritages making this a perfect spot to do some hiking and get our dose of culture. We have taken a few days hikes. On day one, we arranged for local transportation out of Chugchilián to the volcano lake, Quilotoa. From there, we hired a 15-year old boy(our Guide) to lead us through the paths in the mountain ranges from the lake’s crater back to our town. I would highly reccomend getting the guide, our maps and directions from various posts, were not that clear and along the way, we could have gotten lost. Overall, the hike took about ... read more
Quilotoa Lago
Hiking back to Chugchilán
Andes Mountains

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Chugchilan September 15th 2012

We thought we were experienced Latin American travelers via Chicken Buses, crazy cabs, 4-wheels through streets running into rivers- but today’s trip – trumped all others. Our travels from Quito to Chugchilián was one for the books. Highlights: Dozens of live chickens tied together by their feet slapped on top of each other, guinea pigs, too - and the harrowing bus ride clipping cliffs that we narrowly escaped. Here is how this all went down. The morning was normal and peaceful. Checked out of our boring, nice gringo hostal in Quito at the crack of dawn, equipped with bagels and coffee to go to embark on an easy 45-minute cab ride to the main bus terminal servicing cities in South Ecuador. From there we took a normal comfortable bus for an hour and a half to ... read more
Scary Roads
This is Not a Road!

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito » Historical Center September 12th 2012

Starting off our experience in this city had been more of a gringo experience than we had ever wanted. Yes, we did have our first Ecuadorian beers – Pilsener and Club. But as far as getting a native or cultural experience was concerned – that was the extent of it. No hard core diving into the “Anthony Bourdain” style of eating street foods, no listening to local musicians, dancing on tables and having pure fun in the true Ecuadorian spirit. What we did do, was got settled in our little hotel nestled in the center of the La Mariscal District, affectionately known as Gringolandia, a highly Americanized section of this culturally diverse city. We are surrounding by nightclubs, discoteques and trendy restaurants. Feels a bit like South Beach. We enjoyed a tasty Mexican dinner and passed ... read more
Steve and His Beers
Top of the World
La Basilica

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito September 11th 2012

We are off...Pack is packed, and weighs a little more than 1/4 of my weight - not ideal but we are trekking cold weather to warm and a girls gotta have some clothes. Fly to Quito tomorrow and then trek south and north and down and up... It'll be an adventure. Stay tuned........ read more

First of all some background info. Steve and I purchased our home in Costa Rica several years ago. We found the house on the internet and contacted a real estate sales rep. to show us around and show us the house. I must say, we are very remote. It is 7000 feet up the mountain overlooking the Central Valley of Costa Rica. You climb windy twisty roads carved in the mountains- It is next to impossible to find. But we did. Our view is breathtaking, especially at night, the city lights shimmer below. Our grounds are chiseled in the mountainside spanning nearly 3 acres with every type of flower you can imagine flourishing on our property. We love it! That being said, it is REMOTE! We usually have to drive down the mountain to get interent ... read more
WiMax on the roof
Steve in front of one of our gardens
El Refugio Encantado - Nuestra Casa

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