Page 4 of brenda46 Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Slovenia » Slovenian Littoral » Tolmin August 8th 2010

If you see me walking around and saying " In a hundred years from now it won't make a difference" you know Im not in my calmest mood. This mantra for some reason keeps me calm when I am dealing with high pressure situations which seems to be more often then not. As you can see from our pictures, we are just in nirvana and stress is the farthest thing from my mind. Four little houses, great views, amazing weather that ranges from warm to rainy ( a great change from the middle east heat). Paraglider's sailing over the mountain crest and mornings with the sun shining telling us its time to wake up. We try and do at least one hike a day. Today we decided that we would take a ride to a ... read more
Our house
A view from our bedroom

Europe » Slovenia » Inner Carniola » Postojna August 5th 2010

I love to ride my bike! Thats all I can say. We left our little abode, turned right and started riding. Fields of corn, sunflowers, creeks and lots or rain clouds. I was just so happy riding on the winding road but i know that Jeff was kvelling to do some heavy off road biking. After about two hours there was a very small sign that I happened to miss (what a suprize) that read: Stanjel 2 km. I looked at Jeff, I looked at the MOUNTAIN. What could I do?- 25 years of marriage I guess it's time to give in so I told Jeff: "only if I get some coffee up at the castle" As a good friend of mine once said. "If you want coffee go to Italy!" Made it up the hill ... read more
The KIller Cow
Yosemite Meadows in Slovenia

One of the things I loved about the Wizard of Oz was to learn the management style of Dorothy. I mean just think about it, she had to manage the scarecrow who was always in a state of confusion, the lion is in a state of anxiety, the tin man is just so cold no one can get to him and toto was just a hyperactive nudnik. This poor girl was just trying to get home and instead she found herself in an almost impossible managerial situation. Dorothy's only hope was to set out on the yellow brick road to find Emerald City and to ask the Wizard of Oz to return her to Kansas. Well if we categories people as "doers" or people who are "in the now" (i don't know how to spell beerers) ... read more
Emerald green water
a map of the lakes
stuck in a cab

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana August 2nd 2010

I already knew Slovenia was going to be different when we were waiting for our connecting flight in Vienna. All 30 of us were taken on a bus to a lear jet parking lot. The bus stopped in front of our little white plane and as we walked up the stairs into this lear jet - I felt like princes Diana ( may she rest in peace ) boarding her private plane to some private destination. I pondered as I was buckling up in my grey leather seat that if this plane crashes at least I'm going in style. One thing for sure : NOT ALOT OF PEOPLE fly to Slovenia. fast forward A half an hour later - we were exiting an airport so small it took about 5 minutes from plane to train. ... read more
Beautiful Buildings
city square
on the river

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Ljubljana July 31st 2010

No Slovenia isn't in Russia! but it will take us two flights to get there. It's 15 degrees cooler than in Israel oh - And I just found out that Hotmail discontinued it's "auto reply" out on vacation.. so before we take off. I am finally going on vacation! but Im not there yet. ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District September 22nd 2008

Yesterday morning after flying around the world we finally arrived at home at 4:00 am. We slept till 11 and woke to the barking of our dogs at which Jeff and I looked at each other and said "were home!" . I am suprized to say that I feel very disorented. The lack of housing complexes neatly lined up for miles, the view of blue skies and the ability to understand the vast amount of conversations that are surrounding us as we eat at the local cafe are very overwhelming. I feel as if Scotty from star treck just beemed me back to the star ship. So being back on board , the laundry is waiting, the dogs need to be walked and dinner made. oh and I still have that paper for university to write. ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island September 20th 2008

Hi everyone, I want to apologize now and hope all of you will understand if: you start getting blogs next week about my dogs barking every time someone passes the house you start getting blogs about how I hate to cook and would really love to hire a chef to prepare for us healthy meals you get a blog of pictures I've uploaded of my: garden, mail man and local cat and put videos of Jeff coming home from work. It is clear to me as I sit in Hong Kong after an evening of gambling in Macau (and winning 30$) that I am going to need BLOGGERS REHAB. It seems like months ago I was sitting in front of my beloved computer planning my trip, this trip, to Taiwan and China. Hours and hours went ... read more
apartment complexes on the mountain
Hong Kong Escalators
Kowloon , Hong Kong

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an September 17th 2008

Last night we traveled from Beijing to Xian by train. Why train? first of all I will avoid a plane whenever I can- so 13 hours is doable and secondly, I really wanted to see "inside China". Xian is in the center of China so even though we were traveling by night I figured we would have a few hours of sunlight to see the terrain. I wanted to rough it but rough it BRENDA STYLE which means ordering a luxury cabin. A Chinese luxury train cabin has a bunk bed and a bathroom compared to a regular cabin where you could be sleeping with drunks and bathrooms are communal. When we heard the boarding call, Jeff and I were sure we would get help with our four overweight suitcases, I mean we are going first ... read more
Train waiting room
Our First Class Cabin
Mnt. Huashan

Asia » China » Beijing September 13th 2008

One day about 35 years ago when I was a teenager, my Great Aunt Jeanie called long distance to inform us that she was going to be touring in China. Now in the 1970's I don't know how many people could say they new someone going to visit China let alone a relative, but I COULD My Great Aunt Jeanne was going , for how long? her itinerary? I had no idea, but, brag to all of my friends I did. My Great Aunt Jeanne, wasn't just anyone, she had a colorful and an almost outragous personality in my childs mind. From those young years I had a strong sense of admiration for her zest and boldness, something I had never seen in women before meeting her . Who she really was ? I don't know- ... read more
The birds nest
NO Scalping!!!

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park September 10th 2008

Good Morning Beijing! After flying on a plane thats "belly camera" was on during most of the flight-"Belly camera -What's a belly camera? " A Belly camera is a camera on the belly of the aircraft that films what's happening underneath the plane during the flight. This camera is on from before takeoff to after landing. That means that I was watching how the runway disappeared as we were taking off and how the new runway appeared a little too quickly as we were landing. I wanted to complain that this belly view of the world was not good for my nerves but instead I just flew with the blanket over my head. Jeff thought it was cool. I started my day staring at a rug in the elevator that said THURSDAY in English and Chinese. ... read more
I guess she couldnt read english
Entering the Venue
The electonic Targets

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