Page 3 of brenda46 Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Vietnam » Mekong River Delta » Bac Lieu August 8th 2012

Who ever told us not to come in August - really got it wrong. Now maybe we were lucky but, for the last 9 days we have enjoyed nice warm sunny weather witnessing rain only on the days that we are to leave. We are off today and it's pouring just as it poured the day we left Hanoi. We definitly feel the difference in the heat between the North and the South. We were so happy that we started in the North because the weather in Ho CHi Min city has just been a pleasure and we were so use to the humid heat in Hanoi that being here now is just great. We took a two hour car trip down to the Mekong Delta and on the way I noticed that on the side ... read more
Photo 10
Take a Break..

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay August 5th 2012

If I could sum up everthing that I understand about Vietnam - I would say - It's all in the wiring! As Jeff and I hopped around the old city of Hanoi I suddenly looked up to see a power pole that looked strange to me. It took me a few seconds to realize that the wiring system looked terrifyingly hazardous and I couldnt take my eyes off the mad mess of black wire. Jeff tried to focus on a taking a picture that would show the true horror of those wires that had no direction or order. He stood with the camera stuck to his eye as cars, motorbikes and people were weaving around us and then out of nowhere Jeff said: "it's a total mess but everything seems to work" That is how I ... read more
women fisherman

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa August 4th 2012

We woke up to the morning call of the chickens and the yelp of some dog . As we waited to start our second day of the treck the courtyard started to fill up with young women who heard of the "generous women who buys a lot of bracelets" - that's me folks- well not today! Today I was tired from a long night, no food and no mood for being begged to- so as we left the family stay house I wasnt very nice and the girls dissapeared to find someone else. We hiked through more rice fields, a bamboo forest that was extremely muddy. Jeff and I were very impressed with our guide whose shoes were still clean after 2 hours of hiking while our shoes were so covered in mud you couldn't see ... read more
Cute Baby
Toll bridge
water fall

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa August 4th 2012

Remember that song from Cat Stevens- Morning has Broken?... "Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven Like the first dewfall, on the first grass Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden Sprung in completeness where his feet pass Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning Born of the one light, Eden saw play Praise with elation, praise every morning God's recreation of the new day" This is how I can describe the view driving up to Sapa at 6 in the morning. Jeff was so enthralled by the view that he was literally sticking his head out of the van to take pictures. It took us an hour to get to the city of Sapa where we were taken to a hotel room for the sole purpose of taking a shower after the ... read more
The begining
A business model
rice fields

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lai Chau August 4th 2012

When we first started organizing our trip to Vietnam ( mind you it was about 2 weeks before we got into the plane) we were told by many not to go in August. One overseas tour agency even tried to convince us to go in Febuary instead. Those comments were very disconcerting but at one point during the 14 day countdown Jeff and I decided that neither rain nor heat would dampen our fun. I have to admit that I was rather uptight about going up north especially since everyone was asking us if we had been vaccinated - which I had totally forgotten to do until it was too late! I was even more uptight by the fact that there was so much rain in Hanoi and I had read a blog from a women ... read more
JEff before a very long train ride

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi July 31st 2012

OMG! I am speechless- We are in Vietnam and IT'S exciting! This morning we arrived at the Taipei airport at 5 in the morning, tired and feeling ok about the decision to fly cold turkey. From my experience the Taiwanese travel very quietly, everything always seems to be organized and stylish. The women dress impeccably and the men are suave. When I walk next to them in the streets I usually feel like a shlub. and nice shlub- but a shlub all the same. We were flying to Vietnam via Vietnam Air. To my suprise, waiting in line for check-in was like being in the shuk on Friday. People were in line with all of their pekalach, big bags , little bags, bags without handles, bags that are held together with lots and lots of tape. ... read more
Which way were we going?
A women with her Chickens

Asia » Taiwan July 29th 2012

It's been a slow day because of the fast but while walking around I noticed that being a dog in Taiwan is not a bad thing at all. These dogs don't walk. They are pushed in strollers, toted in bags, zoomed around on motorbikes and in general have a great thing going for them. Here are some pics of our travel the last few days. We will be off to VIETNAM on Tuesday morning.... read more
Are you buckeled up?
when are we going?
Go right

Asia » Taiwan » Taipei July 29th 2012

There is something to be said about going to a place second time around. The first time I came to Taipei about four years ago I was so scared to venture out, everything seemed new and strange. I actually was in a state of panick most of the time. If I remember correctly I thought I could buy clothing in Taiwan. This trip is already different. This trip I know not to go into any clothing store! My body will fit neither shirts, skirts or pants not now and not ever. Anyway I hate clothing shopping so it's a win win. I know the rail system and I know that I have hours alone as Jeff goes off to work. We landed after a 15 hour flight from rollercoaster city.. exhausted and thrilled to be on ... read more
more rain
purses for my neice?

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bled August 12th 2010

I just couldnt go over another narrow, winding mountain pass. Every slovenian we met, told us that the drive to Bohinj over the mountain pass - is difficult and hard. When we were rafting our guide had asked us if we were taking the "car train" to Bohinj? Of course my ears picked up when I heard car train- finally an answer to my problem. Well sure enough there is a car train. You drive your car on to the car carriage, you sit in the car and an hour later (compared to the 2 1/2 hours it would take by car) your'e at Bohinj. I was sure it would cost us at least 80 euro but, we had a fun ride for the price of 12.50 On our first day we drove to Bled,which is ... read more
Hay Shwarma
Car train
on the car train

Europe » Slovenia » Slovenian Littoral » Bovec August 9th 2010

As we were driven, by a 21 year old driver with some slovenian irish folk music on the radio we found ourselves once again going down another narrow mountain road at the speed of 80 km. As we raced passed the trees I could only laugh how yesterday going on a similar road at the speed of 10 km I was terrified and on the verge of a total meltdown. Jeff threw me a look that meant "this is our last look before we fall into the ravine" or he was about to kill me for driving him so crazy yesterday while I looked totally relaxed as we weaved and waved through this new forest. Today we decided to do some serious white water rafting on the Soca river. In our raft was our guide , ... read more
true love 2
This isn't a bear but a dog
A memory of a ski resort

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