Jennafer Collier

and all the world came tumbling in

Jennafer Collier

And so begins our story of Goose and Squid...

"Listen-- are you breathing just a little and calling it life?" -Mary Oliver Sometimes I forget I forget where I left my phone I forget what time I am supposed to meet a friend for coffee I forget to put deodorant on I forget to make my bed I forget to wear my wedding rings I forget to switch the wash over I forget that there might be traffic and consequently forget to leave a bit early I forget who my fifth grade teacher was I forget to wear sunscreen I forget that it's not acceptable to pick wedgies in public, remember, and then do it anyhow But worst of all, sometimes I forget to live... It isn't as hard as it may appear at first, to live that is. Breathing has always been a simple ... read more

Europe » Spain » Galicia » Santiago de Compostela May 13th 2012

Journal Entry--------------------- Sunday May 13th, 2012 In the morning there was a knock on my door. I opened it and no one was there. I left the door open and started to gather my belongings. Angel came into my room and said good morning. He waited and lingered in my room as I finished packing up my stuff. I could tell that he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. I felt the same way. We walked outside and stopped after a while on a corner and we decided that it was time to say goodbye. I decided it would be best not to go with them back to Madrid but to wait here in Santiago for another day and see if I can find Molly. The goodbye was tough. My heart broke four ... read more

Europe » Spain » Galicia » Santiago de Compostela May 9th 2012

Day 40: Melide to Santa Irene Journal Entry-------------------- Thursday May 10th, 2012 Today was one of the best days I've had on the Camino. Just as I had stopped with a lady named Barbara from New Mexico, USA at a stand along the way, I was thinking about when I would see my four new Spanish friends again. Just then I heard my name and turned to see no other but Demi, Antonio, JuanJo and Angel. I was instantly estatic! For the rest of the long day I walked with them; only speaking Spanish, the best that I could, teaching them silly English words and of course laughing a lot. There were so many more people on the road today, and because of this we had to keep walking because there was no free space at ... read more
Lunch break

Europe » Spain » Galicia May 5th 2012

Day 35: Ruitelán to Alto do poio Journal Entry-------------------- Saturday May 5th, 2012 Today I once again walked with Hilly and Phil from London and John from the US. I absolutely love Hilary and Phil. They are such a wonderful couple, always happy and singing together; It's lovely! Like always, it rained and was quite muddy. The view from the mountains was unbelievable. The walk today was hard and took quite a while. When we reached our stopping point, the other three stayed in a hostel and I... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León May 3rd 2012

Day 33: Ponferrada to Villafranca Journal Entry-------------------- Thursday May 3rd, 2012 I took my time waking up this morning. I left the hostel a little after 0800, returned the room key and started walking. There were few other pilgrims that I passed in the beginning. I walked and walked and walked and somehow found myself on the alternative route into Villafranca via miles and miles of wine fields. I was all alone for the whole duration. The view was amazing... wine fields backed by mountains. I cried. It was perfect. In villafranca I checked into a private albergue. An English couple, an American and one other English man invited me to eat with them because they had cooked a lot of food. I love sitting down to dinner with different people. It's an amazing experience in ... read more
Day 33
Day 33
Day 34

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Ponferrada April 30th 2012

Stubborn, Determined or Dumb... They might all be the same word in my case. Molly would always say to me, "I really think it's amazing that despite all of your injuries and sickness you still are carrying on... I don't know if that means you are really stubborn or just a very determined person." I would have to say that I am a little bit of both, and also perhaps a little dumb. No, not dumb, just... well let's just stick with determined, it sounds better. Day 30: Acebo to Ponferrada Journal Entry-------------------- Monday April 30th, 2012 I was able to sleep in this morning bringing my total hours of sleep to 10! ...and I was still tired. Molly and I had a little breakfast at the bar and then the man that works there drove ... read more

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Astorga April 26th 2012

What will be, will be... Life for me is about letting go. I don't like to worry about things and I don't like to over analyze and dwell on things. Mostly I think that I don't like to feel anxious. I believe that people should be happy, because if you're not, what's the point in living? I strongly believe that there is always something that can be changed, always something that can be improved. You are in control of your own happiness. Sounds a bit contradicting from the title huh? Simply put, I believe in being happy and knowing when to just let go and not dwell on the things that you cannot change. Concentrate on the things that you can change. With a little faith (in life itself), everything will simply fall into place as ... read more
Day 28
Day 28
Day 29

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » León April 22nd 2012

If you're going to cry walking around a city, León is the one to do it in... Sometimes the Camino can be tough, especially when you are all by yourself. You definitely have your breakdown days when you are taking almost six weeks to walk... It is a very emotional journey. Being away from family makes it even harder when you are having a rough day. But more about that at the bottom of this blog entry... Day 22: Carrión to Calzadilla de la Cueza What a day this was!! We had been warned that todays walk included a long gravel road with absolutely nothing on it, but I didn't know it was going to be as bad as it was. There is nowhere to take shelter from the sun, rain or cold during this stretch. ... read more
Day 22
Day 22
Day 23

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Fromista April 18th 2012

"When you Fall When you break When you feel you can't go on Keep your head Don't forget It's the pain that makes us real..." I sang these lyrics over and over again and again in my head while walking whenever I felt like I wanted to quit because of the pain that I was experiencing. The Camino is no joke. It honestly is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I think that I should stop calling it a "walk" and start calling it what it really is, which is a long term "hike." When FaceTiming my younger sister one night she asked me, "what the heck are you doing right now?" because she could see that I was doing something with my knee. I told her that I was icing my knees ... read more
Day 18
Day 19
Day 19

Europe » Spain » Castile & León » Burgos April 13th 2012

God forbid you're wrong... As this is a religious pilgrimage, I have been learning a lot about religion in general and the people that practice different sects. Sara and I are always discussing religion as we have very different beliefs. I love that she is so open about it and is so willing to educate me on different Christian beliefs within her church. She also is very good about answering my questions. I ask her things that I would never feel comfortable asking anyone else because the things I like to ask sometimes cannot be sugar-coated and may come across as insulting. However, Sara is very open minded and likes discussing such things. We both make jokes about religion quietly to one another on a daily basis, very light heartedly of course. I have met way ... read more
Day 13
Day 13
Day 13

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