Page 12 of alikim Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Switzerland » South-West May 22nd 2011

Day 17 We decided to get the bikes out. All who know me know I’m not a competent cyclist, but I really enjoyed the ride into town and beyond to the edge of Lake Brienzersee. So blue! Picked out a couple of nice houses for when we have the lottery win (come on Marlene, we must be due for a win soon!). After a lot of deliberation we decided to buy train passes for the region, and stick around here for about a week. There is so much to see. We also opted not to do the paragliding, so prolific here ..... we thought it too early in our trip for injuries! Day 18 You can’t keep us off the bike now. We were off again to the station, everyone cycles here and there are lots ... read more
Sunset Interlaken
Sunset Interlaken

Europe » Switzerland » South-West May 18th 2011

Day 15 & 16 Tunnels, Lichenstein and Heartstopping Alpine passes We left Innsbruck with weather still gloomy but had our first taste of the long monotonous alpine tunnels- I’ll never complain about the Blackwall tunnel again. We made an overnight stop in Lichenstein one of the smallest countries in the world. Its main claim to fame is its the largest producers of dentures in the world and has a dubious reputation as a tax evaders haven. As the Royals sometimes ski there, we thought it might be interesting to go to. Also thinking it might be a bit like Monaco - smart wealthy and stylish. We were disappointed. The only thing that was interesting was the old castle on the hill, in which the ruling prince resides and rules with a rod of Iron. Think of ... read more
Liechtenstein Castle
Unfriendly campsite

Europe » Austria » Tyrol » Innsbruck May 16th 2011

Day 14 A day in Innsbruck. Decided to give the Bongo rest today and took bus into town. In an earlier blog we mentioned Kim stayed in Lermoos when he was twenty. His original plan in 1976 was to visit the Olympics but someone offered ski lessons so never got there. Well 30 years later we’re here. Enchanting old town plenty of museums - but our highlight today was going to the top of the Bergisil -the Ski Jump ramp, where at the top, there is a viewing tower with a restaurant overlooking the whole city. A perfect view of the mountains and city. ... read more
Golden Roof

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Zell am See May 14th 2011

Day 12 & 13 Hahnenkamm, Rain, Snow and the road to Innsbruck ‘The Hahnenkamm’ Mention that to any downhill skiing fan and they will instantly know it is one of the fastest, most terrifying courses on the skiing world cup circuit. I’ve (k) wanted to walk down it for some time. It seemed when we woke up that it wasn’t going to be. We had consistent rain for over 20 hours and even when we drove towards Kitzbuhel the town nearest to the Hahnenkamm, the cloud was low. As with the scenic road, the Sun came out. So we thought we go for it, but...the cable car wasn’t going to be operating until June. We thought we would go UP instead, boy was it steep, but managed about 95% of it until the threat of further ... read more
Kitzbuhel Town

Day 10 & 11 Bruck am der Grossglock and the Scenic Road We awoke to sunshine again and had a slow day around the campsite, with a walk into the local town which appears to be sleeping after the ski season. Late afternoon rain set in but we were cosy in the Bongo. Next day we headed off for the nearby scenic road said to be the most famous alpine road into the heart of the Hohe Tauren National park, to the highest mountain in Austria the Grossglockner. Thought we had tackled it on the wrong day at first as the cloud was low, but when we reached the highest point (2,504 meters) we were blessed with an opening in the cloud, and some wonderful views thereafter, the mountains are snow capped with lovely green valleys. ... read more
Driving on Scenic Road
Pasterze Glacier
Roma Gnome says its too cold.

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg May 11th 2011

Day 9 Salzburg and ‘The Sound of Music’ Up early and drove into Salzburg to indulge Kim’s guilty pleasure , the love of his life Julie Andrews and the Sound of Music. We wandered around the pretty old town and saw where Mozart was born, and the Mirabell Gardens where they shot the scene for the ‘Do Re Mi’ song. Took the coach trip to the other Sound of Music scene places, with many other (sad) people. Had a very good Austrian /American guide who put a lot of dry humour to the trip, which I think may have been lost on the Korean’s! .Visited a beautiful church in Mondsee, where Julie married Christopher Plumber in the film. Then of course sampled yet another apple strudel! Back in Salzburg we were in the Bongo and off ... read more
Mirabell Gardens

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » St. Wolfgang May 10th 2011

Day 7 & 8 Around St Wolfgang Spent the day on the site, needed to stop for a while, especially as it was such a beautiful location. Ali managed not to work their washing machine & ended up with very wet soapy clothes!! But weather kind and all dried in no time, while we had a beer and watched the yacht sailing on the lake. Next day we were off to the UNESCO world heritage beauty site of Halstatt. So beautiful .....have a check out of the pictures, the houses are built into the side of the mountain right on the lake. We had a coffee and Ali had apple strudel while Kim had some local pancake thing. This set us up for the trip up the Krippenstein mountain. We took the cable car half way ... read more
Pancakes Austrian Style
Halstatt Lake

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Fussen May 9th 2011

Day 5 Fussen and Castle Neichwenstein This was an amazing visit to the Castle that was built by King Ludwig II and was used in the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and was the inspiration for the Castle on the logo for Walt Disney films. It was built around the 1880’s and took 17 years to build. The King only lived there for 172 days before he died in suspicious circumstances! We had a tour by a guide. which I think you might agree if you were with us, must have lived too long in one of the remote areas in the top of the castle. Walked over the Marionbrucke which offers a great view of the castle - not great if you hate heights Walked round the quaint town of Fussen. ... read more
Neuschwanstein Castle
Visit to Fussen Town

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » St. Wolfgang May 7th 2011

We left left Fussen and Germany behind on the way towards our next stay, Kim wanted a trip down memory lane and visit Lermoos a place he first went to when he was 20. It was intended to be a visit to the 1976 Olympic games, but someone offered ski lessons so never got to the games. watched it on TV instead, in the bars -good atmosphere though! We arrived at St. Wolgang our next destination for the next 3 nights. Although the site was basic, and I'm sure the toilets were haunted. The location was fantastic, right on the banks of Wolfgangsee. It has been a bit manic having cleared house and driven over a 1000 miles we just chilled out the following day.... read more
The best pitch so far
Greek God emerging

Europe » France » Franche-Comté » Belfort May 5th 2011

Day 3 Paris to Belfort France Had a lovely drive from Paris to Belfort which is not far from the German border. Slept in bongo for first time on this trip, realise that we have too much stuff and not enough storage! ... read more

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