alikim's Guestbook

15th August 2023

Love your blog about this wonderful stop and your adventures there. It’s a place I’ve always wanted to visit. Look forward to the next chapter!
From Blog: 11 The Rock
25th August 2023

Hi Robert
really appreciate your comments look forward to seeing you back in Norfolk
From Blog: 11 The Rock
18th July 2023

Glad to see all is going well. What a beautiful place and experience! Can’t wait for the next blog😍
23rd July 2023

Hi Robert
Thanks for keeping up with us!
18th July 2023
Vila de Gaiai district of Porto

Loving the Blog
Hiya Hope you are having a great time and make sure you save some of that Port for when you get back!!!
23rd July 2023
Vila de Gaiai district of Porto

We certainly do have some Port to share when we get back!
16th July 2023

Looks amazing
The bridge looks scarey!
15th July 2023
We're here!

Driving mountain passes....
Sounds as though you’re both filling your days with excitement on your travels again...with an amount of fear on the roads too!! Great photos...enjoy all to come!
14th July 2023

Looks super, something I have always wanted to do. I look forward to further updates. Safe travels. B
11th July 2023

Thanks for the Blog. The trip looks amazing and you both look like you’re having a great time. I will follow with interest. Looking forward to more eating challenges. Baby eels???
5th July 2023

So glad you’re finally off on your adventures once more! 10 weeks of fantastic memories in the making!! 😍
16th July 2016

I'm well jell would love to do the Elvis tour safe journey back next week xxxx
25th July 2016

hi Lesley Didn't realise you were a fan. I didn't think I was, but going around his place and seeing the history he was unique. Hope to see you soon x
1st July 2016

Monument Valley
Is it as spectacular as it looks? If so, I really need to go there!
2nd July 2016

Re Monument Valley
It really is amazing go early or late for best photo opportunities though. We didn't spend enough time here. The RV was rather special.
24th June 2016
Mount Rainier

Heading home?...Sorry we have moved.
Hello Wander's I thought I'd just write and let you know since you have left we have moved - The UK used to be in Europe but now we've moved to just outside Europe. We haven't got a new postcode yet but all the lines of communication seem to be open as usual. Don't forget to head for your new home when you return! The neighbours didn't want us to go but I think will stay in touch. You might well be in the best place for now as the news is a little volitile and silly here at the moment.
27th June 2016
Mount Rainier

Coming Home?
Let me know where I'm coming nearer the time its all so confusing. Is the Jungle café affected? if not see if you can reserve a table in early August.
2nd June 2016

The islands look like paradise what a fantastic destination take care xx
7th June 2016

Cook Islands
It is and amazing place and the only place we've been able to relax. .x
30th May 2016

It's great to see the trams in Christchurch are back up and running. When I was there a couple of years ago, they were still trying to sort out the CBD after the earthquake so nothing was open or working. I'm planning on going back again soon.
7th June 2016

Re Christchurch
Thanks for you comment. It a shame to see Christchurch as it is and they are building but its taking time. The trams are great and they have a new conference centre being built so hopefully might stimulate the city. Kim
25th May 2016

You both look so well Nz looks like a fantastic place! Don't think I would be walking outside that tower xx
25th May 2016

glow worms
We werent alowed to take photos either we thought they were amazing too.
17th May 2016

Loved the plcs when we stayed in rotarie our motel was right by the mud pools we couldn't open a window!!!xxx
18th May 2016

Re Mud Pools
Yes they do stink but they were amazing, Ali and Kim x

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