Judy and Rags


Judy and Rags

We first backpacked in Eastern Europe in 2001 visiting Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia & Italy. In 2002 we spent the whole 12 months backpacking around the world. This was before blogs so find details here: http://members.iinet.net.au/~weggs/weggs_world/index.htm

In 2007 we enjoyed another 6 months. This time we organised some home exchanges to help the budget, meet new people and be able to kick back and relax in a few places. Hawaii, San Francisco, Mexico, Croatia, England, Scotland, Canary Islands, Czech Republic, Austria, Netherlands, China & Tibet were all visited either briefly or for extended stays.

In 2008 apart from a few local trips that we also decided to include on our blog we went to New Zealand. We spent 3 weeks with a home exchange in the North Island and 3 weeks in the South Island traveling around in a hired camper van.

In 2009 we went to Vietnam with a group of friends we ride with, and had a great couple of weeks there. The year concluded with our trips in the north of Western Australia, including our adventures on the Gibb River Road in the Kimberleys, and our experiences in some remote schools.

2010 began with travel to Melbourne, and a slow drive back through Victoria and South Australia, on to a cycling trip to Bali, and concluded with our big adventure to Russia, Greek Islands and Turkey.

For 2011 we decided we would use our caravan and just travel in Australia. This idea didn't last long as Qantas offered less than half-price fares to USA to celebrate the direct flight to Dallas. We took the opportunity to break our around Australia trip in Queensland for 4 weeks to take this flight, giving us a chance to catch up with some American friends we met on our Russian river cruise.

2012 started with a bike/barge tour of the Netherlands with the Bikeboyz, a group Rags cycles with on Sundays. We then continued with a cruise up the Norwegian coast, some time in Lithuania, a home exchange in Romania and travel through Bulgaria, finally flying out of Istanbul to spend a few days in Dubai before going home.

2013 shaped up to be a quiet year with two weddings early in the year and baby (grandchild) due in October. These events did occur, with one wedding taking place in Bali, and the grandson, Casey, born on the 28th October. We did manage to squeeze in a few trips though, taking our caravan to Kalbarri in June, Rags and a friend driving the Canning Stock Route in July, and both of us spending 10 days in Melbourne.

2014 travels start in April when we spend 5 weeks in France with another couple. We will be joined by another couple in Prague in May and the 6 of us intend cycling along the Greenways Trail for 15 days, ending at the Austrian border from where we make our way to Vienna before flying home.
Home for 3 weeks then flying to Atlanta, USA, for a technology in education conference, afterwards spending time with friends in Florida before coming home.

In 2015 we take take our caravan to Melbourne where we leave it with friends while we have 3 weeks in Tasmania, then back to the caravan and heading north up the Victorian, NSW coast.

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia June 4th 2023

Tuesday 30th May 2023 From Cleve we drove west for about 100kms to the town of Elliston, on the west coast of Eyre Peninsula. A quick drive around town gave us the impression of a small country town with holiday houses and fishermen the main industry. After a visit to the local bakery for a coffee and vanilla slice we returned to the car and van and noticed that a window of the van was missing. We realized that it hadn’t been closed properly when we lefty Cleve this morning and that it had been torn off its hinges. That put a damper on things a bit. After getting some heavy duty builder’s plastic from the hardware store Rags closed the opening with the aid of half a roll of super strong tape he had bought ... read more
Murphy's Haystack
Three Heads Sculpture on the Elliston Clifftop Loop
Amazing sunset on the clifftop near the Great Australian Bight

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Eyre Peninsula May 25th 2023

Thursday 25th May 2023 Sitting here in the van we feel we made the right decision not to stay in Melrose. The rain has really set in. Yesterday we also felt like this as we drove down the steep winding road from the top of the Flinders Ranges west towards Port Augusta. We commented then that the roads would have been even more unpleasant if they were wet and the wind gusty. As it was, the caravan park is pleasant enough with wide access roads and roomy sites. Security here is just a tall fence separating us from the nearby railway line and a football oval. In town the fences are also tall but topped with barbed wire, and the gates are locked at night. We are about 5kms out of the centre, just far enough ... read more
Arid Lands Botanic Garden
Cuttlefish through the glass bottomed boat.
Divers braving the chilly water to see the Giant Cuttlefish

Monday 22nd May 2023 We said farewell to Moonta and headed north to Port Broughton as our first stop. Rags remembered this place from our previous trip; a one street town leading to a long jetty which faced a beautiful old hotel flanked with pine trees. And so it was. We walked most of the town, had a coffee at the bakery with a bambury, a pastry shaped like a pasty, filled with currants and citrus etc. Very tasty. Then on to Melrose via Crystal Brook (where the Jeep dropped its big-end) through the pretty town of Laura, (adjective put in for our Laura). Stone Hut, about 20kms further was our next stop, the group we travelled with a few years ago raved about the pies they had there. They hadn't lied, Judy had a Thai ... read more
Beautifully maintained hotel in Port Broughton
Stone Hut Bakery
Pies at Stone Hut

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Moonta Bay May 18th 2023

Tuesday 16th May 2023 Nice and easy departure from the park and we were soon on our way. First stop was the seafood outlet at Port Wakefield where we bought the delicious prawn meat that we discovered at a seafood seller in the back blocks, when we were stranded there. Two bags of prawn meat and two packets of smoked salmon were purchased before we visited the bakery there for a coffee. Then on to Moonta. Here we were soon booked in at the caravan park with an easy drive-through bay right on the water's edge. We drove back to the township and spent some time reuniting with the sights. Little had changed since we were here 6 years ago, some shops had gone, others in their place, new ones now there. It was lovely to ... read more
Thomas descendants at William Thomas grave
Children singing for each "dressing".
Nankivell Park

Monday 1st May 2023 As we had packed up most of the gear yesterday it was an easy morning before our departure. As the total distance we intended travelling today was just over 60kms we were in no rush. The car performed beautifully today and we are both regaining confidence in the Jeep. First stop was Strathalbyn, a small town we visited on an earlier trip. Lovely little town and one with good memories for us. Last time we were here we visited a motor museum/exotic car sales place. Rags then fell in love with a Maserati sedan they were selling but common sense (and Judy) prevailed. Parts impossible to get, need to manufacture your own. We found the business again, now greatly expanded in new buildings, still with lots of different exotic cars for sale. ... read more
Kimbolton Wines, Langhorne Creek
Milang on Lake Alexandrina
Monarto Safari Park

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Victor Harbor April 30th 2023

Thursday 20th April 2023 Now that we had a definite date for the return of the car our spirits lifted a little. We, (Rags), had become a little pessimistic, and even with the news of the car’s expected completion, still wondering what the total exercise was going to cost us. On reflection, we did become more positive, whatever it costs so be it! A 5 kms ride to the next town, Evanston, was our objective for the day, as we discovered they had an Aldi! Sure enough, we walked out with a couple of things we ‘needed’. Better still though was the fig slice we shared with the coffee from the nearby café. Yum. Yesterday Rags had checked this area out and from the butcher next door had bought a couple of ‘T’ bones for last ... read more
Beautiful old Barossa buildings
Old Church in Tanunda

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Gawler April 19th 2023

Monday 10th April 2023 - Wednesday 19th April 2023 We're still here, it's not as bad as it could be, in fact we're almost enjoying our extended time here. We tend to plan our days the night before, being very flexible and often changing our minds several times the next morning. Since the last blog entry we have travelled to Adelaide city several times, spoken to the Service Manager where our Jeep is more than several times, enjoyed a vintage car rally in town, been for a long walk from Belair down the hills to a train station closer to home, visited the town of Hahndorf for at least the 4th time, this time with an elaborate and filling lunch, plus explored the surrounding towns. If it wasn't for the fact that we are "forced" into ... read more
Gawler is a city  of churches.
Lot's of fun and festivities in the city for the Football Gather About.
More football fun!

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Gawler April 3rd 2023

Monday 3rd – Sunday 9th April, 2023 We are trying to make this enforced stop in Gawler a positive one, just part of out whole trip and adventure. We have often said that we should settle in one spot for a while and get to know the area rather than moving on regularly as we have been doing. To this end we try to organize activities to do and see as much as we can in a day rather than just letting things happen. On Monday we met up with Judy’s cousin Kathy and husband Harald for lunch at a nearby hotel. We were joined by another cousin, Fred, who Judy hadn’t seen since she was 12 years old, and his partner. Good food and good conversation was had. Tuesday was our cycling day and ... read more
We made it!
Start of the Barossa Valley
Beautiful old Catholic Church in Gawler

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide March 23rd 2023

Tuesday 21st March 2023 Hooray, we’re off! Both of us were happy to leave The Airport Caravan Park. This was one of the worst parks we have stayed at in the 15 years we have been caravanning. Reception was surly, grounds very run down, facilities old and not clean, but as they were the only campground that had any vacancies. They charged like wounded bulls and no paperwork was done! Our advice to others would be to stay away, as we will on our return journey. We put these comments on the net to warn others. Poochera was our first stop today. Like so many of the small wheatbelt towns there was little there besides the silos and the corner shop. This town did have a small museum, which was closed, plus an outdoor display of ... read more
Pildappa Rock.
Tchardkulda Rock near Minnipa.
Mosaic mural in Kimba.

Oceania » Australia » South Australia March 16th 2023

Thursday 16th March 2023 Today we set off at 8am, the next part of our adventure. We had no destination in mind, just that we would head towards Esperance but to cut off before getting there and follow the highway towards Norseman. We stopped in Ravensthorpe for a coffee, but as we had explored this area previously and found the town RV spot rather lacking we had no desire to stay. We continued on the planned route and before we knew it we had travelled over 530kms and reached Bromus Dam just 30kms or so short of Norseman. We camped on one side of the dam, four others around the other side. Bliss! Rags baited a yabbie trap and set it to see if there was anything in the dam. These dams were built for the ... read more
Bromus Dam
Bunda Cliffs
Nullabor Roadhouse

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