Two of Us' Guestbook

29th September 2014

What a lot of great photos, glad you are having such a good time.......Darlene
From Blog: A Magical Day
29th September 2014

So many great places to see!
Yes, Darlene, we are seeing and experiencing so many wonderful people and places. I think I'll need a month of rest just to get over my vacation! Looking forward to seeing you when I get back. Michele
From Blog: A Magical Day
28th September 2014

Cute homes
I suspect they aren't dirt cheap, but, built for the right sized people!
From Blog: A Magical Day
29th September 2014

Lovely Little Places
"dirt cheap" -- very clever!
From Blog: A Magical Day
28th September 2014

Gandalf quote
Or so true...the world is to be country at a time. Enjoy the quiet and the stars. No photos needed.
From Blog: A Magical Day
28th September 2014

It's a small world
Hi Lovies, I think this is our size Dave, I bet I know what Michele was wearing, her thermals. Looks like you two are having a great time. Love Judy and Mal
From Blog: A Magical Day
28th September 2014

Gotta say
Your photography is fantastic...hit Follow...looking forward to more delights
27th September 2014

What fun!
It's the kind of tourist place I'd like to go! (I'm a Hobbit fan!)
From Blog: A Magical Day
27th September 2014
Green Lake

Green Lake
26th September 2014

Pat and Erin
Erin says hello:-) She loves the gannet pictures & I promise to take her to Muriwai some day.
26th September 2014

Hello you two
So glad Erin enjoyed the photos of the birds. They were amazing! Hope you get a sunny day when you take her :)
26th September 2014

We did well!
Considering the rain was blasting down every half hour, amazing you captured these shots!
From Blog: Touring Auckland
26th September 2014

We did great!
Canada gives you lots of practice in ignoring the weather and making the best of it. It also helps when you're spending time with a special Auntie!
From Blog: Touring Auckland
26th September 2014

David you have the appearance of the professional photo journalists at sporting events. I envy the spots you and Michelle have visited todate. Thanks again for including me. Al
25th September 2014
"Edgy" Tulip

The Winter Garden
So many flowers so little time
25th September 2014

Almost my back yard!
Great photos - I go past here every day on the way to work :-) How long are you in Auckland for?
25th September 2014

Just passing through
Hi Jo - You're so lucky to live in such a great place. We've already left Auckland (you know it takes time to get all the writing, picture taking and uploading done!) Right now we're in Rotorua, and then we're on to the South Island for more adventure. We will be returning Auckland for one day to visit my aunt again before we fly home to Canada.
23rd September 2014

Camel rocks. Best ride ever. Beats a purple convertible hands down.
From Blog: Camels
23rd September 2014

A purple camel would be even better!
Maybe we could paint the camel purple -- I think Jilly-Bean would love that! Hope all is well at your end of the planet, Michele
From Blog: Camels
22nd September 2014
Iconic Sydney Opera House

The Opera House
23rd September 2014
Iconic Sydney Opera House

Thank you
Glad you appreciated it, it is a beauty!
21st September 2014
Hello Sydney

Very nice photo
21st September 2014
Leading the Camel Train

Nice one
From Blog: Camels

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