Two of Us' Guestbook

17th October 2014
Jewel in the mountains

A jewel indeed!
These photos are just as I imagined the South Island to be. What fine hiking trails, and I love that bridge! I've a writer friend who wants to help preserve stories, so I sent her your APH connection. Thanks for that.
17th October 2014
Jewel in the mountains

You should to go there!
The South Island is magnificent and you should to go there! It's a place that needs to be experienced! APH is a great organization, so glad you've let your friend know about it.
9th October 2014
Dramatic Clouds over lake

Great Cloud Shot
It looks so amazing. Was it an ultra wide angle or it's just the way clouds were? The rest of the shot doesn't look ultra wide.
9th October 2014
Dramatic Clouds over lake

Cloud Capture
Hi Arya this was with a 10-22mm lens on a 1.6 crop EOS M body. (16-35mm effective.) This image was taken at 10mm wide so it is pretty wide, which does enhance the clouds that are most of the shot. Since there is not much on the ground to scale against, that may make the ground portion seem ok and not wide. Also pointing the camera up enhances the perspective distortion in the sky. Hope that answers your question...
9th October 2014
Sunrise from Sandfly Outlook

Amazing Photo of Sunrise from Sandfly Outlook
Wow! This is a commercial poster shot.
9th October 2014
Sunrise from Sandfly Outlook

Thanks Arya
9th October 2014

Castle exploring
I love looking around old mansions and castles - how exciting to actually meet the owner of one!
9th October 2014

Life is full of surprises!
And, this trip has given us sooo many!
9th October 2014
Sunrise from Sandfly Outlook

Magical meet-up!
It seems your meeting was meant to be! How wonderful to have such knowledgeable and enthusiastic tour guides. I've loved your photos on the front page for some time, so it's great to finally read one of your blogs! Looking forward to more....
9th October 2014
Sunrise from Sandfly Outlook

Thank you, Tara
We do indeed feel like the planets have aligned. And, it's just icing on the cake when others can share in our journey!
8th October 2014

Allan's beach
Great pictures as always, it's nice to have a beach named after me!
8th October 2014

I knew I felt a presence
So that was you howling in the wind!
8th October 2014

Photo of the week!!!
Beautiful scenery, wildlife, the ocean, great hospitality, how was the food?!
8th October 2014

The World's Our Oyster!
It looks good & tastes good too!
7th October 2014

The only way to walk on a beach...
.... barefoot!! Great photos.
8th October 2014

You're right about that, Jo!
But, you do have to have great circulation in this weather!
7th October 2014
Sea Gull on Rock

Moeraki Boulders
Beautiful image of this interesting area
7th October 2014

"the ooze"
I would indeed love to hear of any ideas Diane has to contain and/or limit the growth of things beyond their boarders! It would appear that this disease is alive and well down under too.
7th October 2014

Incurable Affliction
Yes, Terri there is another soul in the universe who knows your suffering. Perhaps we could start a foundation and start raising money to find a cure for this disease.
30th September 2014

Laughed & Cried
I've just sat down to catch up on you adventure down under. We've been in Houston enjoying Jacob and had poor internet connection. Some of David's photo's brought tears to my eyes - they touch places in your soul you didn't know were there. I had no problem seeing you locked out of your room and trying to get David's attention - classic you! Now I changed to tears of hilarity! I'm not sure what price the boys listed the house for.
From Blog: A Magical Day
3rd October 2014

It's been a whirl wind!
We've been a little 'out of touch' too -- either not great computer connections or so many great connections with the people we've met that we don't get to the computer! I'm so far behind on the blog, but we're now in Wanaka for about a week & should get caught up. So glad you're enjoying the blog. David has been on top of the world taking photos -- don't know how we'll return to normal when we get home. (Glad we made you laugh & the crying is good if it touches the soul.)
From Blog: A Magical Day

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