Kassandra & Geoff


Kassandra & Geoff

Welcome to The Smith's travel blog! We are just beginning our journey today.....

South America » Colombia May 20th 2011

Well Geoff woke up feeling better but I woke up feeling worse. Apparently we've caught some sort of a bug to finish off our trip. Shoot. I actually feel so bad that I can't even really eat OR drink coffee. So we know something is really off. Thankfully Geoff has his appetite back & is eating well enough for both of us. So today was essentially a repeat of yesterday only I felt icky & Geoff was feeling better. We kept telling each other that if there is anywhere to be sick this would be it. At least the worst of our worries is whether to lay in the sun or sit in the shade in a hammock. The food was amazing again only I couldn't eat much of it. I had a couple bites but ... read more
Shower Curtain Frog
Watch for falling coconuts!
Happy Hour Frog

South America » Colombia May 19th 2011

Oh my goodness, the bugs at night are crazy. There are so many sounds & calls & croaks. We were cracking up as we were falling asleep last night. There are a ton of frogs around here & they make some nutty sounds. There's one frog that I named Dog Frog because I laid in bed listening to this dog barking for a long time. But then I realized that it was a frog, not a dog at all. The bark was so evenly spaced & then I had Geoff listening & we decided it was a frog. We heard the Dog Frog every night. It is too funny. It sounds just like a dog barking. Then this morning, the birds took over the job of making sure it was not quiet. The bird calls are ... read more
The dining room.
The beach...

South America » Colombia May 18th 2011

Today we are up & moving slowly. Those darn tequila shots. Wow. We saw Daniel walking by this morning while we were eating breakfast out front. He's heading to the dive shop. Lucky. Oh well, we are on our way to the little beach town of Palomino today. Once we had some breakfast & of course, coffee we headed to our room & slowly packed up & caught the bus out of town. We had to stop in Santa Marta so we did just a little more shopping. It's like the thought of heading home has made shopping important. Trinkets are necessary for our memories! Of course, it is swelteringly hot today & we waited for our bus on a very busy street corner with lots of noise & exhaust fumes. My favs. Our bus to ... read more
Shoe Shopping!
Geoff's second trip to the barber shop.
Fresh Fruit!

South America » Colombia » Santa Marta » Taganga May 17th 2011

Up early & repeated yesterdays breakfast before diving. I guess we don't care if we're paying for it...Their coffee is really good, so it's worth it. Plus we get a glass of freshly made juice & it's been different each morning, so that's nice. Today we're diving again with Juan, our DM from yesterday, & one other girl. It's raining this morning & before our first dive we all sat on the boat trying to get ready & just getting drenched from the rain. At least it's not cold & you can't tell it's raining once you're deep enough. It was kind of fun. Our first dive was at Juan's favorite dive spot & it was incredible. There were so many fish & they were sooo big & healthy. We saw the biggest Angelfish we've seen ... read more
Our last dive day...
Juan, Kassandra and our new friend from Austrailia.
Adios Kassandra

South America » Colombia » Taganga May 16th 2011

Up early, had breakfast in our hostel, scrambled eggs with the typical onions & tomatoes, & off to the dive shop. I had a circular conversation with one of the girls that works in the hostel where I asked if breakfast was included with the room & she never said yes but she never said no & I asked 3 different ways without getting an answer ( I guess that should have indicated that we were paying for breakfast...). We got situated at the dive shop, got our gear, met our DM's & our group for the day & off to the boat we went. The boats are all accessed on the beach & our boat is teeny tiny. Probably one of the smallest dive boat we've been on. But, it does the trick, it was ... read more
Yippee, another day of diving!
Going down!
A school of little silver guys.

South America » Colombia » Taganga May 15th 2011

It is pouring down rain in Cartagena this morning. The same big black clouds are hovering over the city now. I sat on the balcony this morning & just watched it pour. The streets were flooding over & it was wet. I walked out to get some coffee once the rain subsided for a minute. Of course it started to pour again so I stood there on the sidewalk & watched it rain while drinking my mini cup of coffee. I got another for the walk back & returned to the hostel. Once Geoff woke up we packed up & made breakfast. Eggs & leftover fried rice & headed out into the old town, again, to change our remaining US dollars. Once that was done we headed back to our hostel, grabbed our bags & headed ... read more
Me and the the local delivery guy were the only ones up.
Morning coffee on the balcony.
A half dozen eggs and a side of feathers.

South America » Colombia » Cartagena May 14th 2011

Last night it poured down rain. It was nuts. The wind was blowing & the rain was dumping down on us. Due to the fact that we don't have a door or a cover on the little window, we could feel the rain drops occassionally when the wind would blow just right. It was fun but very very damp. The craziest part was when the wind would really blow we could feel the entire structure sway under us. A bit unnerving at times, but we survived. We woke up this morning to a continuation of torrential downpour. The clouds were so black, it looked like we were stuck in the middle of a huge rain cloud. So, we hid out in our room for as long as we possibly could until we were starving. We read ... read more
A look back at Hugo's while standing in the Sea.
On the boat ride to Cartagena.
Yummy fried rice!

South America » Colombia May 13th 2011

Sleeping right on the water really is amazing. It's so nice to listen to the sounds of the Sea. However, it makes everything so damp. It almost feels like it rained in the room but it's just the moisture from the water & all the humidity. It's just damp 100% of the time. Things will dry off in the sun but overnight they absorb all the moisture out of the air & are wet again. We slept great in our little fort/palapa. The bed is so comfy. Today was quite a lazy day. We can be really good at taking full advantage of the rest & relaxation portion of our days. We walked down the beach & had breakfast at the same place we had lunch yesterday. Their food is too good & well priced. The ... read more
Hugo's Place
The beach at Playa Blanca
Our Palapa

South America » Colombia May 12th 2011

The alarm went off 7:30. We fell asleep around 3:30. It was not a pretty morning. We both were feeling the effects of the bebidas from last night. Woo. But, we have to be on the dock to catch our boat at 9 so we dealt with it. We're heading to Playa Blanca this morning. To get there we have to take a bus to the local fisherman pier (which ends up being a handful of tiny piers right next to a busy street in a little channel off the bay) & see if we can find a boat going out to Playa Blanca. This is the cheapest way to do it. Otherwise we could go with all the tourist companies & pay twice as much. We were told not to bring much & leave all ... read more
On the boat.
In front of Hugo's Place.
Reading on the beach.

South America » Colombia » Cartagena May 11th 2011

This morning we woke up & walked down the street to the square next to one of the cathedrals. It seems to be a hangout area for everyone & the guys that sell coffee are there. The coffee guys have several different thermoses filled with coffee, coffee with milk, coffee with sugar, etc. The craziest thing is that they serve the coffee in these teeny tiny plastic cups that you have to hold from the top otherwise you will burn your hands. Each cup costs about 35 cents but it's about 5 sips worth. So, we sat down on a bench right near the coffee guy so that we could buy refills as soon as we finished one tiny cup. It was nice to sit & watch the families walk their little kids, in uniforms, to ... read more
One of many cute colonial streets in Cartagena.
On top of the wall surrounding the city.
We found some shade in this little archway so we sat here and ate our lunch.

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