
The Dangling Carrot


Time to update my profile. (12/1/12)

Life is one big adventure. I know someone of note has said something like this in the past. I am a convert to the Big Adventure.

I have spent my first 42 years in a conventional vacuum. What I considered was a normal conventional life was sucking the life out of me. It's 4 years ago now that I decided to leave the 'norm' and I suppose now I have become a bit of an ' itinerant '. Not a label that businesses, financial institutions and Government departments have in the permanent address field on paperwork.

I have explored a small percentage of the world, being very picky about where I spend a lot of time, Costa Rica 3 months, Vietnam 3 months, China 1 year, Spain 2 months, UK and Germany this last 18 months equally; with smaller times spent in and out of Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong, France, Morocco and home to Australia twice. And more recently Italy, my first visit. All have been great adventures! Don't ask which was my favourite because you can't compare between different cultures and experiences. Refer DavidnLynne for blogs 2008-2009

Now, I've decided to swap 'itinerancy' for 'normalcy' for the sake of another adventure. It's a high price to pay. I'll be back in Brighton UK area to live so that I can train to become a bus driver. Something I'd thought to do in my retirement, but why wait? In this year of the London hosted Olympics it should prove to be interesting and fun. I've been watching episodes of 'On the Buses' on Youtube to get into character.

UPDATE UPDATE - I am now driving double decker buses in Brighton. What a laugh!

A mission: to put a smile on the faces of those who look like they need it. It's a challenge.

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex March 12th 2011

Panorama Fantastic Wall Art above a couple of funky stores in North Laine, Brighton When I visited England last year, it was a great surprise to me how much I would like this country. The people are friendly and I love the British sense of humour. I'd only spent 6 hours in Brighton last March but when I had to think about where I would go in the UK to live, it was the easiest decision. This is a place of differences but what I like the most about it is the acceptance of these differences. This place is famous for it's gay-punk-alternative-retiree-immigrant-family-student community. In fact, it's called 'London by the Sea'. You can sit at a cafe and watch the parade of characters walking around The Lanes but what is most striking is no local ... read more
Saturday in The Lanes
And who are you then?
Saturday in The Lanes

Europe » United Kingdom » England March 10th 2011

Panorama Spring is arriving in Southern England The Train. It's such a lovely way to travel. And in Europe, I prefer it against the likes of Sardine Airlines. So, on the morning of 11/02/2011 (such an auspicious date in numerology), I travelled on four trains to get from Buhl to London. It was easy and well timed. Buhl to Offenburg. I left earlier so that I had plenty of time between trains and I could meet with Barbara for coffee in Offenburg and farewell. Offenburg to Strasbourg. A little time to sit and have lunch. Strasbourg to Paris. The only real excitement was that this train was delayed by over half an hour and I had to find my way from Paris East to Paris North station and check in for London 15 minutes prior to ... read more
He is so pitiful, I want to take him home.
The Force on a horse in front of Big Ben
Satiated after a big roast lunch

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Buhl (Baden) February 28th 2011

Panorama Pretty Picture Windows in Buhl It seems that this year Buhl is the city to host the annual Fool Festival. 8000 fools from all over southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland have gathered in this small city to participate in a parade that shows off their foolishness. I've modified and commented on an article with translation online to announce this festival. It goes something like this... 'With 33 clubs of fools, Bühl .. is one of the strongholds.' I've been here for almost 3 months and didn't see any of them out in public. I've been looking for these kinds of people all this time. They may have been in hiding until they could legitimately come out, as it were. 'From 4-6 February... all records will be broken in the Plum City.' What kind of records ... read more
Fools parade - Buhl
Fools parade - Buhl
Fools parade - Buhl

Europe » France » Alsace » Strasbourg February 24th 2011

Panorama A movie set around the Cathedral of Strasbourg. The woman on the right in black is a famous French actress, allegedly...couldn't say who, sorry. I had a chance to pop over the border into France and enjoy the sights of Strasbourg. I love saying that, pop over into France or day trip to Switzerland (not that I've done this yet). Australia is so remote that we can't just say stuff like that offhandedly. Mostly we can say that we've gone to Noosa or Coolangatta or perhaps as far as Byron for the weekend. There used to be secret potluck flights with an old airline-gone-bust, that would fly you to Sydney or Melbourne for a shopping day. Not sure if any of the current providers still have these types of promotions. Anyway...first time, was with the ... read more
L'epicurie of Strasbourg
Strasbourg street scene
A great way to decorate a florist shop

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Baden-Baden February 12th 2011

Panorama Trinkhalle I've visit Baden Baden to have a look around and it is where I am now learning German. Baden Baden is a tourist town built around the natural hot springs. The Romans had a lot to do with the set up but it seems that the Russians have moved in now to run things. For a tourist town, you would think that you would be met with smiles and helpful people. On the contrary. When you walk the beautifully kept streets and view the magnificent old architecture, you'll feel a coldness. And it has nothing to do with the weather. There are many people walking the streets wearing their fur hats and coats and stone cold expressions. Just today I watched a tourist couple asking people for directions on the map they were carrying. ... read more
Interest facade. The upper floor is painted on.
Busker outside McDonalds
Street Scene

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden February 9th 2011

Panorama Star Lanterns Friday 31st December. Excitement. Road trip. Packed bags. Buhl to Dresden. Road maps. Snow. Traffic. Autobahn. Fast Audi, Merc, Porsche. Stick to the right. Inside the car. Music. Chatter. Chocolates and other nibblies. Attempt to pronounce names from street signs. Laughter. 7 hours. Bavaria. Saxony. Mountains. Snowstorm. City lights. Left and right. Yellow house. Sylke. Hugs. Kisses. Laughter. Where's Jens. Inside. Searching. Find Jens. More hugging. Laughter. Excitement. Dinner. Thai. Lecker. Wine. Love. Laughter. Get dressed. New Year's Eve Party. Lingnerterrassen. Palace. Overdressed theme. River Elbe. Snow. Ancient buildings. People. Music. Drink. Singing. Dancing. Loud music. More drink. More dancing. Still singing. Dancing Queen. Fun. Laughter. More drink. Midnight. Happy New Year. Fireworks. Mo... read more
Inside the dome of Frauenkirche
Me and Jens
Overdressed and ready to dance

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Buhl (Baden) February 4th 2011

Panorama A German village in the snow What a contrast my life is to this time last year. One year ago I was finishing up a teaching contract in China. Since then I've been home to Australia twice, travelled in England, Wales, France, Morocco, Germany and walked across Spain. You could say that the last year has been one of growth and realising new strengths in me that I didn't know I possessed. I've learned to be on my own and enjoy my company. I've also learned to open my heart again which has brought me a wonderful gift. What seemed to be something I thought would be beyond reach, is now a normal part of my life. That is travel. I can look at the world in a new light, feel like I'm part of ... read more
Christmas Tree
A walk in to town
frozen rose

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan November 16th 2010

Panorama - My family! There's no other like it. You know you're getting old when your brother turns 50. But what better way to come together as a family than for the four of Glenn, Suzy, Mum and myself to hop a flight to Brunei to help celebrate the event. We haven't spent time together on a holiday since...thinking, thinking... I suppose, the last time we came together was for mum's 70th birthday bash early 2008. But before that....crikey! I think we were kids! The laughs started early...even before we arrived at the airport. Perhaps it was a few nerves and the excitement of travelling together, and wondering whether we could all spend 5 days together again. Check in at Brisbane Airport went smoothly except for a little altercation with the clerk who insisted that ... read more
One of the many stalls on the Malaysian border.
Chicken bottoms on a stick
There were 8 in the car and the little one said...

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Sunshine Coast November 10th 2010

Panorama - Sunrise from Moffat Headland I can't believe that I've been out of travel action for 4 months! But then, I really haven't. I have been questioned, by my brother, numerous times, why I don't write about Australia. I've returned home twice now since venturing out 2 1/2 years ago. I suppose when I'm back home, it's like a rest stop for me or I hadn't considered my visit home as part of my travels. Although it was a bit of a waiting game before I returned to Europe, I decided to still look at each day through the eyes of a traveller and I marvelled at how beautiful my home can be. I ventured out each day like a tourist, with the bum bag or backpack. I looked at the sights with new eyes ... read more
Early morning walk, Osprey Sunrise
Simply Stunning
Moffat Beach early morning

Africa » Morocco June 29th 2010

Panorama Fishing boats in the harbour Day 104 - 109 Essaouira Crossing the lines of Personal Space. There was a fence between us. It may as well have been an ocean. Two different worlds with perhaps, 2 metres between us. I was on the inside of the fence on the front terrace of a restaurant. A finished vegetable tajine and a lot of bread left in the basket, a pot of mint tea with a glass served on a silver tray were on the table in front of me. My meal only cost 4 euro (Aust $6). He was maybe 8 years old, standing on the other side of the barrier, a little dirty and dishevelled, well-worn clothing, and with the softest of voices, barely reaching over the top with his hand held out holding a ... read more

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