The Cat Herder and His Wife

The Cat Herder Gold Rush

The Cat Herder and His Wife

The Cat Herder and his wife are a retired couple residing most of the year in Northeastern USA. Since retirement we have taken a liking to traveling, sometimes with a large group of our friends, other times with our long time friends and travel companions, John and Diane. The term "Cat herder and his wife" originated from our first Med cruise. There was a group of 12 on that trip, all retired. Watching us try to keep everyone on schedule and in the right place, one member stated it looked like herding cats. The name stuck. We plan on traveling until it becomes physically impossible or we run out of our children's inheritance.

Well, we are back to where there is some good internet, so I will fill you in on the last two days. Our night at The Ranch RV Park was rain, rain and more rain. The creek, which was more like a river, in front of where we were parked was really flowing with all the rain that had fallen. We had decided last night not to rush out in the morning, and we didn't. We left at 9:15 in a light drizzle, and low cloud cover. The rain finally stopped , but the clouds hung low obscuring the views until we were approaching Talkeetna, then the sun appeared. We checked in at the Talkeetna Camper Park and noticed that there were many other Great Alaskan RV's there. It was a very nice place with trees ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska May 28th 2024

We all enjoyed our visit to Valdez very much. The setting for the town is so incredibly beautiful, and the people so very friendly. The RV park sits right on the edge of the town, a short walk to anything. Also, it borders on the edge of Prince William sound, with views of the mountains all around us. This morning the skies were grey with low hanging clouds and rain. We started out about 8:15 and decided to do a quick run to the one and only grocery store. Let me tell you, the prices were unbelievable. They even made the ones in Naples, Florida look Cheap. I really don't know how families do it here. We found that the restaurant prices were much higher than back home as well. I guess when you think about ... read more
Snowbank higher than the RV
Our campsite

North America » United States » Alaska » Valdez May 27th 2024

Had a very relaxing morning, as the pick up for our glacier, Prince William Sound, cruise was not until 9:30. Felt really good to veg a little and not have to be out the door for 8:00. The van was prompt and brought us to the docks where we checked in, then got in line to board the boat. We had decided on one of Stan Stephens glacier and wildlife cruises that included going to the Columbia Glacier. The early morning had started out with light rain, and very low hanging clouds. We were all quite concerned about what we would be able to see if the weather did not improve. But, low and behold, as we began to board the sun started to peek through and just got brighter as the morning wore on. Our ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Valdez May 26th 2024

On the road at 8:20 today with a quick stop at the gas pumps to drop a quick $117. Gas here is $4.29 per gallon, and I'm sure the price will continue to increase. Being that these RV's get around 9 miles to a gallon the fuel costs are quite high. I will have a total expenditure at the end of the trip. We all loved the Tok RV Village as it was clean, had trees, and the spots were not on top of each other. It was a welcome treat after our last stop. We saw a couple of Great Alaskan Holiday rigs there also enjoying the stop. I met a couple that had driven all the way from Florida. They are taking an unlimited amount of time to tour the country and said the ... read more

North America » United States » Alaska » Tok May 25th 2024

Left today at 7:45 and were met with another beautiful day with Mt Logan ahead of us standing at 16,000 plus feet. We are heading to Tok, Alaska today, which mileage wise, is only 294 miles, but takes many more hours than you would think because of the road conditions. Destruction Bay is one of the towns on this road that grew out of the building of the Alaska Highway. It earned its name when a storm went through the area and destroyed all of the buildings and materials. It now has a population of 64 residents, and is also know for its terrible roads. Ray had been on the lookout for a pharmacy, but did not find one there. I doubt very much he will find one in any of these small towns. These towns ... read more

North America » Canada » Yukon » Haines Junction May 23rd 2024

Woke up this morning freezing. Ray had forgotten to turn up the heater before going to bed, but as soon as he did it was quite toasty. The boys came over for breakfast this morning and we discussed modifying our route so we could spend a little more time in certain locations. Not being able to take the Alaska Highway from Dawson Creek, and having to head West instead, added more miles to our trip. We reached the end of the Cassier Highway yesterday, and are now on the Alaska Highway (Alcan). They say there is a lot of wildlife on this highway, and we saw our first bear of the day shortly after leaving the campground. The bear did not seem frightened at all so we finally got some nice pictures. The weather started off ... read more
spending the night at 40 degrees

North America » Canada » Yukon » Watson Lake May 23rd 2024

The good news is that we are at a campground that has a laundry…yippee!, and internet. The bad news is that in order to use the internet we have to be at the laundry. Seeing as we just drove seven and a half hours, we are heading back to our RV and drinking. Will fill you in on today’s events tomorrow.... read more
view on the cassier hwy

North America » Canada » Yukon » Watson Lake May 22nd 2024

Okay, finally have internet so I can post our blogs. We reluctantly hit the road at 7:45. We all loved this campground at Lake Meziadin, but there are more adventures ahead. Once again the sun was shining and the air was crisp and clear. Ray wishes that he had time for fishing here as the conditions are perfect for it. The scenery was as advertised, absolutely beautiful. The mountains are all still snow covered, and there is still some on the roadside in the shaded areas. This road is traveled by large long logging trucks that are really moving, and not afraid to pass you on this two lane road, yikes! We passed Bell 2, a spot that we had spent a night on our last trip. At that time it had RV hook ups, and ... read more

Left the Ft. Fraser campground at 7:45 today, topped off the tank, (About $4.60 per gal), and continued on the Yellowhead Highway to the Cassier Highway. I was very disappointed last night that the campground laundry was closed since our laundry is starting to pile up. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I resorted to washing our underwear by hand in the sink. We had them hanging all over the camper, very attractive. I'm not optimistic about finding one in the next couple of campgrounds on the Cassier, but in the meantime we'll have clean undies. Ray said that we should be able to get four wearings out of each, front, back and inside out...I think NOT! After leaving Fraser it did not take us long to get back to the rolling hills and some ... read more
Along the Yellowhead
Entering BC
Cassier HWY

After a restful sleep we woke up to another glorious day. It was quite cold during the night and our propane heater worked all night. We had three blankets on the bed just in case. Our first stop of the day was Lake Louise, an area where you just can't stop taking photos. The lake is still frozen except for some open areas on the edges which expose the crystal clear water below. After our photo ops we climbed back in our RV's and headed to the Iceland Parkway. It is impossible to describe the beauty on this roadway. There are scenic vistas at every turn of this 144 mile highway. This is our third time traveling through it, and I still am blown away with the scenery. At the Columbia Icefields, we stopped and had ... read more
Parkway Overlook

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