Page 7 of Sunnyskate Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Bormujos May 26th 2011

Record breaker: solomente 4 fotos hoy... I only took 4 photos today and 1 wasn't even to do with Sevilla...just something I had to send the helpless desk at school. Tonight is going to be short. I'm so behind in my homework that I stayed up until 3:30 yesterday and it's going to be probably almost 2 today. It's easy to get behind when you don't know what you're doing. It would be ok if I understood it in English, but some of the grammar that comes naturally to me...well, if you try to explain it in Spanish and I never paid attention in English... This morning it rained for the first time since I arrived. Approximately three drops. ;) Seriously, it started to sprinkle when we went into class, was not even drizzling during break, ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Bormujos May 25th 2011

First thing out of the gate I got “lost”. I decided to go running this morning. Was going to meet up with friends but I wasn’t sure if they were already out or not so I just went off on my own. Probably should stick to the main avenues and not venture up the hill because the streets are not parallel and I totally ended up way further from the apartments than I intended. The good thing is that I’m regaining my sense of direction now that I kind of know where I am. I still can’t even tell by the sun because it’s always so high! (Love it!) I decided to make sure I was heading back in the right direction and asked a couple where Espinosa y Carcel was (where our night classes are ... read more
Churros y chocolate

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Bormujos May 24th 2011

I went for a run this morning. I did not plan to go for a run this morning. Katie didn’t either but at least she wore her sneakers. Mental note: The train station is not in the same direction as everything else. Rest assured I will not forget that. Despite running alllll the way after we headed in the wrong direction first, we were only able to get to the station in enough time to wave bye to the train. Had we known which staircase to take, we *might* have made it. We weren’t the only ones with directional problems this morning…Mitch & Ryan joined us and we actually still made it to class just a few minutes late after catching the next train. On the plus side, I spoke to many people on the street ... read more
Kellogg's Choco Krispies!
The purple tree side of the street
The oranges side of the street

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Bormujos May 23rd 2011

5-23 I’m trying to remember to not write in Spanish…or Spanglish…though I’m pretty sure some of you could fake your way through it. #1: My earplugs work very well. They block out everything that could possibly wake me up in my jet-lagged state. Including my alarm clock. Luckily, I have a cool roommate who poked me a few times… #2: When you are referring to the weather being hot or yourself being temperature hot, don’t use “caliente”…Bonus: My class got a good laugh when the profesora explained why not to… #3: One thing I wish I brought with me is Sudafed. My allergies whacked me upside the head after walking around Sevilla last night… When our professors asked how we were this morning, I said, “Tengo un terremoto en mi cabeza!” (I have an earthquake in ... read more
La Farmacia
The cool BP machine!

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Bormujos May 22nd 2011

Just for the record. I really don't know if I'm in Bormujos. It sounded familiar from my choices..? The wait for our Chicago bound flight was rather uneventful. Small plane; I was my own row. Shortly after takeoff, I spotted RIT and the skaaaaating rink (that I will miss very much). I was following I-90 for a while and eventually spotted Niagara Falls. It was the first time I had seen them from the air. Pretty neat. Looked like the water was frozen in place. Since we had a good four hours to entertain ourselves at O’Hare, we decided to find our gate and grab some food while we had the chance. Cha-ching. Grand total of airport food for the day = $25 (breakfast sandwich & water in Rochester; Wolfgang Puck rockin’ turkey & avocado sandwich, ... read more

North America » United States » New York » Rochester May 21st 2011

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” (Eleanor Roosevelt) While I don't think it's absolutely necessary to SCARE oneself, I think of this quote as stretching the limits and going places I have never been--literally and figuratively speaking. Take my travel radius for example. Myrtle Beach (SC) - Minneapolis (MN) - Bar Harbor (ME)...that's about to be fixed! I have no idea what to expect. For the first and last time (...sorry Canada, you don't count in this instance), I will set foot on foreign soil with not one iota of experience and few preconceived notions. I'm quite curious! We'll also be finding out how 'well' I can speak Spanish verrrrrrry shortly. ;) Ciao for now!... read more

North America » United States » New York » Rochester April 30th 2011

Three weeks til this Rochesterian gets to soak up some rays! I can't believe we leave in just a few short weeks. The time there will fly as we have class or excursions every day but one, I believe. Looking forward to spending some time on the Mediterranean before embarking on the rest of the travels!... read more

North America » United States » New York » Rochester April 1st 2011

1 Spain meeting down, 1 to go this Sat. My GISP (Graduate International Studies Program) co-conspirators and I will also be discussing our itinerary post-España! * I know who my roommate will be. * I know who my Spanish professor will *not* be. * I think the professor who is not going with us thinks the world is out to get us. I'll be ok. Really. * I will not wear stilettos and trip on the cobblestone streets. I promise (that I won't trip on cobblestone..). * I also promise I will not blow up my hair from using a flat iron from home with the converter plug.... read more

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