Page 5 of Sunnyskate Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona June 22nd 2011

Ok so I definitely couldn’t get up for long for sunrise this morning, but I was bound and determined to make it happen one way or the other. Sooooo…I got up for a half hour, took some pics and went back to bed. I would love to get up again tomorrow, but my days are so filled with activity that I can hardly walk back to the hostel at the end of the day and tomorrow I’m travelling to Milan. The sunrise was really pretty. Definitely worth getting up for a half hour and off-setting the start to my day just a bit. After I arose for the second time, I got ready and went down for breakfast and since there wasn’t any chocolate cereal this time, I used the chocolate soy milk (soy joy) for ... read more
Costa Brava

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona June 21st 2011

Today started with me getting up 1.5 hours after I meant to. It was nice. No complaints. I went for a FREE breakfast that was better than the other hostel’s—it had zuma de melocoton!!! (peach nectar..) I found some chocolate cereal so I didn’t have to chocolate my milk and then made a bee line for the metro as I planned to get to Sagrada Familia about the time I got up. The later you get there, the longer the line. So anyway, this place (SF) is FANTASMIC. I can hardly believe it’s actually become a Church because it’s so other-worldly in an amazing way. I sat down in the prayer section and just stared for about 15 minutes. I questioned the idolatry, but then figured the same thing was going on when these much older ... read more
Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona June 20th 2011

Hopefully I’ll be posting this in a timely manner but my connection stinks and I really don’t want to go in search of a better location. Ok, first things first. My hostel is literally on the shore. It rocks. Yellow Nest was definitely a nicer hostel and more spacious, but this one is ok. I have six girls…I think all from the UK…in my room and I have the loft (just for the record, I am totally ok with that). The downside is up in this loft, I can see across all three rooms on this side of the floor. I don’t care, however. I have earplugs and I’m wicked exhausted from everything I’ve been doing, so I’ll sleep fine. I wanted to get up for sunrise, but I’m not so sure I’ll make it tomorrow. ... read more
Plaza Catalunya
View from just outside the hostel.

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona June 19th 2011

6/19/11 Here in Barcelona, you can take txa txa lessons. I’m still getting used to the Catalonian language vs. Castillian. People actually ask you here if you speak Castillian. They don’t ask if you speak Spanish. The pants here are ridiculous too. Genie pants. Yes, I said it. Genie pants. For those who don’t know, genie pants are the latest craze and you can find them in all shapes and sizes. The worst ones I have no words for. I have a hard time understanding what is so guay (cool) about them. I also can’t help but think how un-Spanish of me it would be to go home without a pair. One fashion statement I hope never reaches the States. On the other hand, I finally bought into the romper phase. I think I swore up ... read more
View of City from hill el Carmel
Park Guell: mosaic bench
Sagrada Familia

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona June 18th 2011

Ok so we really thought we were going to take it easy tonight and just find a place to eat dinner and chill out for a bit before heading to bed early. Wellllll…we ended up walking downt the street, stopping at a bakery for a snack and then we encontrado an outdoor market that was some sort of Roman? celebration with a lot of food and crafty stuff…muy guay. We had falafel for dinner and found dulces and then dried fruit. A-MAZ-ING. We decided to continue along the avenue and literally ended up walking for five hours before we realized it. What happened was that we suddenly ended up in Plaça Espanya. I should mention that we’re in Catalunya so a lot of the language is in Catalunian…not Castillan, which is the Spanish that is universally ... read more
What type of bird is this?
Signs from protestors

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona June 18th 2011

Lo siento for being MIA the last handful of days. Really didn’t have enough time to blog…or do hw…or to sleep for that matter. I’m going to do my best to play catch-up in one entry. Lunes Sidenote: Katie and I enjoyed the warning signs in Chiclana…and then we saw more here. Rather entertaining if I do say so myself. We visited the Catedral in Sevilla for the first time since we arrived. The overwhelmingly present cathedral was just as impressive from inside and from the top than from the ground outside. We took a normal tour of the inside of the building, viewing the various areas—organ, altar, the supposed place where part of Christopher Columbus is buried—then we went up; up to areas few are able to experience. I didn’t catch how many people visit ... read more
Chema/Radio station
At the Radio Station

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Bormujos June 12th 2011

Chiclana/Costa de la Luz Sorry this is not the most coherent entry I’ve ever written. My brain is a wee bit fried and I can’t remember everything. • “No pasa nada” is kind of the whole mentality here. People don’t seem to be bothered by a whole lot and generally seem to lead a far more relaxed lifestyle. Sorry I can’t share as many photos with you on my blog as a result of this. There was a lot of toptional going on. I need to inspect my photos first. ;) • Katie and I watched a wedding going on from a distance and learned a few new dance moves…he he. • The resort was a lot different than mainstream Spanish life…people actually went to bed. We started off at 9am with our jamon y queso ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Bormujos June 10th 2011

I'm way too tired to be writing this blog but alas, I couldn't possibly go to bed without doing so first. I have pictures. And thoughts. #1: Often, there are no seats on the toilet, no toilet paper and you're lucky if you find soap. #2: After seeing how many unleashed dogs are on the streets, I don't think I can ever lean up against a tree in a park...or really anything for that matter. #3: After dinner I said that I needed to change out of my watermelons and go put my flip flops on. #4: We found the long way around to the mushrooms today (aka Plaza de la Incarnacion). #5: Not enough stairs this week. Let's do 270000 more... This morning we only had 2/3 classes because we left early to go to ... read more
I'm telling you...
The Group of the Day

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Bormujos June 9th 2011

I wish time wasn’t passing so quickly! I feel like just when we’re finally starting to get to know the city, the things to do and finding more places to explore… This morning was a tonto day en escuela; ‘nuff said. PM clase was short because of Sevillanas, but we had an interesting discussion regarding the Catholic Church and its significance in Spain. Just because you don’t go to Church, it doesn’t mean you’re not a Catholic and just because you go to Church doesn’t mean you are one. While Spain is still predominantly Catholic, I think it may be more culturally so than religiously so. The people here can apparently still opt to have their taxes put towards the Catholic Church. Violation of Church vs. State? What do YOU think? Sevillanas was a lot of ... read more
"Bad English"

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville » Bormujos June 8th 2011

Sometimes I think about how much I’ve learned in the 2.5 weeks I’ve been here…and other times I realize how much I do not know about the language. I am pretty certain, though, that the sign on the door of the servicio (bathroom) with a dress is for mujeres. Call me confused, but when I went to use it when we were out for tapas, there definitely was a hombre in it…with the door open…and I suddenly questioned whether men actually wore dresses, if my Spanish was so bad I couldn’t even read signs without words or if I suddenly became disoriented in a different universe. Then Nacho came out of the other one and I felt much better about myself and decided it really was not that important to visit the servicio at that particular ... read more
Museo de Bellas Artes

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