


One of our philosophies of life is that every cloud has a silver lining. Sometimes you may need to look a little. So when circumstances changed we decided to take the opportunity to try one of those things we had often dreamt of doing.

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide September 16th 2021

Remember back at the start of this trip we said we had a number of foci. We wanted to get to The Painted Desert. √ We did it albeit with some adventures to make it there. We wanted to be in Roxby Downs for Father’s Day. √ We did it and had a wonderful time with T, Z and Luna. We wanted to celebrate our Wedding Anniversary in Coffin Bay. √ We did it and had a fabulous day. We wanted to test our new caravan fridge. √ Oh boy! It is fantastic. So now we are home and there’s no more to say. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Flinders Ranges September 15th 2021

We spent the final 2 nights of this trip in the Beautiful Valley Caravan Park in Wilmington so we could spend some time visiting Alligator Gorge. It has been many, many years since either of us have been to this gorge. Whilst in Port Augusta we put the address for the next caravan park into the sat nav. We must know by now that we should double check the route before following it blindly, especially when towing a caravan. But follow blindly we did. It took us up Spear Creek Road, which turned out to be a narrow 2-way gravel road with 1 lane of bitumen down the centre and lots of dips through flood ways. We were committed as there was nowhere to turn around. There were about 15 kms of this … and of ... read more
Spider Orchid
Pink Fairy Orchid
A man and a beer.

Oceania » Australia » South Australia September 13th 2021

Sometimes there’s not a lot to say because nothing really memorable happened on this leg of the trip. This is going to be a short blog for this very reason. We are now on our return journey. We decided to take the inland route via Cummins to get to Cowell for an overnight stay. If you are a farmer’s daughter, as Joan is, the wonderful crops had a big impact. But it did go on for lots and lots of Kilometres. It is not hard to see the prediction of a bumper harvest coming to fruition. It was really good to see. At the moment Cowell is undergoing a lot of re-development, particularly around the foreshore and jetty area so many parts were inaccessible. So, there’s not a lot to say.... read more
Having a drink at the Franklin Hotel
Look out. Here comes a big dump truck.
There goes the Oyster catch.

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Coffin Bay September 10th 2021

We got married back in the day … the number is pretty big… and yet it doesn’t seem that long ago. We’ve had an awesome time together. We find the silver lining in every situation. We have always loved and supported each other. We are the best of friends. We are ‘romance tragics’. We don’t need fancy gifts and splashy resort holidays to celebrate our years together. We just love to spend a fun day together … perhaps like any other day in our life … doing things we love to do. If you’re gagging already, perhaps you should skip the rest of this blog. It was not Sunday, but we did start the day with a smoked salmon, asparagus and citrus omelette. Beautifully prepared and served by Greg with a glass of orange and bubbles. ... read more
Bubbles, smoked salmon and asparagus omelette. Way to go!
Let him loose on the oysters
Off we go.

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Coffin Bay September 9th 2021

Destination Coffin Bay. This was the perfect location to relax for a few days and to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Coffin Bay is a short 30min drive from Port Lincoln. If driving straight here after checking out of the CP in Port Lincoln, you can be set up and out enjoying the delight this town has to offer by lunchtime on the same day. The small rural town of Coffin Bay is located on the picturesque and calm waters of Coffin Bay. It is surrounded by the Coffin Bay National Park. Beyond the bay are the wild, energetic beaches facing the Southern Ocean. A thriving oyster farming industry is located in the bay offering a variety of industry immersion tours and sales of fresh oysters straight from the sea. Many culinary delights abound locally, mostly featuring ... read more
Un perturbed by us, this family of emus just continue to do their thing.
A happy chappy.
An equally happy Joan.

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Port Lincoln September 8th 2021

There are so many lovely places with awesome bays and great ocean views as you follow the Eyre Peninsular coastline south to Port Lincoln. We cruised into most, stopping for coffee when convenient. Thankfully we seem to have overcome our coffee jinx. Today it was morning coffee in Port Neill. It’s clean white sand beach, clear water and very obvious care of the area by locals make it an appealing place to visit … or even live. Gorgeous homes perched high up on the surrounding hills must have the most stunning views. There is much beauty in the natural bushland and roadside verges almost anywhere as you drive the Eyre Peninsular. Red, yellow, orange and white flowers adorn much of the native vegetation in full bloom. Even the feral gazanias add a certain amount of beauty ... read more
Not waving. Cleaning.
Pleased as punch with our choice of dishes.
Tuna on the left. Catch on the right

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Eyre Peninsula September 7th 2021

Our next over-night stay was Arno Bay. We’d hear of it but knew very little about it other than Clean Seas, a company we had invested in had a presence there. As populations and employment in rural towns decline it is imperative that they find a unique character to attract tourists to them, or they will rapidly die. As we travel, we try to explore different places, finding their hidden treasures, unique character and good deals. Arno Bay is a very small coastal town with a lot to offer. There are very few shops … but there is a pub. The caravan park has large sites, many set deep under the dense shade of large tamarisk trees. Within a few steps of the caravan park is the jetty from which whiting can be caught. Social events ... read more
Pristine waters
Joan … keeping out of mischief
Greg contemplating the fishing potential.

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Whyalla September 6th 2021

It’s interesting how different experiences can be in a caravan park on subsequent visits. Just 6 weeks ago we stayed 4 nights at the Whyalla Foreshore Caravan Park. We had pre-booked a foreshore site with stunning views and wonderful company in the caravan next door. This time we just rocked up for a 1night transit stay. The caravan park had only a couple of sites left in the boon docks about as far away as you could get from the foreshore. We didn’t really mind as we were just in and out for the night. The cabins were full of tradies including their large equipment. A cement truck was wedged in between two cabins, a work vehicle with trailer attached carrying a trench digger was in between another, a large tray truck with some sort of ... read more
Something fast
There goes the Ferrari
Something big.

Oceania » Australia » South Australia September 5th 2021

The Roxby Downs Arid Recovery project aims to help threatened desert species recover. The large property is divided into two sections; one helps species re-adapt to being released once their numbers have built up sufficiently, while the other section is much more secure and is for small populations to live and slowly build up their numbers before the re-adaption process. https://www.facebook.com/AridRecovery Normally access is restricted, so the open day was a treat. Various activities were offered and we were eager to do as much as we could in the time available. Out first activity was “radio tracking”. The ranger had an antenna connected by a cable to a UHF handheld radio. Each radio collar has its own frequency, so the radio is tuned to that frequency and the antenna is slowly rotated until a faint signal ... read more
Our radio tracking target.
Our ranger showing us the radio collar
Entrance to the Arid Recovery site

Oceania » Australia » South Australia September 3rd 2021

It was purely coincidental that the weekend we were passing through Roxby just happened to coincide with Father’s Day … a coincidence that turned out to be a lovely relaxing celebration of a father/father-in-law and his son and daughter-in-law’s love and respect for each other. It was the time spent creating and concocting the things they know Greg loves and activities shared that truly show the loving relationship they share. We arrived mid-afternoon Friday and spent over 30mins trying to parallel park the van in the bay opposite their house. Just an extra ½ metre of length would have made it so much easier. The bay was also not overly wide and being just around a corner was crucial that nothing stuck out too far into the road. The rear of the caravan would stick out ... read more
Footpath art.
We just fit.
So cute

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