Rob & Lorenza B


Rob & Lorenza B

We would like to make clones of ourselves, so the clones can do the day to day mundane things to earn the money for the "real" us to keep traveling.

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears - Cesare Pavese

Asia » Vietnam » Mekong River Delta » Can Tho October 5th 2014

We had been hoping we could find a way to drop into see our friend Susan in Can Tho, Vietnam, to check out how her tour business was going. So, when we made plans to visit Europe again we decided we would fly via Ho Chi Minh City and stop over for a few days. We have been in contact with Susan for a while via social media helping with ideas when she was setting up her personalised tours around Can Tho. It was great that we would finally get the chance to experience “Can Tho Touring” for ourselves. We made our plans and Susan gave us all the info we needed about bus connections from HCMC to Can Tho, plus recommended some hotels that were close to the bus station. With our bookings complete we ... read more
Mekong River nursery
Mekong River nursery
Khmer Temple

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon October 25th 2013

Slow afternoon drive to Mawlamyine We enjoyed the drive through the countryside to what was once called Moulmein. Mr Lin, our wonderful driver, told us we were travelling on the same road that many of the Generation 88 protest leaders and participants had travelled on or near as they made their escape to Thailand. Mal got to indulge his love of railways as we stopped and took some photos of level crossings. Also, on the roadside were many piles of rice husks that were to be burnt (I think that was what Mr Lin said). Off in the distance we spotted a very large building at the foot of some mountains. There was nothing else for many kilometres around this building and when I asked what it was I was surprised to find out it was ... read more
On the road to Mawlamyine
On the road to Mawlamyine
On the road to Mawlamyine

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma » Kyaiktiyo Pagoda October 25th 2013

Kyaiktiyo Pagoda or the Golden Rock Pagoda, in Mon state has intrigued me for a long time. No matter which way I view this pagoda it appears to defy gravity. When pilgrims rub gold leaf onto the golden rock you can see it swaying slightly. The story behind the pagoda is that a hermit built it to house a hair of the Buddha. Legend has it that you can pass a string under the golden rock where it teeters on the rock ledge. When Mal, Min San and I rubbed gold leaf on the rock I had the distinct feeling it was swaying. You can definitely look on the rocks underside and see it swaying ever so slightly. Only men are allowed out onto the rock platform to apply gold leaf, so we did the honours ... read more
Includes Life Insurance
Father & Son
Mum & Rob

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region October 24th 2013

One of our travel companions, Mal (or Big Mal as he was often called) had an unfortunate run of breaking things, plus finding himself in some very funny situations. It all began when I took him for a beer at our “local” in Yangon just a few doors up from the Bliss Hotel we stayed at. We bought a round of beers and Mal stretched back in satisfaction ---- crack went the plastic chair. Mal almost landed on the floor and all the patrons in the bar could not help bursting out laughing. Once Mal composed himself we belly laughed ourselves. The plastic chair was soon replaced by a sturdy wooden one and Mal felt much safer. Mal tried to pay for the broken chair, but the staff could not understand a thing we were saying. ... read more
Just like the bar chair
Big Mal Reclining
don't rock boat

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon October 24th 2013

The photos attached to this blog are of some of the people that asked if they could be photographed with Lorenza on our trip to Myanmar. They were taken at various locations. Lorenza joked that she felt like some kind of celebrity. Many people commented how beautiful they thought she was, especially when wearing the traditional Burmese longyi. A few times she said “Ok, today no longyi, I need a break from all this fame”. Obviously, Lorenza looked much better in a longyi than I did. It always amazed me that often the people asking for a photo with Lorenza had no camera or phone so they would never see the photo, they were just happy to pose with her. Often, once one person asked others would come over and want to pose with her also, ... read more
Former weight lifter
Teacher in village
No longyi

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon October 23rd 2013

(I published this one a bit out of order) We returned to Yangon after an amazing few days around Bagan. We had a lunch to farewell the folks who were travelling with Sandar, as they were off to meet some other friends for a trip to the beach. The “Ok Team” was now back to its original seven members. We had fun with the bigger group but it was much easier to organise only seven people. Afternoon at the ethnic park Mal, Yong and Mum had a well-earned afternoon break, while Ohnmar, Lorenza and Ohnmar’s brother, Min San, and I had a look around an ethnic minority museum in a park. The park is located in Tharkayta township. Each ethnic group had a display of their housing, clothing and handicrafts. I did make a mental note ... read more
Farewell Lunch
Farewell Lunch
ethnic park

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Bagan October 22nd 2013

Thanks to Mum and Ohnmar’s inside knowledge we timed our visit to Bagan to coincide with the full moon. The place was a buzz with festivities, weddings, and pilgrims paying homage at pagodas. The town of Nyuang U was alight with candles and lanterns, the sound of fire crackers could be heard everywhere. The festivities would continue for the next 3 or 4 days, the children had school holidays and the workers also had time off to enjoy themselves as well. One thing we noticed was that anywhere a large crowd was gathered everyone was so peaceful and happy, in Sydney in any large crowd there are always problems fuelled by alcohol, but not here, there was a pervading air of loving-kindness everywhere we went. We spent four nights here and had an interesting time enjoying ... read more
night 1
night 1
4 Tooth Relic Pagodas

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay October 18th 2013

We had fun getting to Mandalay, an early morning boat ride and then a bus to Heho and a short flight. We had time to chat at the airport to some of the baggage porters and they told me Mandalay would be “a bit warm”. I can tell you they were not exaggerating, it was so hot and humid, like walking around in a sauna. In Mandalay we met with our “UN Group” which was later renamed the "OK Team" – Denis and Stella from Singapore, Sandar and Terence from Sydney, Dee and his parents Schwa and Sang. So, our little group was now 14 and we had a chance to practice some more language skills with Rob trying out some Lao language with Dee’s parents. We spent 2 and a half days in and around ... read more
around Mandalay
around Mandalay

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Inle Lake October 15th 2013

We left Taungyi at about 3am so we could get to Inle Lake as early as possible. Our aim was to make it to the lake at sunrise so we could watch the start of the Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival on the lake. Once a year villagers gather to tow four of the holiest Buddha images clockwise around the lake on a beautifully decorated barge. Shan leg rowers on traditional boats tow the barge and as they travel around the lake they stop at each village so people can pay homage to the Buddha images. Our bus driver and boat drivers timed things perfectly and we arrived on the lake just in time to watch the leg-rowers arriving dressed in their traditional Shan costumes. All the boats joined together to tow the barge out onto ... read more
Inle Boats
Lorenza & Mal
The Buddha Barge

Asia » Burma » Eastern Burma » Pindaya October 14th 2013

A shiver up my spine While waiting at Yangon airport for our flight to Heho I heard Ohnmar say "oh, there is Daw Suu Kyi", I quickly looked around and sure enough there was Daw Aung San Suu Kyi being to led to an airport bus to take her to board a flight to the political capital. I caught a quick glimpse of her on the bus and felt a shiver up my spine. Next, we saw all the airport staff standing on the tarmac waving off the plane she was travelling on. It was a fleeting glimpse of this amazing woman, which created a snapshot that will stay in my mind a long time. Bombing in Yangon On the flight to Heho, we read about a series of bombing attempts in Yangon which injured some ... read more
Yangon News
Pindaya Cave
Pindaya Cave

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