Hong Kong and Beijing: World Athletics Championships

a trip by Colleen McEwen
From: August 12th 2015
Until: September 1st 2015

Having thoroughly enjoyed the last World Championships in Moscow we are off to Beijing for the 2015 edition. Before we go there we are having a four day stopover in Hong Kong. The only time I have been there was in 1984 so I am expecting to see many changes. Beijing will also be different as my visits here have been in winter and this time it will be high summer.
Both stops will give an interesting glimpse into China as well as allowing us to catch up with friends from all over the globe.
Trip Length: 3 weeks
Blog Entries: 10
Photos: 122
Words: 8430

Blog Entries

Date Blog Title Location
August 14th 2015 HK and Macau: Wet and humid Asia » China
August 16th 2015 A Rainy Day then travelling! Asia » China » Beijing
August 17th 2015 Observing the politics!! Asia » China » Beijing
August 19th 2015 All things Great!! Asia » China » Beijing
August 20th 2015 Revisiting familiar places Asia » China » Beijing
August 22nd 2015 Old friends, new beginnings. Asia » China » Beijing
August 26th 2015 Competition and Culture Asia » China » Beijing
August 27th 2015 More Athletics and socializing Asia » China » Beijing
August 30th 2015 Amazing performances Asia » China » Beijing
August 31st 2015 Nearing the end Asia » China » Beijing
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