Lowell and Gloria

Lowell and Glorias trips

Lowell and Gloria

Hello everybody,

The Traveler

Oh-to be a traveler without a care
And not the weight of burdens bear
Not overwhelmed by stress or strain
Nor concentrate on worldly gain

Oh-to be a traveler with yarns to share
Within the beauty of village square
To wander up and down the hills
That takes me where my spirit wills

How fast the years, when age appears
When tethered like a kite we're bound
Comes the wind, yes loose the string
The splendors of the world be found

Therefore we think and always will
That times won't change and never fill
These days to journey, free to roam
And where we sleep will be our home.
Lowell Olson 2011

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem October 21st 2017

Hello all you folks who have been our guests on this trip. We started this way back on Aug. 2nd, now it is Oct 22. This will be my last blog ☺?????? lots of miles, tense moments, exciting adventures, beautiful vistas and lifetime lasting memories. In a blog like this we cannot begin to tell you how this trip has produced In us insights of a world so different to the one we live in. In one short sentence I would say. America has her problems but Europe and Israel is not where you want to drive in your tent stakes! Climbing off my soap box. Today we went to the Garden Tomb (one of the highlights of this trip) Then through the Damascus Gate. Worked our way through the innards of the city to come ... read more
The opening to the tomb is small
another photo in the Garden Tomb area

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem October 20th 2017

Day 2 in Jerusalem Today we took a taxi up to the Mount of Olives. It would have been a real chore to have to have gone through the old city down into the Kids on Valley and up to the Mount of Olives. Church of the Ascenion. Big view of the old city. Walking down all of the views, seeing all of the cemeteries. Down to The Garden of Gethsemane and the Church of All Nations. Then climbing back up to the Lions Gate and up the Via Doloroso. We Also went to the Church of the Holy Speulcher. Let's admit it. We are really tired. There are so many tunnel like streets. Loads of steps, vendors and bazars. Tomorrow is our last day in Jerusalem. Hope to go to Mount Zion which is also ... read more
Temple Mount
Above ground cripts   Lots of them.

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem October 19th 2017

Hello blog readers, We are in Jerusalem, but getting here was interesting. We finally were able to bring our rental back. Yeaaaah?? This morning we entered through the Jaffa Gate. into a world we could hardly imagine. You can see all the pictures read all the travel books but until you enter this city you will not conceive of its rareness ( my new word) So first we made our way to the Western Wall. I could go to the wall in a different area as a man. Gloria to another area of the wall as a woman. I took photos actually got up to the wall, put my hand on it and asked our God to send Jesus QUICKLY. The pictures I send will show things going on and how excited the Jews are Next ... read more

Middle East » Israel » South District » Masada October 17th 2017

Our last day in the south. We spent 3 hours in Masada today. If you have never heard of Masada please google it. Very interesting I'm glad we weren't there I July-Aug it gets very hot. We are pretty tired tonight as we have to get ready for our trip north to Jerusalem. So I will be brief on the text Here are some photos from today. Lowell... read more

Middle East » Israel » South District » Ein Bokek October 16th 2017

Well here we are in the south of Israel, We did decide to come south running close to Jordan in the Jordan Valley HWY 90. It runs through the Palestinian Authority Region but seemed safe enough as we only went through one check point and that was occupied by Israeli military. We stopped at Qunram where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. We continued south toward Ein Gedi. Seeing the Dead Sea for the first time we were suprised how blue it is. The terrain on the west side of the sea very different. You will see that on the images. Tomorrow we will go to Masada in the forenoon and bob around in that salty sea after. Here's some pictures Lowell... read more
Aquaducts coming down from up above Qunram
Ritual Baths

Middle East » Israel » North District » Tiberias October 15th 2017

Hello everyone, Today was our last day in the Galilee area. We went to the Church of the Multiplication AKA as The Church of the Loaves & Fishes. After that to another religious site where Jesus made the disciples breakfast on the north Shore of Lake Galilee. It was also where He asked Peter to feed my sheep. And lastly we went to where the Jordan River flows south out of the Lake of Galilee. Very nice. There were a lot of people being baptised. All come on tour buses. we have at least a 3 hour drive tomorrow down Israel (south) going past Tel Aviv to a small village on the outskirts of the Negev desert. 2 nights there. The first day we will go to Masada and The Dead Sea. second day on our ... read more
Fresh fruit
Wading in the Lake of Galilee

Middle East » Israel » North District » Acre October 15th 2017

Hello from Isreal, Yesterday we traveled to the west to the Mediterranean. There is an old Crusader city there that is very traditional. Maybe too traditional for us. Very crowded as it was a Jewish holiday. here are some images. Lowell... read more
The port of Akko

Middle East » Israel » North District » Tiberias October 13th 2017

Hello all, We went up to the north of Lake Galilee today to see Capernaum where Peter's House is. They have built a large protective structure over it which has a glass floor so you can look down into it. Supposedly it is where the sick man was lowered through the roof.?? There was also a Tabernacle there which was built over the one that Jesus preached in. I think this one is 4th century. The Mount of the Beatitudes is only about 10 miles away and that was a beautiful setting. About a mile up from the lake where as Capernaum was right on the lake. The supposition is that Jesus could have stayed with Peter at this house ??? What you come to realize when your here is the issue of the lay of ... read more

Middle East » Israel » North District » Tiberias October 12th 2017

Hello again, We are still going here in Israel, Today we went to Tiberias on Lake Galilee. Then we headed west to Mount Tabor to go up to the Basilica of the Transfiguration. The road up Mt Tabor .would make the trip up Pikes Peak feel like a 4 lane highway. We have video. ? Today was the last day of the festival of Sukkot or festival of tabernacle. We still have The Church of the Loaves & Fishes in Tabgha. Mount of Beatitudes.Capernaum and Magdala. To see. Also a day trip to Akko a Crusader city from A.D. 1291.It's over on the Mediterranean north of Haifa, about a 2 hour drive Here are some images from today Lowell... read more
Lake Galilee  1
Lake Galilee  2
 Boat on Lake Galilee  1

Middle East » Israel » North District » Golan October 11th 2017

Sorry folks ther's an adendum On the Golan blog images 9,10,11 is NOT Syria ? It is the Yavne'el Valley. Images taken from across the street from where we are staying Lowell... read more
Never got finished,  across  from where we are staying

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