Sean & Lisa Cantelon

LivetotheMax Family Adventure

Sean & Lisa Cantelon

Cast of Characters:

Sean: (aka - Juanito)

Lisa: (aka - Rosetta Stone)

Olivia: (aka - Livestar)

Maximilian: (aka - Mr. Maximus)

Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

livetothemax route map

Christmas day in Atlanta, as we missed our connection on Christmas Eve. hey, what can you do. merry Christmas!!!12.27.2014: Day 2 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.January 10th, 2015: in Ushaia, the southern most city / roads on the planet. More to come.As of Feb 19th, 2015. We've been exploring Uruguay, and just returned back to Punta Del Este, where we will stay for 10 days and enjoy the sun and beaches. March 6th, departed Punta Del Este and caught a flight in Montivideo to Buenos Aires, and then another flight north to Puerto Iguazo - for Iguazo Falls (Which borders Brazil and Paraguay, but is still in Argentina). We explored Park Narional Iguazo Falls today and had a fantastic time. I updated the YouTube channel with some great footage of the Zodiac trip up the river to the falls. What a day. More to come, as we head back to BA, and then over to Mendoza, and then back into the Andres and back into Chile (Santiago) to head north to the Atacama Desert. 3.20.2015: We've been on the go, traveling back into and re-enjoying more of what both Buenos Aires and Mendoza had to offer. We are presently in San Pedro de Atacama, northern Chile, exploring key areas such as the valley of the moon, geysers, and ancient salt flat lake beds. Heading to Cuscu, Peru on March 24th. Machu Pichu and other key cultural and Eco related outdoor activies. The Amazon Jungle camping trip, out of Iquitos was fantastic. 4-26-2015: We are now exploring Equador, and have decided to end our trip with a Galapagos Adventure aboard the Santa Cruz. 10 days exploring the Galapogos, and then back to Canada - which will round out our 5 month tour of South America. More to come. Buen viaje & Ciao. The Cantelons.

South America » Ecuador » Centre » Baños April 26th 2015

Collection of various video's we published on our YouTube channel: 1) “Floating away in the salt water lagoon in the Atacama desert, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.” — 30% more dense than the Dead Sea. Impossible to sink. 25m across, and 330 p... 2) “The Amazon Quest...” — How far will the Cantelon explorers go to find the treasure of Fitzcarraldo j... 3) ... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Mitad del Mundo April 22nd 2015

The Fabulous Four sitting in the Middle of the World - Equator... read more

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito April 22nd 2015

Ecuador will be the last country we explore on our South American adventure. Starting with a quick visit to Quito, were we toured the city visiting a few museums and had a interesting tour of the presidents home. (Ecuadors version of the White House) We learned that Ecuador is the 3rd largest exporter of roses in the world. It costs $2 for 25-30 roses. Also huge exports of bananas.... read more
Presidents home

South America » Peru » Amazonas April 16th 2015

The experience in the jungle will be yet another that we will never forget. If I'm honest I had a few sleepless nights doubting if we were doing the right thing by taking the kids on an authentic trip deep into the jungle. Arriving at the Iquitos airport we were greeted by our Amazon Explorer guide "Mardan" which was fantastic. He took us to our hostel and picked us up the next morning for our orientation. After the orientation I felt everyone's excitement and trepidation. This was it we were finally here! Our adventure started at 7am with an 1.5hrs. drive to Nauta where we were dropped off about a mile from the water, taking a motortaxi to our peka peka boat. We humped a small backpack each and helped carry our supplies for our 3day ... read more
Olivia learning to make a typical roof out of palms
Were we slept and ate

South America » Peru » Loreto April 15th 2015

Iquitos is the gate way to the Peurivan Amazon Jungle. It is the largest city in the world reachable by air only and by boat on the Amazon of course. To date this has to be the craziest city we have been in, so noisy with the engines of hundreds of motortaxi's....modified motorcycles (check out the pics) With100% humidity you feel completely drained just walking, the heat is so oppressive. Sadly alot of extreme poverty. We have seen more poverty in Peru than any other SA countries we have visited.... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca April 14th 2015

Up up and a way......we went up in a Cessna 207 - 6 seater airplane to view the Nazca Lines. The only way possible to view them is in the air. We were adviced to fly as early as possible in the morning less turbulents and heat. When we took off it was 40 degrees. The pilot would bank right and then left so everyone got a perfect view of the lines. We were all getting a bit woozy with the movement and heat, thank goodness it only lasted 40 mins. The lines are truly mysterious and fascinating. Who constructed the gigantic lines and why.......many theories but know one really knows! After checking out the Nazca Lines we drove about 30 mins. to the ancient Cemetery of Chauchilla with multiple open tombs with mummy's, skulls and ... read more
In the Cessna
The tombs

South America » Peru » Ica » Huacachina April 12th 2015

After our quick trip to Lake Titacaca we headed back to Lima airport where we decided to rent a car and explore the coast. Driving in Lima was a gong show, but Seanito rocked it! We took the panamerican highway to Ica on the way passing Pisco (where they make Pisco Sour) sadly 80% this Peruivan city was destroyed in the 2007 earthquake. Even though it's been 8yrs. the devastating is evident and awful. We stay in Huacachina, where lies the Huacachina Oasis. After coming from living in a high altitude it felt great to be at sea level with hot weather! Since we were surround by sand dunes we hiked up the dunes, went dune buggying and sand sledding! Getting into the dune buggy and seeing Max's eyes the size of saucers as we were ... read more
Dune Buggy
Sand sledding!

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca April 9th 2015

Lake Titicaca is at an altitude of 3810m and considered the world's largest high-altitude lake. It was a quick stop in Puno, so we wanted to make sure we say the Uros Floating Islands. There we met our new friends from the UK ( that we met in San Pedro de Atacama) and spent the day and dinner with them. So wonderful to see them again. There are about 80 artificial islands made of totora. The islands are built with using layers of the buoyant totora reeds that grow abundantly in the shallows of the lake. We took a small boat to where the islands are are floating. We got off at one island, the Uros people gave us a fascinating demonstration of how they build the islands, homes, boats, and furniture.... read more
Our friends from UK
Max and I there boats they call "there Mercedes"

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu April 5th 2015

Mystical, brilliant, awe inspiring are some of the words to describe our experience at Machu Picchu. The Inkans were truly master engineers, sculptors, builders, visionaries. It started in Ollaytambo were we caught a train to Aguas Calientes. This is the small town that was built into the mountains at the base of the Urubumba River strictly because of MP's tourists, it's really not a place you would want to stay for more that 2 nights. We arrived at around 5:30pm in AC after a fabulous train ride, all of our necks hurt as we spend much of the hour and a half ride gazing at the mind blowing scenery. The hostel made a mistake on our room so we had to take a room with 3 single beds. We moved the furniture (not that there was ... read more
Aguas Caliente

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley April 1st 2015

Hola everyone hope you all are doing well. Right now we are in a place called Cusco this is a city with rich history about the city and the Inca's. The city is out side of Mach Picchu. Cuzco is actually at a higher altitude then Machu Picchu. Cuzco has many museums and in the Sacred Valley one of the ruins that we went to was called Pisac this ruin was my favorite because it had all these Incan tombs that had the skeletons of the Incan's in them. There were tombs at the top and the bottom the reason why they were in different places on the side of the mountain is because of social status if you were at the top you were probably near royalty but if you were near the bottom you ... read more

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