Kristin Kelly

Kristins Adventures in Wanderland

Kristin Kelly


2022 travels

"'Cheshire Puss,' Alice began, 'Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'
'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the Cat.
'I don't much care where--' said Alice.
'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat.
'--so long as I get SOMEWHERE,' Alice added as an explanation.
'Oh, you're sure to do that,' said the Cat, 'if you only walk long enough.'"

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Tulum July 21st 2022

Hola mis amigos! I hope this blog finds you well in this “post-covid” era of life. For those of you who I don’t connect with regularly, a lot has changed since I last wrote an entry. And even my most recent two entries were about travel experiences long passed. Brief recap: 2020 and 2021 brought me much peace and solitude, finding ways to explore on a much closer-to-home scale. With travel restrictions, and vaccination quandaries, and a general kerfuffle about whether or not it was kosher to roam again yet, I spent two years confined within the US, mostly New England, biding my time and playing by the CDC rules. This temporary stillness offered me a chance to travel inward: work on emotional growth and personal development, strengthen relationships with loved ones, establish healthy boundaries with ... read more
New England Reunion
Venn Dive-agram
Dive Paradise

Africa » Egypt » Red Sea » Hurghada March 25th 2021

So here we are, one year into this global pandemic. Is anyone else ready to be done with this already?! Mask-wearing disputes aside, the past six months of “Covid Times” have seemed dimmer than the first six, at least in terms of my writer’s block. I’m sure the winter blues haven’t helped, especially when I’m used to being warmer places! But I genuinely did intend to publish this blog sooner, and then found my motivation to write absolutely lacking. I guess I’ve found it easier to express myself through media other than written word, but mostly I’ve been upset that this is the last travel story I have to least for now. I still can’t believe it’s been over a year since my trip to Egypt. I didn’t know then that the world was on ... read more
Blinded by the light
The 4 Seasons
My favorite balcony

Africa » Egypt » Lower Egypt » Cairo September 11th 2020

Hello everyone, I hope this blog finds you and your loved ones well. I have started, stopped, and restarted this blog more times than I can count. At first I delayed out of normal procrastination habits; then every month since life-as-we-knew-it was interrupted, I've questioned if the timing and message of this post were right. I was holding out for some glorious day when this virus would be gone, this pandemic would be over, and travel would be able to safely resume. But it's becoming increasingly clear that I don't know when that day will be, and I don't know that the luxury of international travel will ever exist in the same capacity it did before. And so for that reason, I've realized that any day is a good day to share a blog with you, ... read more
Eye of Horus
Walk like an Egyptian
Steppe Pyramid of Djoser

North America » United States » California November 14th 2019

Hello strangers! If you’re a friend, family member, or former subscriber, thanks for checking back in on my travels. If you are new to my page, that makes two of us ha ha! As you can see, it’s been three years since my last blog entry, an awfully long time to go without writing. Those years were not without adventures, though some of them a bit more internal than international, if you follow my rhetoric. Personal ups and downs aside, let me catch you up to speed since my last entry. I returned to the U.S. early summer 2016 after working as a divemaster in Thailand. I spent some time at home with family before departing on a road trip with my partner at the time. We began in Boston and zig-zagged our way down the ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao June 7th 2016

The start of 2016 landed Rochelle and I on the scuba-centric island of Koh Tao. This little chunk of land in the Gulf of Thailand is visited by millions of tourists every year with one common goal: diving. With over 70 different shops on the island competing for business, Koh Tao is a diver's playground. We originally came to visit friends from our live-aboard boat in Cairns and enjoy the beautiful beaches of Southern Thailand. Within three days Rochelle was working at Roctopus Dive as an instructor (again) and a week later I signed up for my Divemaster course. I spent the next month smashing out academics, skill circuits, course assists, and stress tests while Rochelle became known as the DSD Queen. (DSD's, or try divers, are people who would like to try diving without doing ... read more
Roctopus Dive
Sail Rock Sunday
R4 Adventures

Asia » Indonesia » Komodo January 13th 2016

As a self-proclaimed nomad, I have had the pleasure of trying many different forms of transportation throughout my years of travel. It is so hard to select a "favorite" anything, but my recent trip to Indonesia will forever stick out in my mind as one of the best adventures. My girlfriend Rochelle and I decided that Bali (aka "Australian Cancun") was the perfect place to start our backpacking excursion around Southeast Asia. After a week of fighting the mindless mobs of Bintang-singlet-clad tourists that flock to Bali each year for the winter holidays, we decided to escape to the less frequented neighboring island of Lombok. While this equally large and beautiful island has a variety of activities to offer, this was not our final destination; Lombok was our starting point an activity-packed the four day/three night ... read more
Boat dorm
Indonesian sunrise
Viewpoint, Laba Island

Oceania » Australia » Victoria December 11th 2015

I seem to have had a serious aversion to blogging while in Australia this time and it took me a while to figure out why. When it finally clicked it was very disappointing; I don't love Australia the way I used to. Outrage! Before you all lose your minds, hear me out. Ever since I studied abroad in Sydney in 2009, I have dreamed of returning to Australia on a working holiday visa. I took a sailing/scuba diving trip in the Whitsunday islands and told myself I would return to the Great Barrier Reef someday to work on a dive boat. Everyone who knows me had been waiting for the day to come when I would finally make the big move. So imagine the thrill when I decided to take the leap 6 years later! I'll ... read more
Paronella Park
Graffiti on Hosier St, Melbourne
Seagull crashing our picnic

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns September 12th 2015

For the past two months I have repeatedly thought to myself "I need to sit down and write a blog," but alas the days have slipped away from me, faster and faster. I feel like I blinked my eyes in July and opened them up in September. My life has moved so quickly that I haven't even been able to notice the passing of time. I've managed to Skype with some friends and family over the recent weeks, but I know that for the most part I have been off the grid with very few updates via email/facebook/blog etc. I figured it was time to break my silence, even if I don't have much to say. As I wrote last time, I am now gainfully employed on a live aboard dive boat in Cairns. I spend ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns July 8th 2015

G'day mates!! I'm back in Australia once again and have been for nearly two months time flies! Things are different this visit and nothing has gone according to my mental plan. I'm not sure if the country has changed or if I have, but the first eight weeks of my working holiday visa have been like a roller-coaster ride on acid. Ok, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration; I've never done acid, so I can't say for sure. The good news is that I am back in my travel mindset, so I'm taking things one day at a time and with a smile on my face. My time to write this blog is limited as I'm packing up to leave for work (see below) but if I don't get this out now it may ... read more
Hanging out in The Daintree
Reef Sunrise

North America » United States May 22nd 2015

This is long overdue, per usual. I suppose I'm not getting any better about that, but if you've been following me at you'll understand why. I have finally made it over to Australia on my working holiday visa! While this is very exciting, I would like to back up several weeks to my departure from California. The goodbyes were extra difficult this time, but my mother planned a one-of-a-kind road trip to return me, my car and my personal belongings to the east coast. No, this was not your ordinary mother-daughter, dramedy-esque adventure where we took a wrong turn but ended up finding ourselves, blah blah blah *yawn*. We weren't clearing the skeletons out of our closets; we were searching closets for skeletons. Or ghosts, to be more precise. Behold the brilliant, chilling tale of ... read more
The Nat
The Courthouse and Gallows
The Hanging Judge

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