Jamie and Laura

Jamie and Laura

Jamie and Laura

North America » United States » Colorado May 16th 2023

Today was a drive from Mesa Verde to Crawford, Colorado. We drove through the Rockies and were awestruck by the towering snow covered mountain peaks. What beautiful country! We were told that the Million Dollar Highway has that name because of either 1) the amount you'd have to pay someone to drive it with all of its hazards, such as sheer cliffs with no guardrails and hairpin curves; 2) the figurative price of the amazing views 3) the amount it cost to build or 4) the amount of gold ore now sealed under the road that can no longer be mined.... read more
which takes us up to Silverton
We're getting pretty high up by now.
And here is Molas Pass itself, at elevation 10,910 feet.

North America » United States » Colorado May 15th 2023

Today we spent the day in Mesa Verde National Park. We saw dozens of Ancestral Pueblos six months ago on our trip to Texas, but nothing we saw then can hold a candle to Mesa Verde. Unfortunately, we weren't able to tour Balcony House because those tours didn't open until after Memorial Day, but we were able to go on the Cliff Palace tour. It was amazing. Another fantastic day.... read more
and the usual interesting rocks.
When we came here in October, it was snowing heavily and the roads were unplowed, so the Visitor Center was as far as we got.
So it was great to be able to come back again during this trip to try again!

North America » United States » Utah May 14th 2023

Today was another great day! The wildflowers that we saw today were amazing. Swathes of purple and orange from horizon to horizon. The folks we spoke to said that there are flowers blooming that no one has seen for years and years.... read more
This flower, whose name I have never learned, was everywhere.
The Prairie Primrose is also everywhere we look.
Sunflowers and Globemallow, also everywhere we turn.

North America » United States » Utah May 13th 2023

Today we had the whole day to explore Natural Bridges National Monument. We saw all three bridges, did some hiking, and checked out the Pueblo ruins. It was really interesting to learn how the bridges formed, and of course it's the scale of everything which is awe inspiring. The pictures just never do these things justice.... read more
And of course I had to take a picture of a lizard
or two.
The first bridge that we came to was the Sipapu Bridge, shown here blending in with the landscape.

North America » United States » Utah May 12th 2023

Today we spent the whole day at Arches, doing the Delicate Arch hike and roaming Devil's Garden. Delicate Arch was amazing! Well worth the long, hot hike. As usual, another amazing day.... read more
which started out great with two lizards,
followed by a balanced rock,
and then a blooming Hedgehog Cactus.

North America » United States » Utah May 11th 2023

Today was another magical day! We started our day with a drive along scenic Highway 313 on our way to Dead Horse Point State Park, and then spent the rest of the day at Arches National Park. We did two major hikes: a long steep hike to the Delicate Arch Viewpoint (not to the arch itself) and a long, less steep hike to Sand Dune Arch, Broken Arch, and Tapestry Arch that ended our day with a glorious sunset. What a day!... read more
It was also full of the usual red cliffs.
The next stop on the scenic drive was Monitor and Merrimac Buttes viewpoint
where we saw lots of flowers

North America » United States » Utah May 10th 2023

We started out our day today at Goblin Valley, which was amazing. A whole valley stuffed full of hoodoos. We went from there to Arches, where we were able to make a start at exploring the park. Yet another fantastic day!... read more
We then drove through a place that reminded me strongly of Mordor, all grey and ashen
until it turned red and interesting.
We stopped at a roadside stop that had hoodoos

North America » United States » Utah May 9th 2023

We spent today in Capitol Reef National Park. I had never been here before; it's a pretty amazing place! I discovered that it got its name because some of the early European settlers had been seafarers. They saw the mountains as a giant barrier reef, and named it the Capitol Reef because there was a large white dome of rock that reminded them of the US capitol building. I have included too many pictures because I failed when I tried to winnow them down. Enjoy!... read more
Quite a few of the early settlers were sailors who saw this mountain range as a giant barrier reef
and they called it the Capitol Reef because this dome reminded them of the US capitol building.
Our first stop was Panorama Point.

North America » United States » Utah May 8th 2023

Another fantastic day! Devil's Garden was amazing, and the Grand Staircase is just that, grand. It's really fun to look out over the landscape and see the steps of the geologic staircase.... read more
To Devil's Garden
in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.
We met more than our fair share of lizards.

North America » United States » Utah May 7th 2023

What a great day we had today! So many interesting and beautiful things to see, and we did some great hikes. I also had a near death experience at Mossy Cave. I was standing by the cave chatting with some other hikers when a rock about the size and shape of my foot hit the ground right beside me with an astounding amount of force and a noise like a pistol shot. I knew that things fall quite fast when dropped from a height, but that is a very different thing from experiencing that speed in an object that landed two inches from my right foot at the speed of a bullet. I have new respect or signs that tell me to watch for falling rocks (there was no sign there, and if there had been ... read more
We saw a pretty nice desert waterfall
and a cave with ice in it despite the heat of the day. This is where I met my rock!
This hike looks a lot like Bryce Canyon.

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