Jacqueline Gaspar BK


Jacqueline Gaspar BK

My name is Jacqueline, I am 24 year old Australian student soon to finish my bachelors in nursing
I work in aged care and have a real passion for helping people in anyway I can. So when the opportunity to take part in a voluntary program in Nepal presented itself to me last year I thought I should do this I have never travelled before... So I did it! The following blogs will be my adventures to Nepal taking part in #Medical Trek Nepal. Hope you all enjoy following my journey along with me 😊

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu Valley August 11th 2016

So I decided to come back again for the June trek! I figured before I got back into study which started in July, I might as well go back for the 4 week program which was the 2 week trek in the Kavre district and then volunteering at Annapurna Neurological Hospital for 2 weeks. The relationships and friendships made on the first trip were the type you keep for your lifetime. I was honestly thinking to myself what touched me so deeply about this place that I want to come back so soon am I crazy ? Is it the people, the culture or the beautiful scenery that I fell in love with? To this day I still can't answer this but I believe its a mixture of all these things, its a magical and spiritual ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Chitwan August 11th 2016

Upon arriving the head nurse for the trek Ang chooti came and met me at the airport where we went to the hotel The Heritage'' in Tamil there the guide for the trek Binod welcomed and told our group about our trip. our group was a small one comprised of 7 porters, 1 chef, 3 Nepali RN's, 1 pharmacist, 1 guide and for the foreigners there were 6 Australian's; 2 doctors, 2 RN's and me. It was a special time in Nepal at the time as the Holi festival was on, where colour powder is everywhere! :D A lot of firsts on this trip!. My first time traveling, trekking, volunteering, first time eating with my hand, dancing around a fire to villagers drumming and singing. Magical experience meeting new people, every village we came to we ... read more

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