D Monde

Dee autour du monde

D Monde

Africa » Egypt September 22nd 2019

The Royal Jewelry Museum houses major jewelry pieces and art acquisitions of the dynasty of Mohammed Ali and his descendants, who ruled Egypt for nearly 150 years from 1805 until the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. Following the Revolution, the jewelry left by the Royal Family was kept secure and unseen until a 1986 decree by President Mubarak was issued to assign Princess Fatima Al-Zahra'Palace in Alexandria as a special museum to house those pieces. I have attached photos of some of my favorite pieces. The Library of Alexandria was the most famous in the ancient world, home to an unsurpassed collection of manuscripts, codices and many thousands of papyrus scrolls. The Library’s destruction is a matter of historical debate. The Roman historian Plutarch blames an out-of-control fire set by Julius Caesar in 48 BC, while other ... read more
Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Exterior wall
Men’s change purses

Africa » Egypt September 21st 2019

The catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa is a historical archaeological site located in Alexandria and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages. A circular staircase, which was often used to transport deceased bodies down the middle of it, leads down into the tombs that were tunneled into the bedrock during the age of the Antonine emperors (2nd century AD). The facility was then used as a burial chamber from the 2nd century to the 4th century, before being rediscovered in 1900 when a donkey accidentally fell into the access shaft. To date, three sarcophagi have been found, along with other human and animal remains which were added later. It is believed that the catacombs were only intended for a single family, but it is unclear why the site was expanded in order ... read more
main tomb
More than 300 tombs were found
More tombs

Africa » Egypt September 20th 2019

Today was a pretty relaxed day. We took the train from Cairo to Alexandria. upon arrival we took a bus tour through part of the city. Stopped to photograph the citadel then on to a seafood restaurant for lunch. Alexandria is much smaller than Cairo, only 5 million population and at first look seems to be cleaner. It was founded in 331 BC by 25-year-old Alexander the Great. Where the citadel stands now, was a towering Pharos lighthouse, marking the ancient harbour's entrance. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and its Great Library was considered the archive of ancient knowledge. Unfortunately, the Pharos collapsed and the Great Library was torched. Part of the ancient city disappeared under the sea and part under the modern city, so there are few visible remains of ... read more
construction of a wall to stop sea from eroding the land
view from the restaurant
Families enjoying the beach before school starts next week

Africa » Egypt September 19th 2019

Today we walked around Old Cairo. We visited 2 churches, a synagogue and a mosque. Saint Virgin Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church also known as The Hanging Church is one of the oldest churches in Egypt and the history of a church on this site dates to the third century. The Hanging Church is named for its location above a gatehouse of Babylon Fortress, the Roman fortress in Coptic Cairo (Old Cairo); its nave is suspended over a passage. The church is approached by twenty-nine steps; early travellers to Cairo dubbed it "the Staircase Church". The land surface has risen by some six metres since the Roman period so the Roman tower is mostly buried below ground, reducing the visual impact of the church's elevated position. Saints Sergius Church is one of the oldest Coptic churches in ... read more
Going down below street levl
narrow alleyway
Entrance to Saints Sergius Church

Africa » Egypt September 18th 2019

We flew back to Cairo Tuesday the 17th. So here we are. Unbelievable. Never thought I’d ever see them. One of the chambers was open for visiting but I didn’t go in. Our PD told us there was nothing but an empty chamber, you had to down very steep stairs, there were no paintings or carvings and it was a like a sauna. I regret it now. I had always imagined that the pyramids were in the middle of the desert. Well they were when they were built. Now the city of Giza is right there. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complexbordering present-day El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the url=https://en.m.w... read more
JP in front of the great pyramid
JP in front of the great pyramid - corner view

Africa September 16th 2019

Today some of us we up very early (3:30 am). We went back to the West Bank to enjoy a spectacular landscape that only hot air ballooning can provide. We glided over the temples and burial grounds as the sun rose over luxor. It was my first time in a hot air balloon and I loved it. We were 24 + the pilot in the basket. Before lifting off they showed us how to get in the landing position (2 hands on the rope handle, bent knees and lean back. They also explained the different of landing. English landing: hit the ground hard, then get dragged. American landing: several hard bounces. And finally the Egyptian landing: nice soft landing you can barely feel. You can really see from the air the line between the green patches ... read more
Desert meets vegetation
gliding over west bank

Africa » Egypt September 15th 2019

This morning we docked in Quena. It is 39 miles north of Luxor and is responsible for 64% of the sugar production in Egypt. Quena is one of the most important industrial cities in Egypt. It has 3 sugar factories, one spinning and weaving factory and it has one of the biggest aluminum plants in the Middle East. This morning we visited the temple of Denderah, known as the temple of the goddess Hathor, goddess of love, beauty and motherhood among the ancient Egyptians. It was once considered a holy city. The colourful scenes and the carvings are incredible. When the Christian came they defaces the goddess. In the middle ages people actually lived in the temple and also making fires inside the temple. Now they are cleaning it to get ride of the black on ... read more
Denderah Temple
Denderah Temple - Birth house
painted and carved scenes on the ceiling

Africa » Egypt September 14th 2019

Today was the hottest day yet, 44.4 degrees Celsius (112 F, sounds worst in Ferenheit) We docked in Luxor this morning. Luxor in ancient times was known as the “City of the One Hundred Gates”. It was the capital of Egypt twice in the middle kingdom, once in 2050 B.C. and again in the New Kingdom in 1550 B.C. Luxor has one third of the monuments in the world but yet Egyptologists still discover monuments and tombs in the city today. This morning we crossed over to the west bank of the Nile to go to the Valley of the kings. The Valley of the Kings was a great burial ground for the Pharaohs. After around 1500 B.C. the Pharaohs no longer built great pyramids in which to be buried. Instead, most of them were buried ... read more
Hatshepsut temple
my galabia
Entrance to tomb

Africa » Egypt September 13th 2019

This morning we visited the Temple of Edfu by horse and carriage. Our horse’s name was Rambo, the driver a young boy of maybe 16yrs. According to him Rambo is number 1. The temple of Edfu is unique as it is intact and almost in its original form. The construction began about 237 B.C. and was finished in 57 B.C. It is dedicated to the god Horus, the sacred hawk, usually represented by a hawk-headed man. Every available surface is carved with hieroglyphs describing offerings to the god. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing by the pool. We passed through the locks of Edna and as the boat was approaching the locks some vendors in small boats came close to our boat to sell their goods. They throw things at us, if you don’t ... read more
Temple of Edfu
Temple of Edfu - Inside courtyard
Vendor showing his goods

Africa » Egypt September 12th 2019

The internet is not working very well on the boat. That is why I’m so late with this post. And I was having problems downloading pictures. So here is the updated post for September 12. This morning we visited :Philae Temple was built to honour the goddess Isis, the chief deity of the island. The temple sits on Aglika Island just south of the old Aswan Dam and you must ride a water taxi to the island to get to the ruins. It dates from the 26th Dynasty, with additions through the Roman period. It was moved from its original location on Philae Island, to its new location on Agilkia Island, after the flooding of Lake Nasser. It was actually under water for 30 years. A major multinational Unesco team ... read more
Philae Temple.
Kom Ombo

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