Page 32 of ChrisWPdx Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok September 12th 2010

September 6, 2010. WAT PHO We took the liberty of sleeping in a little today, all the way to 9 am. Since we got a late start we ate a little more at breakfast, brunch today, and avoided the need to stop for lunch. The plan for this day was to visit Wat Pho and get a Thai massage. Wat Pho is not only a Wat and home to the reclining Buddha, but it is also home to the origins of Traditional Thai massage. Thai massage involves the therapist working with you in a kind of tandem yoga. The move your body for you and stretch your muscles. It is not in any way similar to a Swedish massage. After eating we again headed for the central pier and got on an orange express boat (very ... read more
Reclinning Budha

Asia » Thailand September 12th 2010

September 5, 2010 The beds were so comfortable and we went to bed early the night before, so we were able to get up early to begin our first full day. We are not morning people, some of us less so than others, but we managed to be up showered and to breakfast by 9 am. This is actually a record for us. AN INTERNATIONAL BREAKFAST When traveling in Europe and they say breakfast is included, this typically means, coffee a roll and some cold cereal. At the Lebua, when they say breakfast is included they mean, breakfast and much more. We are greeted at the breakfast are with a sawatdee and Wai, asked our room number and seated. Then we are pointed towards the breakfast buffet. This is not a brunch buffet at the Red ... read more
Monks headed for ferry
Emeral Budha
Part of Grand Palace

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok September 12th 2010

Just a brief note that I have not stopped blogging, we have just been with out internet access for the past few days. I have been busily writing and getting caught up. So I apologize for the numerous enteries that are about to be posted. ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok September 8th 2010

September 4, 2010 A PAMPERED BEGINNING The ride from the airport to the hotel was pretty much like many others we have experienced. They drive to close together and to fast, just like London, Mexico City, New York, Paris or Rome. The major difference was it was like driving in to London that happens to be in Mexico. Let me explain. In Thailand they drive on the left side of the road and their steering wheel is on the right side of the car, just like England. However, the scenery on the way to Bangkok is much the same as if you were driving into Mexico City. You notice the poverty, and the poverty is intense. Worse is the difference between those who have and those who don’t is readily apparent. I will discuss that further ... read more
The Room
The sitting rom
Chirs Bloggin

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok September 5th 2010

THE SHORTEST FRIDAY Since this BLOG is not meant to be a blow by blow of our entire trip, I will not bore you with intense daily details. However, I thought it appropriate to say a few words about the journey to Thailand. I have found that when booking trips, (ok this is nothing new you probably already know this) that it is often cheaper to originate the main portion of the trip from a bigger City. Portland only has 3 major international flights, so for us it was cheaper to book two different round trips: Portland to San Francisco (using miles at united) and San Francisco to Bangkok (booked on expedia along with our hotel). The entire trip from door to door took 27 hours and we lost Friday in there somewhere. We left Portland ... read more
First Smoke break

Asia » Thailand September 2nd 2010

TWO DAYS OF PACKING It is the morning of the day we leave. Jerry has been working 24 hours a day on finishing his projects for all of his classes. Meanwhile I have been trying to tie up all the loose ends at the office. Work is almost done, but still much to do before we get on the plane. We did last minute trip shopping yesterday then began packing. Since neither of us has been to Asia before, deciding what to pack was a challenge. Jerry wants to take 5 pair of shoes, but that puts you over the baggage weight limit very quickly. I have few slacks to take, for reasons that need not be discussed here, so I packed mostly shirts and other necessary items. Last night and now this morning the packing ... read more

Asia » Thailand August 16th 2010

ABOUT THE BLOG This is my first time to attempt blogging. My partner and I have been traveling together now almost since we first met, over 7 years. We have made two trips to Europe, two trips to British Columbia, a driving trip through New England (Fall Foliage in the US) and several trips in and around our home state of Oregon. We leave for Thailand on September 2. I normally keep a journal, but my handwriting is not legible and no one sees it but me. So, inspired by the movie Julie and Julia, I thought why not become a travel writer and blog about this trip as it happens. The purpose of this blog is twofold: One, so I have a record of my trip and can share it with my friends. Two, perhaps ... read more

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