ChrisWPdx's Guestbook

23rd May 2024

Enjoy yravel tips and tidbits
Not everyone would think of it as a travel tip, but checking trip advisor reviews or other reviews of a place is a great tip when traveling in a foreign country. Yes, dinner service is quite often rushed in the US. I don't understand why people go out for a nice dinner and don't want to relax, savor and enjoy each course and whoever you are with. The tortilla dish of the day sounds quite enjoyable.
21st May 2024

I'm so glad you finally had a wonderful day on this trip. Also, that you're finally feeling relaxed. Three weeks sounds almost too long to me, so it's nice to hear that it is the perfect length for you. Street markets are always interesting. I'm glad you were able to find many things you wanted. Are they barterers?
20th May 2024

Ahh, now you sound like you are on vacation
This sounded like a wonderful day and much more like your usual travel blog. The dinner sounded wonderful and your dessert crepes, oh yum! The staff at the hotel where you are staying sound like they are really trying to ensure that you have a positive experience. Maybe it is the manager... Getting your eggs cooked to order is definitely the way to go! I was beginning to wonder if your trip was too long, but possibly just all of the odd things that have happened. Only two full tables in the restaurant, the servers close attention and delicious food - sounds amazing!
19th May 2024

Sounds like Paris is better
I have been reading and enjoying your blogs. I just don’t always have a comment. The potatoes look sinfully delicious. Perhaps you two have traveled enough if everything is starting to look the same*wink wink*
19th May 2024

Love to see those smiles! Glad you’re taking lots of photos together! I’m with Jerry on the chocolate mousse
18th May 2024

I have never seen crepes suzette made
It sounds like you found a nice restaurant and enjoyed a relaxing dinner. I always enjoy when they make a dish tableside, but have neither seen crepes suzette made nor tried it. The mousse looked wonderful.
15th May 2024

Sounds wonderful
This sounds like some place that I would enjoy. I am loving your travel tips. Looks like you got a wonderful upgrade in your hotel! There should definitely be down days to just relax when you travel for extended time.
15th May 2024

The Andes are incredible, for sure. I’m glad you entered a more relaxed culture. What was in the ceviche (dish of the day)? It looked like shrimp.
13th May 2024

Travel tios6
Great tips at the end. You should publish a travel tips blog for the many countries and areas that you have traveled.
12th May 2024

Love the photos!
Love the pics of you two! Empanadas pic is my fav! So glad you got the class you were hoping for!
10th May 2024

Park Looked awesome
If it weren't for the park and the falls, that side trip would be a bust. I hope your wine was all good. Interesting that a strike is that short. Great tips for travelers!
9th May 2024

What about the mashed potatoes?
Sorry I couldn’t ask this on the appropriate post. There wasn’t an option to comment on that post when I read it. What made the mashed potatoes the best you’ve ever had? And dish of the day over the chicken (which looked divine)?
10th May 2024

The chicken was good, but just too much spinach for me. The potatoes were fully and oh so buttery, and hot, nothing I hate more than cold potatoes.
8th May 2024

Art and Tango
This sounded like a wonderful day. I laughed at the accordion comment. I can't imagine an accordion being sexy - at all. Even if Tango is very sexy. That is about the moves of the dancers, not the music. I can totally picture Jeff being unexcited by Tango lessons. I'm not much of a dancer either, but I always want to TRY it.
From Blog: Tango
7th May 2024

So sorry
I’m sorry you didn’t get a hands on cooking experience. I don’t think I would have wanted to eat from a kitchen where five dogs were hanging out. I hope your next class is hands on, and I’m glad you got this blog sorted out.
From Blog: Cooking Class
5th May 2024

What a day
Your blog would be very helpful for first time visitors to Buenos Aries. This was a day filled with stumbling blocks for you, the experience is great informationfor new visitors or travelers. I love the little extras your hotel is doing for you! You made me chuckle with your comment to Shari, but I knew exactly what you meant!
4th May 2024

Very happy to hear you arrived safely. That was two long days of travel to arrive. Your initial wine tasting for this trip sounded amazing! And the small bites paired. I'm looking forward to hearing about your travel experiences. Enjoy your vacation!
29th November 2023

Galicia, a place to repeat!
Your blog is a true gem for travel enthusiasts. Inspired by your recommendations, I decided to venture with my family to explore the Rías Baixas, visiting charming places like Vigo and Ourense. We stayed for a week in a cozy, typical Galician house, Casa Rural Camu, which turned out to be the perfect place for our family of six. ( The experience was so wonderful that we are already planning to return to Galicia next year. There are still many corners to discover in this magical region. Thanks to the advice from your blog, I have been able to trace a detailed itinerary for our next trip. A thousand thanks for sharing your knowledge and helping us create unforgettable memories!
9th November 2023

The way you talk about Paris, makes it sound inviting, relaxing and welcoming. I had not thought that about a place I have never visited.
From Blog: Paris
8th November 2023

Ah Paris!
First, I cracked up over lawyer voice. Pretty sure it is mother and teacher voice combined raised to the fifth power. Ha! Second, I want to visit Paris with you because I think someone who LOVES a place gives the best tours. Sorry you had to have a work issue. Glad you were able to regain your Paris state of mind rather quickly.
From Blog: Paris
7th November 2023

I laughed out loud at your description of the science fiction bidet controls. Then I saw your salad dish of the day, and I thought I was more scared of that. I've had the whole lobster once, but I don't really care for food that looks back at me. Even if it is through dead eyes. This looks like a lovely, scenic place. I wanted to relax on the beach. I'm glad you've had a good trip. How long do you think it will take to recover once you're home again?
6th November 2023

Thanks for the heads up that this isn’t an art museum for me. Although Matter of Time looked quite interesting. It might be worth the visit just to experience that. Oh, one. Warhol. That’s the only artist name I recognized. But I am really NOT current on art. That is a LOT of beef. Is there any significance to calling it ox? Is that really different than beef we know in Montana? So sad that your trip is winding down. I will miss these blogs.
From Blog: Bilbao
6th November 2023

Just visiting
That sounded like a dreadfully long travel day in the middle of your trip. Are you just visiting and passing through? It does not sound like a likely choice for a future home. Have you recovered from your injuries from your 'incident '?
5th November 2023

Thanks for the smiles
I thought the cathedral looked very interesting on the exterior. The architecture was unique (because three different styles are used?) to my untrained eyes. I like seeing pictures of you and Jerry, but I realize your blog is more about the places you’re visiting. Travel blog, right? I laughed when you said you sounded like your grandmother. I think all of us might be destined to have a few inherited sayings or worldviews. I just mentioned to Jeff that I was “all stove up” after sitting in the car. Who does THAT sound like? I’m glad you’re having a great time.
4th November 2023

Blog memories
I think your blog and area photos is a great way to capture your travels for your memories. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us! Your area history was very informative. Having not traveled much out of the US, seeing your photos of the historic buildings is amazing. It amazes me how much you see each day.

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