Pubalan Kumaravelu


Pubalan Kumaravelu

Two of my great passions in life are motorcycling and photography. It is an amazing experience to be on the road on a bike to observe and photograph such varied cultures, places,faces and I see it as a great privilege that I am able to share the beauty and diversity of the world I've seen with others.
Like people says, photos will remains as memories forever so I would like to preserve what I see through my eyes in the form of photos.

I started my traveling by motorcycle only recently and I must say within an year I have done extensive rides within Malaysia, Thailand and recently to Cambodia. My travel companion - GS1200 & SLR never fail to keep me entertained during my rides.
It is a distinction experience when you begin to explore places on bike regardless of rain or shine and to be able to capture what you see, through the lens. It also gives me a sense of achievement for me to ride all the way to particular location to see and experience their specialty. Not to forget the experience I gain during the traveling in meeting people

Asia » Malaysia » Selangor » Bangi December 31st 2015

Plan to stop by at Thale Noi Take some photos Plan to have breakfast at route 41 but missed it because took different route Reach Sadao at 11am and the traffic seems to be low so decided to shoot off to immigration New immigration, stop for passport For custom declaration, need to ride the bike, sign the document and off I go Next is Malaysia custom, smooth flow Since it is 12.30pm, decided to stop at changlun for lunch. Marry Brown 1.30pm, on the road Reach KL at 7pm Celebrated countdown at Home... read more

Asia » Thailand » Southern Thailand » Nakhon Si Thammarat December 30th 2015

Day 11 will be a long day on the road for me. I have to cover about 500 km to reach Smile Resort, Thung song. Highway all the way Meeting 2 bikes from Bangkok Road works Reach smile around 4pm Had in resort dinner Contemplating if I should put up a night at sadao or head to KL... read more

Asia » Thailand » Western Thailand » Hua Hin December 29th 2015

Hua Hin is well known for nice beach and this town is flooded by foreigner. It is like Koh Samui where you can see villas and condos owned by foreigners. Since today's ride is shorted mileage thought the my rides, I took it very free and easy. I left Sabai Sabai around 9am and I reached Hua Hin town around 11 after having couple of breaks in between. Hua Hin has its own attraction and one of it is the railway station. My first stop is at railway station and took some photos of the area. The next thing that caught me by surprise is stall that sells Teh Tarik. Teh Tarik is known as pull tea and one of the must have drinks for breakfast in Malaysia. Once done with my photos, I head there ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Samut Sakhon December 28th 2015

Day 9 is my ride to Samut Sakhon and I anticipated this could be one challenging ride because I must ensure I don't end up in expressways. This journey will bypass Bangkok so I have to be alert all the time. The night before, I plotted my route and save in GPS unlike before this where I wrote on paper and key in the coordinates when I stop. I had 7 coordinates to follow. From Trat to Chonburi, I am not so worried because it is state highway only after Chonburi the expressway begins where I need to be cautious. I manage to grap by bfast at Amaon Cafe. I reached Samut Prakan pier where I use the ferry to cross the river. 6batt to cross the river. Taking ferry really cuts down my mileage and ... read more
CP Chicken, my lunch
Industrial bridge at Bangkok Province
Ferry ride

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh December 26th 2015

Day 8 - Journey to Phnom Penh, capital city of Cambodia. Estimated population of 2.2M, it is definitely a busy city and heard from friends that the traffic can be bad. I started my journey around 7am to hoping to reach the city before 5pm. Giving myself ample of time to overcome the unexpected. Good thing is that, the hotel owner did preamp me that the road work is in progress towards phnom penh so I am very much anticipated bad road condition. The few kilometers of my journey was fine till I encounter first section of the road work and honestly the experience is not good. There road was scraped off and to make it worst, they sprinkle water on the loose red sand which made it very slippery. My bike almost lost control and ... read more
River Cruise
Way to Riverview Guesthouse
Night market area

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap December 25th 2015

We start our day at 7am to Mount Kulen and thanks to Mr Lors idea of buying the ticket earlier. To go mount kulen we need to pass by Angkor Wat so it will be good opportunity for me to take some photos of my bike with the backdrop of Angkor. We stopped at few location to take some photos before we shoot to Mount Kulen. The road to Mount Kulen passes few village and we were at crusing speed enjoying the surrounding view. Reached at Mount Kulen checkpoint in 30min and I was glad we were fast but I didn't expect what is waiting for me in front there. Ticket validated and we continue. the road became narrow and we were climbing up. I was still fine till I see offroad, I was wondering how ... read more
Victory Gate
Road to Mount Kulen
View from the road to Mount Kulen

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap December 24th 2015

We start our day 6 as early as 5am because we need to purchase 1 day pass to Angkor Wat and avoid crowd. Mr Lors, our tuk tuk rider picked us up from hotel and once we purchased our pass, we head towards XXX to watch sunrise. Generally people will watch sunrise at Angkor Wat so we decided to go anti clock wise in visiting the spots. We start from XXX and end up at Angkor Wat. The sunrise at XXX is between 6.15-6.20 and yes the view is awesome. Worth wake up at 4am. If you reach XXX early, you can enjoy cup of coffee at the stall nearby or you can choose to watch the sunrise while seated at the stall. The owner may insist you to have breakfast there but then it is ... read more
Good spot for meditation
Beautiful sunrise
Our starting point

Asia » Cambodia » North » TonlĂ© Sap December 23rd 2015

Tonle Sap lake is located in Siam Reap and one of the popular tourist attraction. The main attraction is to see life of fisherman who lives in house on the lake and the sunset on the lake. You can engage a private or river cruise boat to bring you around the lake. The boat then will dock at one of the station where you can enjoy the sunset from here.... read more
View Of Village on Tonle Sap
River Cruise
Fisherman House on the lake

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap December 22nd 2015

Day 4 is the journey to Siam Reap where 2 challenges was playing in mind - border crossing and riding on right side of the road. I started my journey as early as 7am and I thought I have plot my trip correctly however after overshoot 26km, then I realise something is not right because I was riding towards Malai and Poipet. Cross checked my GPS with Google and true enough I was riding towards wrong direction. I have to turn and go towards the direction I am supposed to go which means I will be coming back to where I begin. Although 26km sounds like short distance but the journey took me close to 2 hours both ways. The weather wasn't helping because it there was mild drizzle and roads was wet and since sugarcane ... read more
Area nearby Hotel
My stay for next 4 nights

Asia » Thailand » Eastern Thailand » Buriram December 21st 2015

This was most challenging part of my ride to Cambodia because I have to constantly ensure myself don't end up in Motorways or Expressways within Bangkok area... read more
Buddha status on the hill
Replica of statue of Christ The Redeemer
Wat Enterance

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