Baldwin Family

Baldwin Travel Adventures

Baldwin Family

Our traveling band includes Todd, Marcia, Maggie, Tommy, Billy and Sean. We left the zoo at home with our current super-nanny, Chloe.

Our profile pic was taken at Todd's surprise birthday party by photographer and family friend Jim Coates, who also recommended this site for our blog - thank you, Jim!

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh April 10th 2022

Maggie was actually in Scotland from March 23 - March 27, but we just got the photos so this post is a bit delayed. She loved Edinburgh, and claims Todd and I would as well. She puts it as one of her top 3 ports, including Lisbon, Portugal, and Croatia. She enjoyed walking around the Royal Mile and seeing the cafe where J.K. Rowling began the Harry Potter series. It was closed due to a recent fire inside so she couldn't go in, unfortunately. But she thoroughly enjoyed the city, the hostel and Edinburgh Castle. She also hiked Arthur's seat. But her favorite activity this port was high tea - she said it really made her feel like a princess! She's found a good traveling trio with Lesley, Meghan and herself. She's also commented that this ... read more
Edinburgh Architecture
Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Mansion

Europe » France » Brittany » Brest March 25th 2022

Just a quick update today - Maggie blew through coastal France last week, porting in Brest. There are a few pictures, though she did report that the mud flats were not as bad as she had thought (no photos of those unfortunately). They did not make it to Paris because they were not able to buy return train tickets, so alas, Disneyland France will have to wait. She and her friends did celebrate pedicures and fancy dinner on the ship together, though, which she said was tons of fun and one of the best times she's had on the ship. A few pictures from that in this post. And I added several photos from Portugal, so backup to that previous post and be sure to check out the Paiva walkways images - they will make your ... read more
France boats
Shopping in France
Maggie and Lesley

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Lisbon March 18th 2022

Maggie had a wonderful time in Portugal! She adored all the brightly colored buildings, got to see a bright yellow castle, and had fun climbing thousands of stairs on the Paiva Walkways. She definitely wants to go back to Portugal someday. Life on the ship has also been more positive, thankfully. Now that the weather is warming, she and her friends are able to spend more time on deck soaking in the sun. As a thank you to her friends for all the great care they took of her in Spain, we treated them all to pedicures at the ship's spa, after which they splurged on "fancy dinner" in the ship's fancy dining restaurant. It was a fun, memorable night - and exactly the kind of experience Maggie's been craving for over two years. It's incredibly ... read more
Maggie at Lisbon yellow castle
Maggie at Paiva walkways
Paiva Walkways 1

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Barcelona March 8th 2022

So, Spain did not pan out quite the way we had hoped. Her second day there, Maggie and four of her friends went to a restaurant to grab dinner. One of them stayed at the table with all their things while the others went up to order food. A Spanish man came to the table, speaking broken English, and yelled at Maggie's friend to hurry up and go up and get her food. Startled and confused, her friend came to join the group. By the time they got back to the table, everyone's things were gone. Clearly, it had been a scam. Thankfully, Maggie had her wallet and phone with her, but her passport (as well as 2 other girls') had been in her bag. They called the police and filed a report at the scene, ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean » Balearic Sea February 19th 2022

Apologies for the delay in getting another post up with updates about Maggie's trip, but it has been a bumpy ride the last couple of weeks. We've added photos to the last post about Croatia, and pictures in this post are from Malta, so be sure to check those out. The ship made it to Malta, and Maggie spent some time bike riding around the city as well as taking a ride with a large group of SAS voyagers on a catamaran. She took advantage of free wifi at a local cafe to download some audiobooks and videos the last day, since her phone has essentially been without data since leaving Greece (something she hopes to rectify when she finally gets to Spain). That proved to be fortuitous on her part, as once they left Malta, ... read more
Maggie Kristin and Allegra in Malta
Gelato in Malta
Maggie Allegra and Meadow on Catamaran

We're a little behind with this post, and Maggie has yet to send us the photos to accompany it, but we wanted to get the Croatia port experience recorded as the MV World Odyssey arrived in Malta today already. (Bonus: Thanks to Maggie's Uncle Brian, you can track the ship's travels on the website www.cruisin.meif you'd like to follow their route!) Maggie spent a few days last week in Croatia, putting into port in Dubrovnik. After her experience in Cyprus, she was bound and determined to make the most of her time by getting out into the country. Soooooo....she decided to take a road trip! She arranged to rent a car in Dubrovnik to drive 5 hours to the Plitvice Lakes National Park in central Croatia. It would be a long driving day (10 hours round ... read more
Croatian Lakes Park
Croatia Waterfall
Lesley and Maggie - Croatian Lake

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean » Adriatic Sea February 1st 2022

The MV World Odyssey arrived at the Croatia port of Dubrovnik yesterday and Maggie will disembark today to begin exploring Croatia. They spent the last 7 days at sea, so we thought it might be fun to share what a day is like on the ship. Here's Maggie's description: I wake up around 9:30 and then I go to Global Studies every day at 10:00am and that goes until 11:00am. Then I come back to my room for about an hour for either a nap or some quiet time, before heading to lunch with friends around noon. I don't ever eat the ship breakfast because it's served from 6:30 - 8:30am, so instead I just grab some of my snack food in the room. I have class at 12:40 on both A and B days (A ... read more
Learning a Croatian dance

Middle East » Cyprus » Limassol January 25th 2022

The road to Cyprus was not a smooth one, but ultimately worth the effort! As part of the COVID protocols on ship, all voyagers are tested prior to arriving in any port. Each port's requirements for testing and quarantining if positive are slightly different, and in some cases changing what seems like almost daily. For Cyprus, voyagers were tested upon docking, and anyone testing positive had to quarantine on the ship for 5 days, which would mean they would miss the entire port as well as be isolated for their quarantine in a designated "COVID jail cell", aka quarantine cabin. Unfortunately, Maggie was informed upon arrival that she had tested positive and was immediately escorted to an isolation cabin after picking up a few belongings. To compound the situation, her roommate Caroline had made plans to ... read more
Sunshine in Cyprus
Maggie Coby Kalyn and Allegra in Cyprus Sea Cave
Cyprus Sea Cave

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens » Vassilikos January 16th 2022

We finally have a lot of photos and several stories to share, so this will be a longer-than-usual post. Maggie arrived in Pireaus, Greece, near Athens, on Tuesday, January 11, though they did not disembark until the next day, January 12. The first leg of the ship's journey was filled with ups and downs. On the positive side, she's meeting all kinds of shipmates and making lots of friends - Diego, Victor, Colby, Lyzette, Madeline, Caroline, Salma, Alex...and the list goes on. She's also getting to know the crew, and they are getting to know her as well. She's got crew friends on her hall, in the dining rooms, on the deck, etc. She loves that they call her by name and she's working hard to get to know all their names as well. She's getting ... read more
Pireaus Greece alleyway.
Athens street.

Oceans and Seas » Mediterranean » Tyrrhenian Sea January 7th 2022

We got our first ship-to-shore call from Maggie today. If we need to call her, it will be $4 a minute! But thankfully, she can purchase calling cards on board for a much more reasonable price (about $5 per hour). It was great to hear her voice, though we do miss FaceTime and seeing her. She's started classes, and says Global Studies is going to be great because it's totally geared toward Semester at Sea and she loves SAS! She will also be taking World Music, Oceanography, and Introduction to Global Theatre. Her biggest news is that everyone on board is experiencing seasickness....except her! Not sure where she got her sea legs, but she's very grateful she is currently being spared the symptoms her shipmates are enduring right now. She did say that the constant rocking ... read more

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