Amy Rogers


Amy Rogers

Greetings!! To our readers who followed our trip across Asia and New Zealand in 2009/2010, we're up to our old tricks again! Over the past three years in Colorado, we've arranged our circumstances to be able to spend an extended period of time in southeast Asia - namely, Bangkok, Thailand! This blog will contain our thoughts and experiences from life abroad as true "ex-pats," as well as any incidental traveling we take in the meantime. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some "armchair traveling" with us...

Days abroad:

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel January 24th 2017

Greetings all! If this post seems short, that's because it is. I'm only using to remind all of you that I've launched my own self-hosted travel blog, So if you want to read about our latest venture to beautiful Nepal, you'll have to go there to find it! I'll even make it extra easy on you and include a list of my Nepal blogs here: 1. 2. 3. 4. url=htt... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok October 10th 2016

I can honestly say that I never thought my answer to the question, "Where do you live?" would be Bangkok. And yet, here we are, almost a year to the day since we fled the 2015 "haze crisis" in Malaysia and dropped a few roots in neighboring Thailand. I've been a real slacker about blogging, and I apologize for that. Maybe it's a creative dry spell, maybe it's the relentless tropical heat melting my brain, or maybe it's the fact that we don't really feel like we're "traveling" anymore because, for us, Bangkok IS home now. It sounds all foreign and exotic and exciting, and it is. Living in a country like Thailand sounds foreign and exotic and exciting, and in many ways, it is. But notice the first word in the previous sentence: LIVING. No ... read more
Roof With a View
Backpacker Heaven - Khao San Road
Infamous Bangkok Traffic

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap May 4th 2016

Before I sat down to write this entry, I reviewed my blogs from our first visit to Cambodia back in 2009. A lot has happened in the past seven years, not just for myself and Jeremy, but also for the country of Cambodia. In my blogs from '09, I talked a lot about the uncleanliness and the abject poverty of the region. I went on and on about the trash in the streets, the child beggars around the temples, and the landmine victims with missing limbs begging for money or food. It was our first experience in a country that is truly "third world," and even now those images are stuck with me. We were mentally and emotionally prepared this time, but our experience this week has been quite different than it was seven years ago. ... read more
Buddhist Monk
Marveling at the View
Reflecting Pool

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai April 12th 2016

Ready to do a little time traveling? I hope so, because I'm now about six months behind on my blogging and desperately trying to catch up! These elephant adventures come from last November, when we had a slew of American friends visiting and we all spent some time up in Chiang Mai, in the northern part of Thailand. If you've ever wondered what it's like to get up close and personal with a creature that stands 10 feet tall and weight upwards of 8,000 on! It was set to be an all-girls' day out at Ran-Tong Elephant Camp. My friends Katie, Anjelica, and I signed up for a half-day visit to feed, ride, and bathe the elephants, while Jeremy was going to hang out in town on his own. Unfortunately, Anjelica came down with a ... read more
My Handsome Hubby Jeremy
Snack Time
Bath Time!

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don March 11th 2016

Have you ever heard SO much hype about a particular place that by the time you actually get there, it's kind of a let-down? Yeah, I've had my share of that, too. (I may have to join the witness protection program for admitting these, but here we go). Truthfully, that was my experience with New York City, which I visited for the first time when I was 19 (right after 9/11). It's not that it's NOT a great city - it is. But you hear SO MUCH about how it's the greatest city on earth and the stuff dreams are made of and blah blah blah...and, well, for me it just didn't live up to all that hype. Well, if you're a travel junkie, or a sun worshiper, or a beach lover, you've definitely heard of ... read more
Loh Dalum Bay
Longtails at Tonsai Pier
Strolling Through Town

Asia » Malaysia » Selangor » Petaling Jaya October 27th 2015

Hello everyone!! For the past several weeks I've been posting new travel articles on my website: If you haven't had the chance to check it out yet, please do so! If you've subscribed to my email list here at, you should also be receiving newsletters from my new odyssey site (since I moved all email addresses over). If for some reason you're not, you can subscribe yourself manually on my new site (right-hand column), or leave me a message here and I'll make sure it gets taken care of! It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks for us. To make a long story short, our recent excursion to Thailand landed us some contacts in Bangkok, which in turn has led us to the decision to relocate there...this week! The haze crisis shows no signs ... read more
Comparison - Then and Now

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta October 7th 2015

Hello everyone! Have you missed us?? Before I launch into why and how we're in Thailand, let me tell you about some exciting news I have! As you may know, I've had the goal of becoming a professional travel writer for quite some time now (as in, my whole life). (host of the blog you're currently reading) has been a great platform for me to use for these past 6 years. It's given me some good exposure and let me gain a nice following of readers and fellow travel geeks. But there's only so much I can do with them, so I'm happy to announce that I have just launched my VERY OWN travel blog!! It is appropriately called "Odyssey of the Blonde Giraffe," and you can check it out here: From now on, ... read more
Haze - Before and After
Our Daily Get-Up
Dinner and Drinks on the Beach

Asia » Malaysia » Negeri Sembilan » Port Dickson July 30th 2015

First off, an apology for the nearly three-week delay in getting this blog out. The funny thing about writing for a living is, well...when you're done working for the day, the last thing you want to do is sit down at your computer (again) and edit photos (again) and write (again). Even for me, who LOVES to write, it's a little bit of overkill. But fear not! I had some free time tonight (and a smattering of creativity leftover somewhere in my brain), so I thought I'd fire off an update, assure you that we're still alive and well, and send some photos along from the past few weeks. These pictures are actually "Part Two" of my last blog about Malacca. On our drive home the next day, we hugged the coastline and ended up near ... read more
Seriously...the Biggest Leaf EVER.
Cape Rachado Lighthouse
Nasi Lemak

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City July 11th 2015

Let me preface this entry by reiterating how much we love living in Kuala Lumpur. Truly, we do. Jeremy and I both dreamed of one day living (if only temporarily) in some beautiful high-rise in an exotic foreign city. And, we are. Twenty-three floors above a big bustling metropolis, with a view of the world's tallest twin structures right outside our wall-of-glass bedroom window. Seriously, it's awesome. And yet... There's been a little something missing, too. Malaysia is pushing forward so hard these days, striving to attain official status as a developed first-world nation by the year 2020. And nowhere stronger do you feel that push than here in the capital city. There's so much new development! New train stations, new mega-malls, new cars on new highways. They're not quite there yet, but they're definitely ... read more
Photographer's Paradise!
Color Color Everywhere
Officially Ready for the Night Market!

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cameron Highlands » Tanah Rata June 23rd 2015

Thirty-second history lesson for the day: Back in 1885, during the British colonial era, a government surveyor named William Cameron stumbled upon a beautiful plateau nestled in the Titiwangsa mountain range in Malaysia's interior. It was suggested that the area would be the perfect location for a retreat from the heat and humidity of the lowlands, as well as ideal terrain for farming. An isolated hill station was developed about 30 years later, followed by what is now the famous Boh Tea Plantation. Today, the Cameron Highlands are one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of Malaysia! Seeking our own respite from the heat and humidity in KL, we accepted an invitation with our new friends Daryll, Jasmine, and Suzan to join them on a day trip to the highlands. This involved waking up ... read more
A Walk Through the Tea Fields
Lata Iskandar Waterfall
The Hike Up...

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