


Hi, my name is Adam, and in June 2010, I went on a travel across North America (and back) and Canada.
I would now like to share my experiences with the world, and more importantly, recommend anyone to do the same thing, especially if they haven't gone travelling before, or are thinking about it.
Another reason for doing this blog is to let people know about a discount code for anyone thinking of travelling with a particular Tour company.
There's 64 days of dventure and travelling to get thorugh, so keep checking the blog for the latest entries.

I hope you enjoy what you read, and if you haven't already been to America, or travelling, I hope it gives you inspiration to travel there yourself. Feel free to contact me about my Tour, or if you have any questions about travelling with a company or other people. Feel free to also contact me for my unique discount code. My email address is

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff May 27th 2012

Hi I hope you hav enjoyed reading about my wonderful 9 week trip of the States and Canada. Apologies go out for taking forever to finish the blogs off, and I hope the wait for some people was rewarded. I thoroughly enjoyed originally writing my journal as I went on my Tour, then writing it up into a book, then extracting and editing each entry for my blog, and as I finished entering the last few entries, even almost 2 years after it had all happened, all theemotions came back to me once more. I would just like to finish the blog with a brief summary of what has happened since the Tour ended. I'm sure there are people who might like to know, whilst others may not give a damn. Here goes: After coming back ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York May 27th 2012

I got up an hour earlier than my alarm was set for. D'oh! After quickly showering and dressing ready for my flight, jeans, my walking boots, and my San Francisco top wrapped round my waist, I left my room for the last time, and headed down to reception to check out. I left my rucksack, suitcase and hat case in their storage, before heading to the bus stop and back into Manhattan. When I got there, I had almost 2 hours before I was meeting the others, so i ended walking to Times Square ready for the meet up before turning off at the last block before the Square and ended up at a spot I was last at 6 years ago, when I visited New York with my brothers and sister. I walked by Grand ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York May 27th 2012

I woke up at around 8.50am by Steve ringing my room. I picked up the receiver and put it back down straightaway. Soon after, he knocked at the door, just as my alarm went off. Steve and I headed down for our free breakfast whilst Kylie and Scott got ready, and sorted more photos for the rest of the hard drives, before meeting the rest and heading out of the hotel. It was no exaggeration when I say it took 4 hours from me getting up to us getting to the bus stop at the front of the hotel! When we finally reached the Port Authority Bus Terminal, Becca, Kylie and Scott headed to the hostels, whilst Steve, Zach and I headed out into Manhattan. We were arranging to meet Annabel somewhere in the concrete jungle ... read more

North America » United States » New Jersey » Secaucus May 27th 2012

Once more there was another early start, but having just about turned my alarm off, I almost missed the very reason why it had gone off so early. A few minutes before it was due, I hurriedly put on some shoes and along with Mark, sprinted to the back of the Park where the Lake begins. The sun was about to make its appearance - on our very last day of the Trailblazer tour. As we arrived at the edge, any of the others who got up as well were nowhere to be seen. Then Mark decided to walk along the edge towards the sun, to get a much better view, and this was where we discovered just how big this Park was, as we passed through many small sections of field, surrounded by big hedges, ... read more

After packing up and leaving Cedar Point behind, we made our way to our finally destination before Secaucus, and it wasn't a bad chose - Niagara Falls. On the way we stopped for lunch at Lake Eerie National Park and something amazing happened. The whole group got involved in a game of volleyball. There was always talk throughout the previous 9 weeks of playing a game or two, but all that ever happened was tossing the NFL ball around a couple of times. It started out with Joanna, Kristina, Annabel, Sarah, Mark and Zach starting to get a little game going, and before long, everyone apart from Sumi and Todd got involved. Proper positions were taken up, with everyone moving around one spot every point. It was great, even the diving around on the sand underfoot, ... read more

North America » United States » Ohio May 27th 2012

Steve woke up this morning to be confronted by a pissed off Mark. Seemed that he was the only one who returned to the hostel the evening before, got ready and was waiting around for an hour or so with no idea that everyone else had changed their plans. Turned out he went out to let off some steam and ran into Zach and they drank the evening away complaining. He was not at all pleased, but having experienced something similar at Easton's I commented that he will get over it quickly and realise what a jackass he was. Today was Becca's birthday and to celebrate we were heading to the Cedar Point theme park. Sadly by the time we arrived there, I had a stinking cold and had no energy to join in at the ... read more

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago January 20th 2012

I got up early, leaving everyone behind and headed over to Soldier Field for the tour. I was told that I didn't need to book in advance and to just turn up at 11am. I thought it best to arrive early just in case, and got there around 10ish only to be told to come back to the gate at 11am. I took a seat over by a police memorial for those killed in the line of duty in the city. When 11am finally came around, there was a large queue now, and some school trips as well, as we waited around for an eternity before being let in to book our tour tickets. Eventually our tour guide joined us and our tour finally started as we headed through a corridor and then on to a ... read more

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago December 20th 2011

At 1.30ish, our wheels rolled on again as we headed to the Windy City. There was a little bit of excitement in the air for those who had decided to stay awake at the front of the van. I intended to be one of those, but found myself soon falling asleep, only waking when we had a stop for fuel and coffee at a gas stop somewhere next to a blackened highway, with the many truckers still on the road passing by. When we were back on the road again, and having falling into another sleep, I finally woke to find us on the outskirts of the Windy City. The night had gone and the start of a new day was greeted by strong mist surrounding the city and after a quick caffeine stop we headed ... read more

North America » United States » Minnesota » Albert Lea December 18th 2011

We quickly left the Badlands behind and headed on the longest drive ever to Minneapolis. All there was to mention was the Corn Palace visit (yes a building that is mainly made up by corn - and bricks) and lunch at Dairy Queen. When we reached the campsite, Todd and Zach told us that Minnesota is the lake of ten thousand lakes, which meant there were a hundred thousand insects to go with it! And they weren't wrong. We soon found ourselves struggling to deal with the insects as our camp was right by a lake. Even getting out of the sanctuary of the van to get dinner and back resulted in many itches and I'm sure some bites. I was in there with Zach, Kristina and Joanna, and I had a good chat ... read more

We woke up to a downpour which made packing and loading up a bit interesting, before we headed to 2 places we skipped the day before to reach Deadwood. First up was Crazy Horse Memorial. A mountain monument started in the '40s and still being made with no Government funding - just the interested public's donations and vistor fees. Only the face has been completed, but only as recent as 1998, and it stands proudly overlooking the Black Hills of South Dakota. Mount Rushmore itself can fit in Crazy Horse's head alone! There is a viewpoint in and outside of the visitor centre, with a small replica statue standing there to give everyone an idea of what the final outcome will look like, but it is unknown when that will ... read more

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