Blogs from Mirissa, Matara, Southern Province, Sri Lanka, Asia


Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa February 29th 2024

I feel well rested today; I have had a good nights sleep! I got up at about 8am to have a coffee and a catch up with Ella. I was going to say, before the start of the day, but that’s not quite true. It is before the start of my day, but Ella was up and about at 5:30, doing jobs! The first person I actually saw this morning was Creshanta, she is one of the cooks at Basecamp. She brought Ella and I white lotus flowers. The white lotus flowers are said to represent a state of spiritual perfection and total mental purification. Ella explained to me that it is considered an honour to be given the flowers. The only other time that she would normally give flowers is when she takes them to ... read more
Another amazing vegan breakfast
Coconut Tree Hill
The view from the hill

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa February 24th 2024

I had a really good nights sleep last night, which really helps to set you up for a good day ahead. I was up, however and sorted by 9:15! Although I should point out, everyone else at Basecamp was at the morning yoga class at 8:30! I may consider joining in the early evening class at some point. That is a Yin Yoga class. It is a slower, pre relaxing form of yoga. …. Maybe! At 9:30, the class was completed, and the breakfast table was laid. The menu is a vegan menu. I’m enjoying the food, but I rarely know exactly what I am eating! The variations of hummus, the peanut butter, and the chocolate spread are also nice. They are all homemade, and taste much better than their mass produced counterparts! Breakfast is always ... read more
Passing traffic!
Weligama to Marissa
Paradise beach, Marissa

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa November 24th 2017

Nase flakani v Mirisse shrnu uz do jediného clanku, vic si to stejne nezaslouzi. Hlavnim poznatkem bylo, ze Mirissa automaticky neznamena dobre počasí. Z tech 5 dni jsme videli slunicko asi 3 hodiny, jinak bylo pod mrakem a relativne často sprchlo nejake to stesticko. Me to tak uplne nevadilo, protože jako spravny Cech jsem do more každý den vlezl, more bylo krasne teple, takze jsem byl vlastne spokojeny, ze nemusim resit nejake mazani a pripalovani. Jeli jsme se podivat na velryby (za 6000 rupii i s odvozem), coz bylo trochu zklamani. Je to totiž docela loterie, na kterem miste se pan Vel Ryba rozhodne nadechnout. Mozna to urcuje podle toho, kdo mu kolik zaplati planktonu, ale mozna nam to delal naschval. Standardni prubeh je totiž takovy, ze clovek 5 minut kouka na prazdne more, pak se ... read more
Cerny flek = zelva
Asi velryba

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa March 22nd 2017

HE SAID... Today we were travelling south-west from Yala National Park to Mirissa. We woke late at 6:30am, quickly organised our packs and headed to breakfast in the hotel’s open air restaurant at 7:30am. With little time to spare I gobbled a couple of egg hoppers (thin crispy rice flour and coconut crepes cooked in a mini-wok, with an egg in the centre) with seeni sambol (caramelised onion relish), and they were fantastic. I also managed to grab a mixed fruit juice, tea, fresh pineapple and some crepes that had been rolled into a thin tube with a jaggery (Sri Lankan palm sugar) and coconut filling. We left our hotel (Oak Ray Lake Lodge) at 8am and started our journey towards Mirissa. After only 15 minutes on the road we stopped at the dwelling of a ... read more
oak ray lake lodge egg hopper breakfast
curd and treacle
southern coast road

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa November 18th 2016

Geo: 5.94354, 80.4589... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa December 3rd 2015

Geo: 5.94354, 80.4589I never knew that the beaches in Sri Lanka were so good. One of those idyllic beaches that we based ourselves in for 6 nights was Mirissa Beach. We arrived by bus from Ella and immediately enjoyed the change from grey and rainy to hot and sunny.Mirrissa isn't a huge beach but it is a great place to stay for a while. It has amazing scenery with the token coconut trees. From Mirrissa there are heaps of things to do such as lounging about, whale watching, day excursions, surfing etc. We stayed in a nice small homestay for 5 nights and worked on our tans. Mirrissa is a good place to go whale watching and there are a few companies about but we chose to go with Raja and the whales as they promote ... read more
Colourful Tuk Tuks
Local Bus
Mirissa Beach

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa January 9th 2014

I'm not much of a beach bum, but I do like a good swim, pristine sands and crystal-clear water every now and then. Hence I go to Mirissa. I take the train from Galle and kind of hint to some locals where I'm going, hoping they will let me know when we're there. After an hour and a bit, an older man tells me 'Mirissa, Mirissa', but I can't see a station or platform, before I realise I'm looking at the wrong side and the platform is so short it can't be seen outside our carriage. I fall-jump off the train and walk into the wrong direction, until some tuk tuk-drivers point me out the right way. Accomodation is easily found inside a family's home. I drop my bags to take a stroll on the beach, ... read more
Mirissa beach
A cold Lion lager
Coconut stall

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa December 8th 2013

Geo: 5.94354, 80.4589Sri Lanka 26th November – 12 December 2013After yet another visit to The Quality Airport Hotel, where we were greeted like old friends, we flew back to Sri Lanka.In the Maldives Pauline and Colin's Thomson rep. Rohan, was very helpful and he arranged for a driver to collect us at Colombo airport and take us straight to Galle, so avoiding the waste of a day travelling if we had stayed near the airport overnight. Not only did the driver meet us but also Rohan's friend who had been asked to take care of us as it was night! They were both very pleasant but the drive was a challenge. The new road had opened for Prince Charles's visit 2 weeks earlier, and we were able to use it but there is a 10 kilometre ... read more
Another Bride and Groom on Ramparts in Galle
Beautiful markings
Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose!

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa May 22nd 2013

Bonjour à tous! Une entrée de blog bien, bien en retard sur les autres, j'en conviens. Déjà deux mois et demi que mon père et moi sommes revenus de voyage, après un séjour de quasi 3 semaines au Sri Lanka.. Mais vous le savez bien comme moi: mieux vaut tard que jamais. Voici donc, la toute dernière entrée de cette belle promenade vécue en terre d'Asie du Sud. Où vous ai-je donc laissé.... ah oui! Le Parc Yala et l'honneur que nous ont fait les léopards de se pointer le bout du nez. Après cette fantastique rencontre avec félins, nous sommes partis direction Mirissa, une petite ville sur le bord de l'eau, connue pour ses belles plages. C'est là que notre guide devra nous abandonner après 10 jours. Dix fantastiques journées à se laisser guider, et ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province » Matara » Mirissa February 17th 2013

Departing Bangkok, in the spirit of budget conscious travellers on the road for a long haul, we opted to take a less expensive but much longer flight to Colombo, Sri Lanka, one which had us in transit for twelve hours. The good news is that we got to spend some time in what has to be one of the world's most beautiful and largest airports in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, complete with lighting in the massive structure ceiling designed to look like a night sky. Most impressive. The bad news is we found ourselves once again burnt and jet lagged upon arrival, having not yet recovered from the last flight, and slept the entire first day in this new country, too tired to even get up to eat. Our immediate mission, then, was to find an appropriate ... read more
Our Breakfast Restaurant
Our Guest House
Walking Mirissa Beach

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