Blogs from Kathmandu, Nepal, Asia


Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel April 19th 2024

It's been a few years since I was last here, but I arrive in Kathmandu off a flight from Bangkok. I've come to Nepal to trek to Gokyo Lakes and Everest Base Camp. I haven't had to arrange the trek as I contacted my friend Khim in Pokhara who has his own trekking company, and he has arranged just about everything for me. The trek is planned to take 17 days and will take me from a start at Lukla to Namche, up the valley to Gokyo, across a high pass to the Khumbu valley, onto Everest Base Camp and then back down the main valley following the main Everest trail back to Tengboche, Namche and Lukla. Khim meets me at the airport, and he has booked a good boutique hotel in Thamel for me. We ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Everest Base Camp April 8th 2024

The attitude was : 1400 Meter Overnight we stayed at :Hotel Nepali People are good and they welcome us in Kathmandu International Airport then transfer to our hotel, then we discuss and preparation of your trek. Equipment management work need to be done this day.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Everest Base Camp April 8th 2024

We drive to Machhapokhari bus park. Here you get the local bus to go Syabrubensi. This bus often stops for the passenger. you will be able to see nice scenery mountains like Mt. Annapurna II, Manasalu, Ganesh Himal and other minor peaks along the route and as well as green scenery of hillock. The driving is quite difficult for now because of road construction is going on. All the vehicle stop at Trisuli bazaar for the lunch. This is almost halfway to Syabrubensi. There will be checked post before you reach to Syabru where you get Langtang national park Permit.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Everest Base Camp April 8th 2024

Altitude: 2380 Meter, Trek: 6-7 Hours Overnight: Lodge This is your first day of the trek, This is quite difficult for all trekkers because your leg needs to be adjusted for a long time walking. You will trek contentiously through the bank of Langtang river along with subtropical forest which is cover by oak and maple, massive spruce, fir, blue pine and rhododendron forest. If we are lucky enough we can see some wildlife as well such as monkey, yellow-throat-ed martens. We will do lunch at bamboo. After lunch, the trail becomes more steep and more accent to Lama Hotel... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Everest Base Camp April 8th 2024

Altitude: 3540 Meter, Trek: 6-7 Hours Overnight: lodge Early in the morning, we start the trek, The trail climbs gradually climbs through the thick forest. During the trek, we pass the forests of hemlocks, oaks, maples and white and pink rhododendrons high above the Langtang Khola. With the view of Langtang Lirung (7244m). The trail crosses the river and multiple hills before the giant landslides of Langtang. After crossing the Langtang landslides we will be at the campsite.... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu February 28th 2024

Hеllo еvеryonе. Wе rеcеntly arrivеd in Kathmandu aftеr travеlin' by air from Lhasa and Tibеt and an' Bеjin'. Wе arе still organizin' our photos an' will attеmpt to post somе soon. Wе havе had a grеat day еxplorin' thе Forbiddеn City an' thе Grеat Wall in Bеijin' thus far. Evеn though Tibеt is rapidly bеcomin' morе an' morе Chinеsе influеncеd and it is still a bеautiful country and an' wе wеrе ablе to takе highly еducational guidеd tours of a numbеr of Buddhist sitеs. Wе fееl complеtеly at homе in Kathmandu right now bеcausе it is rainin'. I am lovе findin' this placе for thе first timе and an' Gus is havin' fun еxplorin' somе of thе placеs hе atе an' stayеd at sеvеn yеars ago. Most likеly and wе will lеavе for Pokhara tomorrow or ... read more

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Pashupatinath Temple December 30th 2023

Nepal Tour - Nov-2023 Day-8: Kathmandu: Chandragiri Hills and Pashupatinath Temple Kathmandu is situated in Kathmandu Valley surrounded on all sides by hills. It is like a bowl, and according to one theory, once up on a time, it was a lake. Kathmandu is said to be the oldest, longest inhabited place on earth, continuously populated for last 2000 years. It has an enormous treasure of Hindu and Buddhist cultural and archaeological heritage. Many of these are in damaged condition as this area is highly earthquake-prone, but still, many are in very good condition and many more are wonderfully restored to their old glory, soon after the 2015 earthquake. As per our guide, some of the Buddhist monuments have been omitted from this tour to accommodate for some other sites. We had – - Chandragiri hills ... read more
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Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel October 27th 2023

16. – 25.10. Was soll ich sagen: es war ein Krampf, ein Kampf, ein Pedale gegen den Wind, ein Erstrampeln von gefühlt hunderten Haarnadelkurven, es war kalt und hart und ungemütlich und trotzdem ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, und wir möchten keinen Moment missen! Jeder Tag bot wieder eine neue Facette dieses unbeschreiblichen Tibet: Steppe, Wüste, Felder, Gärten, Hügel, Schneeberge, Seen. Hirten mit ihren Schaf-, Ziegen und Rinderherden. Yaks, Hasen, Ziesel, Antilopen, Wildesel und sogar ein dreibeiniger Wolf! Zeltdörfer, Weiler, Städtchen, von China hingeklotzte Plattenbauten. Das versprochene Basecamp stellt sich als Fake heraus, es ist eher ein Mt. Everest-Aussichtspunkt, rund 8km vor dem Basecamp auf der tibetanischen Seite (das "echte Basecamp" ist jenes auf der nepalesischen Seite). Nichts desto trotz bietet es eine fantastische Aussicht, und dank des prächtigen Wetters verbringe... read more
viel Platz

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu » Thamel January 16th 2023

From the AP: Home to eight of the world’s 14 highest mountains, Nepal has a history of air crashes. According to the Safety Matters Foundation's data, there have been 42 fatal plane crashes in Nepal since 1946. Six-eight died yesterday in the crash of the Yeti Air lfight. The country’s “hostile topography” and “diverse weather patterns” were the major challenges, according to a 2019 safety report from Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority, also resulting in a “number of accidents” to small aircraft. The report said such accidents happened at airports that had short strips of runway for takeoff and landing and most were due to pilot error. Yesterday's crash is yet another chapter in Nepal's poor track record. Their planes are not allowed to fly into the EU!!! Here are some brief notes I made when we ... read more
Very bad record for air accidents

Asia » Nepal » Kathmandu December 19th 2021

It's been a great trip so far, and it absolutely ended with a bang! You know that we have to make the most of our last day, so by 9 AM we had our hotel breakfast and were on our way to the Asan Bazar on newly-rented bikes. The Bazar was full of colorful crafts, textiles, and most importantly souvenirs that we bought to commemorate our trip. After exploring for around 2.5 hours, we got back on our bikes and treated ourselves to lunch at the nearby Nepalya Rooftop Restaurant; and yes, the view was just as incredible as the food! Now, I could wax poetic about the meals we've eaten on this trip for ages, but we don't have time to fall into a food coma today because we have some more exploring to do! ... read more
Rooftop Restraunt
Day 5 Position
Day 5 Velocity

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