Blogs from Mt Fuji, Shizuoka, Japan, Asia


Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji September 9th 2019

Wiele rzeczy w życiu ma swoje przeznaczenie i gdy dostajemy coś do ręki czasem nawet nie zdajemy sobie sprawy z tego kiedy i czy w ogóle z nich skorzystamy. Więc gdy zaczepieni przez panią z biura przy wejściu na trasę Yoshida Trail wsparliśmy miejscową fundację datkiem, dostaliśmy przy wyjściu dziwna paczkę z zawartością dla wspinających się po szlaku. Nie zastanawiając się bardzo nad tym, co jest w środku, wrzuciliśmy je do plecaków. Nawet nie podejrzewaliśmy w jak dramatycznych okolicznościach znów z nich skorzystamy za paręnaście godzin... No to od początku. Prognozy pogody były niekorzystne. Jednak mając, świeża, bardzo dokładną wiedzieliśmy, że, aby uniknąć spotkania z tajfunem na szlaku musimy wyjechać z Kawaguchiko najwcześniejszym autobusem o 6.30. Do naszego schroniska, Goraiko-kan, z 5 stacji, czyli wysokości około 1200 m npm, według przewodników, idzie się około 5 h. ... read more
Basia naciera na górę.
Jedno ze schronisk.
Nasz Goraiko-kan.

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji September 7th 2019

Już niemalże przywykliśmy do tego, że wizyta w Japonii to spotkanie z tajfunem. Tylko żeby w akurat w tą noc, kiedy mamy wejść na szczyt Fuji, co jest najważniejszą częścią naszej tegorocznej wyprawy. Nie nie damy się, bo mamy plan. Ale od początku... To przytrafiło się nam już drugi raz. Powaleni do wygodnego łóżka w tokijskim hotelu, po przespanych 2h/24h, zostaliśmy uratowani przez room service. Pani pokojówka wyrwała nas ze snu torując sobie drogę między naszymi plecakami. Totalnie zakłopotana faktem, że jesteśmy w pokoju, tak szybko, cicho i niespodziewanie zniknęła jak się pojawiła. Gdy spojrzeliśmy na zegarek okazało się, że gdyby nie ona musielibyśmy zapłacić za dodatkową dobę w hotelu. Była 10 czasu miejscowego, czyli środek nocy dla Europejczyka. Zdążyliśmy na styk wykonać szybką toaletę, omówić plan trasy do Kawaguchiko i wymeldować się, przed graniczna godzina ... read more
Lake Kawaguchi.
Miska ryżu dla biednych turystów.
Oraz tempura dobra o każdej porze.

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji April 27th 2019

As we sailed into Shimizu harbour all we could see was low lying cloud and fog. Despite this we went out in hope. First stop the inevitable shrine. - Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine to be exact. We entered through the Torii gate, purified ourselves with the sacred water, entered the shrine, did our two bows, two claps to waken the gods, offering of money , a wishful prayer and bow out. Got this down to a tee now. This one did have a lovely scared pool with lovely wisteria over it. Then it was back on the bus and a drive past lots of green tea plantations to the Matsubara Pine Grove. These ancient pines are protected and thought to be sacred and I must admit they are lovely trees all sweeping and bending over. ... read more
Torii gate
Azalea walk to shrine
The shrine

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji November 22nd 2018

Mt Fuji is located on Honshu Island 60 miles S/W of Tokyo. The active Stratovolcano is the highest mountain in Japan 12,389 feet. It is one of the holy mts along with Mt tote and Mt Haku. Its lava flow has produced a lake of hot springs lake Ashi. It is in the Hakone district with a population of 13,492. We set out early in the morning for the long journey to one of Japans most sought highlights with over cast and drizzle to arrive with soft clouds and sun. It was a long blessed journey.... read more
Cable cars Mt Fuji
Hakone hot springs
Hakone mt Fuji

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji November 22nd 2018

Its our last morning in our favourite little hotel and i'm pretty gutted to be leaving it must be said. We've got an early start as its going to be quite a long day of travelling to get to Mount Fuji. The forecast has changed from shining blue skies to forecast rain so we're a bit unsure as to whether we'll actually see any of the notorious mountain, but we'll wait and see…. Breakfast is ashamedly a mcdonalds breakfast muffin and the strongest coffee I think i've ever had. we're used to a little foamy cafe con leche but here they seem to like a very strong black filtered coffee with a tiny teeny coffee creamer which does little more than colour the coffee from black to very dark brown. Once again we consult the trusty ... read more
The asobi factory hostel
Kachi kachi ropeway

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji August 20th 2018

Hello my fellow travellers! When I left you yesterday I had just reached the 9th station of the Fujinomiya Trail on Mount Fuji. I was doing a bullet climb throughout the night after having previously climbed Mount Hōei together with Takae before she had to go back home to Shizuoka. After a while of staying hunkered down at the 9th station I dragged myself up as I was getting too cold to stay stationary for too long. My plan was to make it to the top and then add as much clothing as I possibly could to myself and find myself a decent spot to wait out the last few hours until sunrise would come and hopefully warm me up a bit. The climb up to the 9.5th station was a slow and arduous one as ... read more
Friendly Proprietor of the Toilet
Helpful Man and Me
Goraikō (Sunrise on Mount Fuji)

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji July 10th 2018

An early morning wake up to catch the train to Mt Fuji. After two trains to arrive at Gotemba station, I had already received two random acts of kindness from the generosity of Japanese locals. From Gotemba, I caught a bus to Subashiri 5th station (red trail). I arrived to start climbing at 8:30a.m. I pledged my donation and away I went, from a starting elevation of 2000m. The first point of interest, Komitake Shrine, the up through the tree lined forest, it was moist and mossy. The lush foliage was beautiful and cool, unlike the predicted 28 degree forecast at the fifth station. It was pleasant and not too challenging up until the new 6th station. Alas, the ease with which I started the trail was soon over, with every additional step and every station, ... read more
Subashiri Trail - starting at 2000m
Stairway to heaven (or not)... before the pain begins...
Komitake Shrine

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji March 20th 2018

Well what a difference 12 hours makes! From freezing winds and overcast skies, we were greeted by the most beautiful clear blue sky and crisp air in which to depart Kyoto. Not taking any chances, Mal and I had pulled out all the thermal underwear and covered them with as many other pieces of clothing we could find. Needless to say, we spent the next 12 hours stripping off layers off and putting layers back on, with not even half the amount of time walking out in the elements we had done the day before. Our first stop was to the Heian Jingu Shrine in another part of Kyoto and a walk around the most magnificent gardens. There was also a people's market across the road so we wandered around there until it was time to ... read more
Holygram in the tourist shop
Yep....he's really happy to see another temple!
Waiting for our bullet train

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji October 14th 2017

Monday 14th big day! Set off on the Bullet train from Kyoto Station, it took about two hours before we disembarked, reaching up to 320klm per hour, it was a very comfortable ride and the time just flew by looking out at the scenery just buzzing by. A bus met us and took us for another two hours to the Mt Fuji 5th Station but saw absolutely nothing as it was more or less a blizzard, so that was a bit disaappointing but that is travel. Onto Oshino Hakkai known for the springs of Mt Fuji, the eight ponds are fed by the melting snow from Mt Fuji through porous layers of lava resulting in very clear spring water that is revered by the locals. Then took a cruise on Lake Ashi which is beautiful but ... read more

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji October 3rd 2017

Night became day, Hong Kong became Japan! We picked up the hire car for our road trip , only to find ourselves without a working gps! Celine brilliant ly negociated crossing Tokyo east to west, landing on course on the chuo expressway, reading a map until we finally worked out the gps and safely got to kawaguchiko in 4h, before enjoying our first Japanese lunch of our holiday (and of Jerry's life!). We are staying in a nice Japanese inn and traditional room with tatami and futon and free tea, and hot baths and views of fujisan, well done Scott! Fuji was shrouded in clouds but has now completely cleared up. ... read more

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