Blogs from Tanjung Pinang, Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia


Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Tanjung Pinang May 27th 2015

I have not seen the movie, Laskar Pelangi (or "Rainbow troops"), but have heard about it which was made in 2008 and had made the island instantly famous domestically. For years, the island had been known for its tin mine, next to the neighbouring island, Bangka, and it did have more domestic visitors only a few more flights from Jakarta were added. A few more three and four star hotels were built too, giving more choices to the travellers. Locally, the island is called Belitung and it has been on my 'to go' list for a long time, but somehow - despite its beauty, it was not 'inviting enough' for me as I felt it was not 'exotic enough'. So when my friend of high school days asked me to join her to Pulau Seribu ("one ... read more
Before the sun goes down at Tanjung Tinggi
Batu Berlayar (Sailing Rock)
Batu Berlayar

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Tanjung Pinang June 27th 2011

Inland Trip to Belitong Berawal dari sebuah acara charity beberapa bulan lalu, kemudian berkembang menjadi beberapa invitation untuk bergabung dengan backpacker community yg ada di indonesia, hingga tercetuslah sebuah keinginan untuk mewujudkan 'nafsu' berkelana ke sebuah daerah yg sebenarnya sudah ada sejak jaman VOC. namun pulau ini baru saja di kenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia setelah meledaknya sebuah novel karya anak bangsa yg menceritakan sebuah kesederhanaan, klo terlalu ekstrim di sebut penderitaan, anak-anak negeri masa depan bangsa ini di sebuah pulau penghasil emas hitam, Belitung! Penduduk asli pulau tersebut lebih sering meyebutnya dengan Belitong, dengan menggunakan huruf O bukan U. aku tidak mau ribet membahas kenapa sampai ada perbedaan penyebutan, apakah karena faktor bahasa daerah atau karena faktor lidah melayu dan non melayu, entahlah. lagian itu juga buka... read more
Photo 4
merak dari atas kapal

Asia » Indonesia » Sumatra » Tanjung Pinang August 6th 2010

I'm longing for a blue sky holiday near the sea. Initially was aiming for Maldives but got chickened at the last minute due to the hefty pricetag. So the quest for a more "budget friendly" option started with the usual suspect: Phuket, Krabi, Bali, Lombok, Langkawi, etc. But then again it was "been there done that" de ja vu. So then I surveyed for a more "up and coming" places rather than well established. My gaze stopped upon a place called "Belitung". 50 mins by flight from Jakarta, it is still in proximity with the big cities. They don't have international airport yet but still reachable. What's so special about the place? Well have you ever seen "Seychelles" in Africa? (it’s where Prince William went on his honeymoon btw). Belitung also have the big boulders of ... read more
Look How Big is the Rock!
Mie Belitung

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