Blogs from Rinjani, Lombok, Indonesia, Asia


Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani March 29th 2018

"What have I got myself into", those are the first thoughts when the alarm goes off at 2.30am. In half an hour the car will be there for a three hour drive to the bottom of mount Rinjani, a 2.700 meter high volcano. I am not ready for this, but the question is will I ever be? At 3.00am sharp the car arrives which surprisingly enough looks quite comfortable. As I crawl in the back my headphones come out and the best I can hope for is some extra sleep. Unfortunately my thoughts decide not to give me a break of thinking about how though this hike is going to be and the coming two hours feel like forever. When my head decides I am ready for some sleep, the car pulls over and the driver ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani October 17th 2017

It's good to test your limits every now and again. This is where Mount Rinjani stepped in! After a relaxing week in Kuta Lombok and further beach days planned for Gili Trawangan, signing up for a 2 Day 1 Night hike seemed the logical thing to do! Mt Rinjani, an active volcano on the island of Lombok, is the second highest in Indonesia standing at 3726m (beaten by Mount Kerinci at 3805m). With Mount Agung on Bali on red alert it was the obvious choice for us. Day 1: We set off from the mountain village of Senaru in the back of a pick-up truck where we met the other members of our group for the hike. As we navigated the windy roads, we were tossed from side to side - getting a workout before the ... read more
Proud as punch!
Sunset at the crater rim on Day 1
Sunrise at the summit making it all worthwhile!

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani November 19th 2016

Als morgens um 03.30 Uhr unser Wecker klingelt fühlen wir uns beide wie gerädert. Die ganze Nacht hatte es unfassbar gestürmt, gewittert und wie aus Eimern geregnet und in unserem kleinen Schilfdachbungalow war es dadurch so laut dass wir kaum schlafen konnten. Dazu kam die Sorge, wie wohl unsere Wandertour auf den Mount Rinjani bei einem solchen Wetter ausfallen würde und ob sie überhaupt stattfinden kann. Wir haben zwar extra ganz Kuta auf den Kopf gestellt um noch zwei ansehnliche Regencapes zu finden, aber bei einem richtigen Unwetter macht das ganze trotzdem wenig Spaß. Nachdem ich um viertel nach vier mal den Fahrer geweckt habe, der uns eigentlich um 4 Uhr abholen sollte, fährt man und in etwa zweieinhalb halsbrecherischen Stunden nach Senaru, einem kleinen Dorf im Norden von Lombok und Ausgangspunkt unserer Wanderung. Dort der ... read more
Impressionen von Tag 1
Impressionen von Tag 1
der lange und steinige Weg zum Gipfel

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani November 23rd 2014

And so, with the 3D2N Rinjani trek, I've reached the highest point in my life, yet. In fact, most of us did. Standing right at the 3726m summit, we overlooked the whole of Lombok island and stared in awe at what mother nature has created. The incredible view was worth every bit of the climb up, and more. Besides the summit view, the whole trek was scenic at various points in time, offering different perspective of what the mountain has to say about her own beauty. 7 highlights: 1. The weather was predictably unpredictable. The skies turned colours quicker the mood swings of my sis, and man did it rain heavily for parts of the 1st and 3rd day. Well, good thing was that it did not rain while it mattered: like in evenings during sunset, ... read more
Taking a break
Truly amazing sun setting beyond the mountains
Starry night

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani March 5th 2014

One thing I really wanted to do on this trip to Lombok was to climb Mt Rinjani. I first saw Mt Rinjani in 2012 from the summit of Mt Agung in Bali, it was peeking out of the clouds and from then on it was on my list. Rinjani is the second highest volcanic peak in Indonesia at 3726m and has a 6 km x 8.5 km caldera. Segara Anak, the crater lake partially fills the caldera with a small volcano (Gunung Barujari) contained inside that again. Other interesting scientific facts can be read on the link below. So....having booked the flights without really doing any homework I found out that the Rinjani National Park is closed in March due to the wet season. Damn.... However, after reading through as many trip reports/reviews that I ... read more
Entrance to Rinjani Park
My trek buddy

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani October 24th 2013

Now, although I had a pretty bad hangover, Anna and I still moved onto Lombok. Two of the Indonesian guys from Gili Air (Harry and Bucek) were from Lombok and they offered to drive us round the island on their scooters. So we took them up on their offer. The journey from the harbour through Lombok was beautiful. Driving past rice fields, countryside, beaches and mountains. The drive took a few hours but was worth it. They pulled up at a guesthouse after making our way up a steep hill. The guesthouse was fantastic, overlooking rice terraces under Mount Rinjani. Wow! I was stunned at this picturesque scene I had just arrived at and felt very lucky. We went to a local place for dinner and this is where we met Gian and Leo. A couple ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani August 8th 2013

Sometimes you know when you are getting yourself into a mess. Trust me, I have gotten myself into jams so many times (and more often than not, knowingly) but the ones that hurt the most are the times when you envision yourself to be the ass kicker only to walk away hobbled and broken. Enter Mt. Ranjani. Yes, I had heard the stories of the freezing summits and bone-chilling nights. I had heard about the scrambley talus slopes that make even the best footwear a rather desperate but yet redundant expense. I had heard that at 3700 meters, that many, if not the majority of those who started would turn back, never reaching its summit. And I heard about the days of leg pain that would be a complimentary gift of the mountain lasting for days ... read more
Base camp I: Crater Rim
Sunrise from the Crater Rim
Crater Lake

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani September 17th 2012

Finally...we bring you the Rinjani story....better late than never (its very time consuming you know and we have been far to busy having fun!) While we were on the Gili islands we seen lots of agents offering the chance to climb a volcano called Gunung Rinjani on Lombok, and after a little while we sort of started to think that it might be something good to do. It’s not often you get the chance to climb a volcano and later in the trip we’re doing the Inca Trail trek and maybe this could provide us with a bit of practice, and much needed exercise! We jumped on the internet and did a bit of research, you know the simple, sensible stuff. How high, how far and how difficult is it? Well it turns out that its ... read more
...and Rach
the "small waterfall"
very safe bridge...

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani May 7th 2012

After being in Ubud for 10 days, I finally decide enough is enough, it's time to move on. I must admit I've gotten pretty comfortable in Darta's homestay, eating at the local Warung every night with the same bunch of people. I don't know if it's recovery from being ill or the fact that the last few weeks have mainly been spent with family & friends, but I seem to have lost my appetite for exploring right now and it's felt good just to be in one place, particularly one I feel so at home in! But I can't stay here forever, and I had wanted to climb the monstrous Mount Rinjani since day one of getting to Indonesia, in fact it was the main reason I decided to not take my flight to Vietnam last ... read more
The Summit From Below
The Start of the Trek
On the Way Up...

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Rinjani April 18th 2012

Tom and I have just completed a 3 day / 2 night trek of Mt Rinjani, which is the second highest active volcano in Indonesia, the summit sits at over 3,700 metres. We booked the trip with three Canadian guys that Tom met at the surf camp and a couple of other Europeans joined our group. The first few hours started off pretty easy with a nice relaxed stroll from our base in Senaru through a forest area. After stopping for a lunch of noodles and making friends with some old guys from Jakarta who sorted us out with treats, we set off on the afternoons trek which we were told from our guide, Bas, would be a lot more difficult. A few hours later and Bas wasn't wrong, we were climbing from a starting point ... read more
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