Blogs from Karimunjawa, Java, Indonesia, Asia


Asia » Indonesia » Java » Karimunjawa October 5th 2020

Karimun Jawa is an area consisting of 27 islands North of Jepara, Central Java, of which 22 are inhabitated. Covering land area of 1,500 hectare, it has long history. It dated back in the thirteen century, during which Chinese Army, sent by Kubhilai Khan, mentioned the island on its historial record, of which fact was supported by the finding of porcelains from the Ming Dynasty. It's no surprise the islands were mentioned as they were part of the Spice Trail through which ships from the Molucca islands passed through the area enroute to Europe. It was also said that the islands were home to some pirates after the Dutch left the settlement in the 17th century. Only until recently, it was not accessible by air. Thanks to Wings Air, which operates ATR 72, Karimun Jawa is ... read more
Sunset view
Hakuna Matata Cafe
Cemara Besar

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Karimunjawa April 14th 2015

Vanuit Vietnam naar Malaisie te reizen zou veel elebogenwerk kosten, om ons door de massa's toeristen te werken. We zagen er beiden tegenop en vlogen naar Indonesiƫ. Indonesiƫ blijkt groot, heet, vulkanisch en vruchtbaar te zijn. Natuurlijk kunnen we erop rekenen dat Claire goed voor onze kamerplanten zorgt, en dat ze goed groeien, maar als we ze mee hadden genomen en een weekje hier in de grond hadden gezet hadden we reuzeplanten mee terug genomen. Als je je mangopit uitspuugt staat er morgen een mangoboom. Niet alleen planten vinden het klimaat fijn, ook insecten zoemen in donkere wolken om ons heen, groot, groter, grootst. Toen we op Karimunjawa, eilanden ten noorden van Java, tijdens de avondschemering op onze scooter door de jungle terug ijlden om snel thuis te zijn voordat er ongelukken zouden gebeuren, gebeurde er ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Karimunjawa September 3rd 2012

So we were counting days to the end of our Asian adventure now. We had our flight to Sydney booked in around 3 weeks time and still had to visit Java, Bali, Lombok and Gilis. No regrets as it was worth it to stay in Sulawesi for 4 weeks ;-) We did not want to rush and for some reason we kind of already knew that we would end up skipping Bali. After seeing all those magnificent paradise spots we just did not think Bali would work for us. Nevertheless, we thought we give it a try if we find time. We flew from Manado to Surabaya and went straight to the long distance bus terminal and hopped on a bus to Yogyakarta (68,000R/7$ including dinner). We had no idea that arriving at night would be ... read more
Batik gallery in Yogya
us in Borobodur
lovely sunset in Karimunjawa

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Karimunjawa July 19th 2012

Zo, naar een paar dagen in de wildernis hebben we weer internet! Maandagochtend moesten we vroeg opstaan om de taxi te nemen naar de boot naar de KarimunJawa einlanden. Tickets van de boot waren al de vorige avond bezorgd geworden, en 's-morgens zou de taxi om 6.20 ons komen ophalen. Echter..... geen taxi. We hebben gewacht tot ong 7 uur en hebben toen het hotel maar een taxi laten regelen. Omdat de taxi's klein waren hebben we er 2 genomen. Toen begon de rit. Het was net een Formule-1 race, maar dan in een vol stadsverkeer. Links en rechts inhalen, constant claxonneren en bumperkleven (hetgeen hier alles heel normaal is, maar ons hartkloppingen bezorgde!). Na deze rit die ongeveer 1,5 uur duurde kwamen we bij de boot aan, toen nog een uurtje wachten en we konden ... read more
met z'n viertjes
kids met snorrkeluitrusting

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Karimunjawa June 24th 2012

The journey started when some young, adventurous, impassioned medical students planned to explore the beauty of small islands on the Java Sea after having been tortured by weeks of exams. We chose Karimunjawa Islands as the destination, famous for its gorgeous underwater biota and, yes, white sand tropical beaches. After taking a night bus from Jatinangor to Jepara's dock, we could not catch up the ferry leaving for Karimunjawa Island. It went away only half an hour before. Jeez, it was sooo close. We were forced to stay for another day at the dock. It turned out that it was actually fun to spend our time in Jepara with its Kartini Beach and small islands around. We could see the most gigantic turtle in the world (not real turtle though lol). We di... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Karimunjawa May 31st 2010

Ow, after Yuli had a terrible sea-sick n the second day in this paradise :d, I left her alone in hotel while I had really lot of fun with the other tours members! :) This day we're going to "Pulau Menjangan" to visit shark farm? farm?hmm.. I don't know what's the exact english for it.. bu it's a place to save the smaller shark and keep them safe from hunter then after they grow bigger, they will released in the wide sea right behind the island.. the cool idea is I could swim with the sharks! :D but with no any blood in your body pleasee.. first I was affraid that they will bite me, though the instructor told me they won't bite me.. oh please! this is my very first time swimming with shark! how ... read more
people on the board..

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Karimunjawa May 30th 2010

So, after had lot of rest and lazy time on the first day, now I'm ready to explore all the islands around Karimunjawa (well, not all actually, only 3 small islands hehe..) . This time, we're gonna explore "Pulau Kecil" , "Pulau Tengah" , and "Pulau Gosong". And, ater we picked up by fishermen boat by morning, we started to sail against the morning wave to reach "Pulau Sintong".. but in the middle of our journey, the fishermen told us that the wave was too high to reach that place.. so we all agreed to passed "Pulau SIntong" and straight ahead to "Pulau Kecil" :( geezz... At first, when I'm already could saw the island, I thought that it would be ordinary island.. but infact of being ordinary, it's a fabuluous island!! so the private cottage ... read more
Pulau Kecil
Pulau Kecil
my beach.. :d

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