Blogs from Bali, Indonesia, Asia


Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Munduk May 25th 2024

After arriving at the very crowded and bureaucratic Denpasar airport, we stayed overnight at the incredibly convenient Novotel airport hotel – the only hotel where you can take your airport luggage trolley all the way to your hotel room! . Next morning we set off for Munduk in the north of Bali. Getting through Denpasar was no quicker than it was six years ago. The city gradually gave way to villages, but with no break in the buildings. Our first stop was the Tanah Lot temple, one of the iconic pictures of Bali. The temple is on a small island connected to the mainland by a causeway which is accessible only at low tide, so we could only view it from the shore. There are a number of other temples in a small complex on the ... read more
Bali funeral bull
Jatiluwih rice terraces
Ulun Danu temple

Asia » Indonesia » Bali May 19th 2024

Good morning from Congo! What a better time between two meetings to write about the past 18 months experience of being back to Asia! Yes, time flies...imagine, we moved to Bali already in September 2022! I always believe that you should spend a certain time in any place to feel home, and that you reach the best of the experience between the 18th month and 36th month. By that time you've made yourself really home. There is perhaps less new discoveries, but it's the nice feeling that you start to belong to the place. Here we are, 18 months and some more in Bali! My lovely wife is working a lot. Yes, island life doesn't mean holiday life everyday (sadly). But her normal week is a 5 days affair, so we have ample time to ourselves ... read more
Manta time, Nusa Penida...
Weekend brunch at the St Regis...
Top view for sunset at Karma Kandara...

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Sidemen April 10th 2024

When we arrived last night it was pitch black and we couldn't see the view at all. It was amazing to wake up to the most picturesque beautiful view and it looked even better than in the photos shown when booking. The room is huge, the view couldn't get any better and it's so peaceful. Just the sounds of frogs, crickets, birds and the ocassional rooster. The perfect choice! We headed for breakfast and had the most amazing smoothie bowl. Both Louie and I loved it. The juice here is amazing. Louie had watermelon juice and I Dragon fruit juice. The restaurant also has the perfect view. We then headed into town which is a good 30 min walk up hill. Yes we are so unfit it nearly killed us to the point Louie kept saying ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali March 9th 2024

I woke naturally this morning, and at a reasonable time, 8:50! It was actually ten minutes before the alarm went off. Today is moving day, which is always a bit messy! I did my bag sorting last night, so there’s not much to be done this morning. Funny thing happened before I left my room though. I thought I’d really done it this time! Ha ha! Last night, for other reason than curiosity… I noticed the locks on the door! I usually lock the door when I get, no change there… then I noticed the chain lock, which I hadn’t seen before. I thought to myself, really, is there a need for that much security? So, obviously, I started fiddling with it, then put the chain lock on. Ah nice….. until I tried getting out this ... read more
Denpasar Airport
Happy as Larry!

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Seminyak March 8th 2024

I am quite happy with myself this morning! I slept really well last night, and woke up at about 9am, not my own accord though; I set my alarm! I think that I probably would have naturally slept on! It’s crazy how much I am sleeping whilst I’ve been in Seminyak! But to honest…. It is a total beach, shopping, eating and drinking tourist resort, so I’ve realised, that’s ok, I’m not missing out on anything! I had a good look on the internet for things to see here, but they just don’t appeal to me. A lot of the stuff is up in Ubud, where I’ve just for from. There are the coffee and rice tours, not for me, ATV hire, surfing, cooking etc. Many of the tours on offer involve long drives, which I’m ... read more
The Melasti Ceremony Procession
The Melasti Ceremony Procession
The Melasti Ceremony Procession

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Seminyak March 7th 2024

Today, so far, didn’t go quite go as I had planned! My plan was… to get up, get showered and sorted, then go off the beautiful roof top to enjoy my first breakfast at the new hotel. Well… that didn’t happen! I woke up at about 1am this morning, and I was struggling to get back to sleep, but eventually I did. I finally woke up very comfortable, totally relaxed in my huge, and very empty feeling, bed! Due to the sheer size of it! Then I slowly turned over, got up. The first thing I did was to unplug my phone, as it’s been on charge overnight. OMG!!! Shock! It’s 11am! I have slept through the whole of the morning plan! WOW! I dropped back the non- prepared plan b!! I notched up my speed! ... read more
2nd course of brunch
Lower ground pool
Lower ground pool

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Seminyak March 6th 2024

Another restful night! Although, I had lots of issues with both Facebook and Instagram. I actually thought that I’d been hacked, after lots of hassle trying to log in, change passwords etc….. I gave up, and deleted it all! I sent a message through WhatsApp, asking my family what had happened, and to put a message on for me explaining….. Ella responded back,.. Mum, Facebook is down! Grrrrr.. now I have none of them, and I have no idea what the passwords are because I don’t know at which point, or what my 20th attempt as password changes I had got to. I decided to go to sleep, and leave it until the morning! I woke up at about 8am. It’s moving day today, after my shower, I finished packing my case, then went down for ... read more
Arrived at Jambuluwuk Ocean Hotel in Seminyak
LG level pool
Hotel room 7ft wide bed!!!!

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud March 5th 2024

It was an earlier start for me today, as I have booked a private tour. I felt it was the best option to see more of Ubud as I only have 3 days here. It would be a shame to miss out! I set the alarm for 6:45. It wasn’t difficult to get up early, as I purposely went to bed early in preparation! I’m seriously not a morning person these days! I had scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. Then was ready for the driver to arrive at 8am. I walked up the street to the ATM to get extra cash for the day, and also water, I’m making a concerted effort to drink lots! I will need cash to buy tickets for the entrance costs. I’m not sure if they all take card payments! ... read more
Ubud rural street
Swing Heaven
Posing at Swing Heaven

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud March 4th 2024

I slept really well, after a very frazzled day, but it feels like it was worth the hassle! The bed is huge! I think the biggest I’ve ever slept in! My day started with the shower. I’m well out of my comfort zone here! Not with getting a shower, obviously!… ha ha… it’s the size of the shower head…. Again, huge! I’m starting to think that size matters in Bali! It’s one of those that make you feel like you’re in the rain. I can see the nice side to that effect, but as a person that does not get her hair wet in the shower, it’s got its problems for me. Therefore, my shower today, was a physical work out, continually bending my head and neck backwards to avoid the ‘rainfall’ on my head!! I ... read more
Taking a walk in Ubud
Taking a walk in Ubud
Iced coffee, too sweet!

Asia » Indonesia » Bali March 2nd 2024

So the second week we are more or less in the centre of Ubud. Staying at the SenS Spa which was a great spot and a nice hotel. Whilst in Candidasa one of my back teeth crumbled at dinner one night but hard to find appointments up there so made an appointment in Ubud few days in advance! Lots of nerve pain but kept up the Panadol until we could get there. Anyway ended being a pretty bad infection, so three root canals cleaned out. Packed with antibiotics, filled and temp crown, loads and loads of anaesthesia and also oral antis to take til next visit, over two hours in the chair that first visit. Also fell over on way to dentist as some paths terribly broken and uneven then when we were heading out for ... read more

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