Blogs from Pondicherry, India, Asia


Asia » India » Pondicherry February 6th 2024

Mi ero sempre chiesto se valesse la pena di visitare la città di Pondicherry, dalle parti del Tamil Nadu; ero dubbioso, e l'odio atavico che tutti gli italiani dovrebbero provare nei confronti dei nostri cugini d'oltralpe non faceva che rafforzare questa mia diffidenza. Tutto questo perchè Pondicherry è stata per due secoli la più importante città dell'esiguo, ma gagliardo, impero coloniale francese in India, ed oggi può vantarsi di offrire ai viaggiatori stanchi della full immersion indiana un piccolo angolo di Europa fedelmente riprodotto nel subcontinente, con tanto di hotel de ville, croissant, baguette e poliziotti che indossano un ridicolo cappello rosso di forma cilindrica. Grazie a dio gli abitanti di discendenza francese in città sono ormai veramente pochi (tra cui il simpatico padrone della mia guest-house!), ma vengono però malauguratamente compensati dall'elevato numero di tu ... read more
Un grande kepì rosso sopra la sede della polizia
Ristorante franco indiano a Mamallapuram
La spiaggia a sud del tempio

Asia » India » Pondicherry December 17th 2016

One last stone monument visit in Mahabalipuram straight after breakfast to the Tiger Rock. It's a unfinished shrine with carved tiger heads around the portal. It was also our first auto-rickshaw ride. We had a last swim then took a taxi to Pondicherry. The road down was good with light traffic. Disheartened by the queue at a bank we passed and the two ATM's I saw were shut. A potential problem looming as our funds we got in Chennai were dwindling away. We passed significant number of what looked like newly developed shrimp farms along the way and along the river banks rice farming was in full swing. Our taxi located Hotel Coromandel which is a european heritage house with about 6 rooms. Our first night unfortunately we had to sleep in a small downstairs room ... read more
Detail writings
Our first auto rickshaw

Asia » India » Pondicherry November 11th 2016

Auroville is a beautiful place partly in Tamil Nadu & partly in Pondicherry, spread over acres and acres of land with lush greenery and is very close to nature. It is also a place that follows a unique blend of traditional living practices which are enjoyable in this modern world. Auroville has some tar roads, but mostly muddy roads. Many place of interest like farms, eateries are located in areas accessible by narrow red mud/sandy roads, so hiring a two wheeler, available aplenty there, is the most convenient mode of transport. Other modes include cycle and car. It is full of a variety of trees, plants, flowers and naturally, insects and worms too! minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family: Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-char-type: symbol; mso-symbol-font-family: Wingdings;">J The roads are lined with cows, calves & goats. One of the most interesting ... read more
Auroville Bakery
Newspaper Basket made by me :-)
Hand Pouch

Asia » India » Pondicherry May 2nd 2016

Thank you to everyone for your nice messages about my blog. I don’t write it to ‘blog’; I use it as a way to remember things and tell my family and friends what I’m doing…but anyone who is interested is welcome. Apparently I write it like I talk so it amuses my friends… I’m not sure that’s a good thing though because I write a lot of random shiz J Monday 25 to Thursday 28 April There’s not much to say about the working week. The journey to and from work is pretty tough but I’m trying to make the most of it by working or studying. Or if I’m tired I sit and watch what’s going on outside and it’s really interesting when you can really look and enjoy it. We ate out a few ... read more

Asia » India » Pondicherry November 1st 2015

We are from Gujarat, Western part of India. Had been to Bengaluru, and planned a trip to Pondicherry/Puducherry because we had heard a lot about the Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville. Puducherry is about 360 Km from Begaluru and takes about 6 1/2 - 7 hrs by Taxi. These days, in India, if you take Taxi, be sure to add about 20-25% of the cost for Toll Tax and Interstate Road Tax. It is simply exorbitant. Why anybody goes to Puducherry? As a Tourist? To see Aurobindo Ashram? To see an Indian city with French colonial flavor? For its beaches? For Auroville? Well, Pudicherry is an Indian city like any other Indian city. You can see more 'foreign' colors in a small hamlet like Diu (Gujarat) or in Goa - ex Portuguese colonies. Aurobindo Ashram: Entry is ... read more
Vinaygar Temple, Puducherry
Vinaygar Temple, Puducherry
Vinaygar Temple, Puducherry

Asia » India » Pondicherry September 30th 2015

We spent two days Fisherman’s Cove moving between the pool, the spa and the restaurants. By the end we were ready to feed our more adventurous side so were happy to be picked up for the hour drive to Pondicherry. Lessons learned. Don’t go to a temple at 3pm in the afternoon. We stopped at Mahabalipurum just outside of Fisherman’s cove. The town is famous for its stone carvings and has a temple overlooking the ocean and planned to take a look around. However at 3pm any time outside of the car is spent baking in an all encompassing heat that makes a leisurely stroll unrealistic. 2. Don’t do your morning walk after 8am. Like point 1, the heat makes exercise unpleasant after the ... read more
Pondicherry Street
Shopping for Rachel wear

Asia » India » Pondicherry February 16th 2015

We are thoroughly enjoying finally having a relaxing holiday in India, where we are not constantly rushing from sight to sight. Today we drift slowly through the streets of the French quarter in Pondicherry. We start at the Botanical Gardens, which were probably once the Kew Gardens of their day but now look distinctly run down. They are certainly peaceful.... We look at all manner of trees with strange names – the bullet wood tree, the screw tree and the cannonball tree, for example. There is a solitary ‘greenhouse’ which is essentially a large tent housing a bunch of plants sold in every garden centre in England as pot plants. Next stop is the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ church, another good example of Indian Catholic style – bright colours and flashing lights around the pictures ... read more
French quarter in Pondicherry
The Promenade at Pondicherry

Asia » India » Pondicherry February 15th 2015

We enjoy a final leisurely morning on the beach before it is time to pack up and head to Pondicherry. Two minutes down the road we discover to our horror that the guy at the check out desk has managed to insert an extra digit into the debit card charge for our hotel stay, thus increasing the bill tenfold. ‘Turn round’ we screech to Mr Hussain! Problem solved, we set off once for more for a 2 hour drive to Pondicherry. Finding the hotel requires a lot of stops to ask the way, but eventually we pull up in front of a house in a small side street. It is built around a courtyard, with just ten rooms, and we get a friendly welcome. Once settled in we walk into town. The section by the sea ... read more
Pondicherry Court of Appeal
Dog enjoying an ear for dinner
A salutary warning

Asia » India » Pondicherry January 17th 2015

HE SAID... We were leaving Mahabalipuram and heading south to Pondicherry. We woke at 6.30am and headed out to a local chai wallah (tea seller) at Mother Chai Shop for a morning chai. The chai (tea) stand was tiny and the street was empty, so we were happy to be there. While Ren befriended a local dog who was after pats and scraps, I watched the wallah interrupt making our chai to give a young street kid a piece of cake. The kid just walked up to the stand and pointed to the glass jar the cake was in. When the wallah gave it to him, he took it in both hands, put it to his lips and kissed it before munching into it. It was an incredible act of generosity, especially as the wallahcould barely ... read more
mother chai stall
mother chai stall

Asia » India » Pondicherry December 10th 2014

I have always wanted to see Pondicherry which used to be a French enclave within India. So when we were in Chennai, we took a bus to visit this charming coastal city in the Bay of Bengal. After we got directions from our hotel in Chennai, we took a cab to the bus terminal. When we got there we had to wait for about an hour to board the bus to Pondicherry. It was a comfortable air conditioned bus. Along the way we saw the sea at stretches along the highway. The bus was an express bus so we didn't stop anywhere, passing through small towns and villages before we reached Pondicherry in about 3 hours. The bus terminal in Pondicherry was a very busy one. There were people departing or arriving from all parts of ... read more
Pondicherry, India
Pondicherry, India
Pondicherry, India

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