Blogs from Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India, Asia


Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar April 7th 2023

I had heard how beautiful Kashmir was and had always wanted to visit it. So, when my first leg of photography trip for the Holi Festival was completed, I decided to extend my trip and headed to Kashmir, along with my two friends. The flight from Delhi to Srinagar took only 1.5 hours, much shorter compared to 3 hours of being in the airport prior to departure due to lengthy security check. Once we landed at Srinagar airport, we were greeted by our driver, Museeb, who suggested that we drove right away to Pahalgam. It was an easy and comfortable drive as the road condition turned out better than what I had expected. In the contrast to the week earlier where I saw lots of women wearing colorful clothing everywhere, I hardly saw any women on ... read more
Military men on duty
The colourful minibus
Human pulled sledge

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar August 15th 2020

Luglio 2006, un giovane Mercante si aggira spaesato tra gli sporchi vicoli di Old Delhi; il caldo è soffocante e l'umidità non da tregua: il monsone quest'anno è in ritardo. Tutto è così nuovo ed interessante in questa primissima esperienza indiana, la città si rivela da subito uno scrigno di tesori e di esperienze più o meno gratificanti: la gente sembra a posto ma non la smette un attimo di cercare di fregarti in qualsiasi modo, il cibo da strada è ovunque, invitante e super economico, ma si rivela spesso immangiabile; palazzi, moschee e templi spuntano come funghi da una cumulo di letame ma si rivelano molte volte faticosissimi da raggiungere, tra la folla, il traffico ed un groviglio inestricabile di stradine e vicoli che rendono del tutto impossibile il minimo senso dell'orientamento. Si riesce a ... read more
Una nuotata nel fiume Jhelum
La mia casa sul lago
Attraverso la catena del Pir Panjal

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar November 26th 2017

There are scenarios in life which you can only experience through your determination and grit. Kashmir Great Lakes (KGL) was one of those treks for which I had to keep trying before I could finally tick off my bucket list. Ever since I completed my Roopkund trek, I badly wanted to go for KGL after hearing glowing reviews and seeing the stunning photos of the vast landscapes. My first attempt was the same year as my Roopkund trek but due to threat of heavy rains in Kashmir, I did not get to registering for the trek. My second and third attempts were thwarted by the toxic environment in Kashmir post the death of Burhan Wani in Kashmir last year (Yes, we did register twice and had to cancel). Finally on my fourth attempt, I was successful ... read more
Dal lake
Dal lake
View from Sonamarg Campsite

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar May 26th 2017

The flamboyant sun shone amidst the clouds as our group of 13 people landed in Srinagar. It is not a roam-able city but ‘Adhoos’ is something you should not miss out on. Our trip is not about the tranquil lake of Srinagar and TAJ VIVANTA but about the unexplored parts of Kashmir which, even ‘Google maps’ won’t be able to find. Daksum was next on agenda. PARADISE retreat was the place where we stretched our backs after a 3 hour journey covering the Achabal botanical garden. We roamed around the riverside with the 13 of us tumbling over pebbles and bouncing them in the fast flowing Jhelum. We stayed there only for 6 nights but took with us the memories which will be there with us for a lifetime. The Sinthan top is a majestic place ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar May 19th 2016

We originally planned to spend around two months in the mountains, but we've overran in other places and four months isn't as long as it sounds. Kashmir is the most northern state in India, bordering both Pakistan and China. Given the past tensions there's a very heavy military presence, there's literally soldiers with guns stood on most street corners in the capital, Srinagar. For those who don't know, Kashmir is one of the most dangerous geopolitical flashpoints in the world. It's the reason India and Pakistan have been enemy’s since their independence. It's location makes it's a prime strategic location, militarily speaking. I'm not sure on all the technicalities, but in 1947 when India and Pakistan became independent there were some states which were undecided on which country to join. The Indian government sent officials to ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar February 19th 2015

we recently purchased your current 70th Anniversary Edition connected with J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece -- ones Hobbit. my partner and i have read ALONG WITH re-read his book voted Book of your Century -- your current Lord of any Rings and so quite a few times when i have lost count. my partner and i have lone re-read your current Hobbit once, a series of thirty several years ago my spouse and i initial url= hobbit cheatsI came About the book quite through accident as a young boy of approximately eight or even 9. we was within MY OWN public library and the Librarian seeing we feel struggling find the book indicated your own Hobbit. we took This towards the reading table AS WELL AS am recognized away to be able to another world. via The item ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar September 4th 2014

8 days spread over a 63 kilometres maze. 1040 ft to 13750 ft. Hot, humid and sultry to heaven beneath our feet. Six beautiful high-altitude lakes, personally designed by Nature. Sheep Horses Mules beware! A camp, surrounded by flowers, to share and that one warm blessed sleeping bag to wear. 10 kg rucksack and those dependable shoes with cracks. Walking 63 degrees uphill, 40 degrees downhill, on crooked wooden planks on top of water streams running in romance, minding every step on jurassic park-style boulders, finding our foothold on fresh snow corridors, sprinting through the green meadows, counting a hundred shooting stars under the moon's shadow. Kashmir Great Lakes. Was it a vacation? A tour? A journey? A sight seeing trip? A trek? I felt it was much more than that! It was an experience! An ... read more
The emphatic mountains protecting the blue lakes
Constant in this ever-moving journey

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar August 2nd 2013

Day 4: Having ended our stay at Pahalgam, we would go to Srinagar today. We got up early and took our breakfast and checked out of our room. From the rate chart we called the Taxi Asociation and booked an Omni. After bidding adieu to the resort boys and the owner we waited for our car. Finally we left Pahalgam for Srinagar at around 9: 15 am with fresh and fond memories. We told our driver, a young fellow, that we intended to stop at a few places on our way and so he should not hurry. We also asked him to show us apple orchard on the way, to which he readily agreed. Our car zoomed ahead along the empty road. Our driver suggested that we take a short cut through the village at Bij ... read more
apples waiting to be packed at the orchard
Avantipura ruins
saffron flowers

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar July 16th 2013

Delhi We are back from Gangtok to a relatively dry Delhi for 3 nights, back to Namaskar India to their main room (203). Functional, clean, cool and cheap at Rs 1000 per night. It’s a lot cooler for the first day and we decide to go shopping to Connaught Place. After a quick bite at Khan Cha Cha (we are now regulars), we check out Fab India for some stuff for the family then to the Central Indian Emporium in Janpath for a few gifts and finally The Shop which is a “chic boutique” according to LP. We get some good gear for Louise, Sarah & Little B. As we are in Janpath we venture into The Imperial Hotel (mainly to use the posh loos for free). However, on a ... read more
Dal Lake in all it's glory & colour
Dal Lake in the sun
Relaxing on the patio,

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Srinagar March 31st 2013

We knew as soon as we stepped off the plane in Srinagar, Kashmir, that this was going to be a different type of adventure. Our first clue was the very apparent military presence everywhere. All those soldiers sporting machine guns were just a tad bit intimidating; at least until they returned your smile. Then there was the equally obvious abundance of men everywhere, and noticeable absence of women, this being a predominantly Muslim culture. It's a good thing we were greeted at the airport by a friendly guy who took us directly to our pre-booked accommodation with the Amina Group of Houseboats on Dal Lake, the beautiful lake that borders the city of Srinagar. We were invited to stay at this particular houseboat by Mana Jugoo, one of its owners, a very friendly man we had ... read more
Full Moon Over Dal Lake
Muda and I Going Shopping
The Himalayas from our Front Deck

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