Blogs from China, Asia


Asia » China April 16th 2024

Sometimes, you must go into the water when fishing with a float rod and fly fishing tackle. This situation is typical in areas with a flat coast, where the depth increases gradually. This kind of fishing requires special equipment. You can't do without a wading suit. This article will look at which waders are best suited for various conditions. What should you pay attention to when purchasing clothing? How should you eliminate any tears in apparel? Read to learn the answers. Criteria for Choosing a Wading Suit In many fishing stores, wading suits are usually called waders. These are pants with sewn-on socks made of waterproof material. However, the material may vary. In one case, it is ordinary PVC or nylon. It does not absorb water, but it is not entirely comfortable for the body to ... read more

Asia » China » Sichuan » Leshan February 22nd 2024

Hi All, While on holiday I've been reading a book written by Dr. Li ZhiSui who was Mao Zedong's physician from after World War II until Mao's death in 1976. In the book Mao told Dr. Li of a meeting in Chongqing between the communists and nationalists to set up a united front in the war against Japan. Before this meeting Guo MoRuo saw that Mao wasn't wearing a watch so he took his watch off his wrist and gave it to the Chairman. Mao wore this watch until he died. I had no idea who Guo MoRuo was so I did a little research and found that he was from a village on the outskirts of Leshan called Shawan, and that his family home had been turned into a museum. It is only a hour ... read more

Asia » China » Sichuan » Zigong February 18th 2024

Hi All, Just before the New Year celebrations Lily and I had a trip to Zigong for the Lantern Festival. It's two hours by coach from Leshan to Zigong. Hotels are limited, like much of Sichuan many will not accept foreign visitors, so we stayed in the A-Tour hotel which is right next to the coach terminal. This is our 3rd time to visit the festival, our last time was in 2019 just as the COVID-19 outbreak was happening in Wuhan. The information in English which is online about the festival is not up-to-date. It used to be held in a park in the centre of the old part of the city but this is no longer the case. It is now situated in a new park quite a way out of the city. However, it ... read more

Asia » China » Shanghai February 7th 2024

Tour Day 118, Cruise Day 16 – Day at Sea Tour Day 119, Cruise Day 17 – Day at Sea Tour Day 120 & 121, Cruise Day 18 & 19 –Shanghai, China – Just a note for my irregular readers and a refresher for my regular readers. I began the application process for a Chinese visa long before my departure from the United States last October, but, part way through the application, I was asked if my arrival would be by land or air. A small drop-down box (the ones with the question mark) informed me that arrivals by sea would have to complete their application in person at a Chinese Embassy. The closest embassy to Mesa, Arizona is Los Angeles, California (a one-day drive each way) but I learned that there was, fortunately, an embassy ... read more

Asia » China » Guangdong » Guangzhou January 8th 2024

I had hoped to have an early start, but since I didn't arrive into Guangzhou late the evening before and didn't get into bed until after midnight, I was a little slow off the mark. Once sorted, I repacked my case ready for my late night departure and ordered some breakfast. I headed downstairs as the place I was staying at had a cafe on the ground floor and I ordered an iced americano as I was no longer used to the Guangdong heat since moving a bit further north. I got a nice surprise that as a guest my coffee had a slight discount. I drank my coffee and waited for my breakfast to arrive. I nearly missed the delivery bloke as he raced off up the stairs. I'm glad I saved him having to ... read more
Dong Shan Kou
Dong Shan Kou
Dong Shan Kou

Asia » China » Shanghai January 7th 2024

Am 7. Oktober frühstückte ich ein vorerst letztes Mal in Taipeh. Ich wünsche der Stadt und der Insel alles Gute und hoffe, dass sie nicht bald das Opfer einer chinesischen Invasion werden. Mein Spaziergang zum Abschluss führte mich zum nahegelegenen Xingtian Temple. Der ist relativ modern und war auch wieder gut besucht. Der ursprünglich geplante National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine wäre etwas weiter weg gewesen und ich hatte nur Late Checkout bis 12:00. Ich checkte also für meine Flüge online ein und badete nochmals, bevor ich mit dem MRT zum Flughafen Taipeh Taoyuan fuhr. Hatte ich schon gesagt, dass die Bahn dorthin etwas langsam fährt? Immerhin hatte ich dort einen Sitzplatz. Am Airport angekommen, erlebte ich eine Überraschung bei der Gepäckabgabe. Anders als auf dem Hinflug, konnte ich mein Gepäck nur bis zum Zwischenstopp in Shanghai aufgeben ... read more
Der Xingtian Temple zum Abschluss in Taipeh.
Der Xingtian Temple zum Abschluss in Taipeh.
Der Xingtian Temple zum Abschluss in Taipeh.

Asia » China » Hunan » ChangSha October 29th 2023

I had the morning to spend in Changsha as my train wasn't until the afternoon. I headed to McDonald's for a coffee and a quick breakfast before making my way to the subway station. I took the train to Kai Fu temple, the temple was only a short walk away from the subway station, but the road in front of it was jam packed with cars, which was a shame as it meant that I coulsn't get any decent photos of the temple's beautiful facade. I found the cashier's window, paid my 10 yuan entrance fee and was given a bundle of incense sticks. Since it was a Sunday morning, the temple was packed. Kaifu Temple was built by a monk called Baoning on the site of Huichun Park. The park was given to him by ... read more
Kaifu Temple
Kaifu Temple
Kaifu Temple

Asia » China » Hunan » ChangSha October 28th 2023

After my expensive Starbucks the previous morning, I headed to McDonald's for my caffeine fix. Much cheaper, but a lot scruffier. I took the subway to Yingwanzhen station, which is near the start of the trail up Yuelushan mountain. There were a lot of people heading to the mountain. There were entry gates and it was the same mini program as the one I was unable to use for Orange Island so I just snuck through when the gates opened for the person in front of me. The mountain isn't much of a mountain, more like a big hill. The first part of the trail was along the road and just a gradual climb. I passed the entrance to the cable car that can take you to the top, but it was closed for maintenance. The ... read more
Ice Cream

Asia » China » Hunan » ChangSha October 27th 2023

I woke up having not had the best night's sleep. Changsha is a pretty noisy city, that never stops, and the windows in my room seemed to lack adequate soundproofing. First stop of the day was coffee. I had spotted a Starbucks on the main street the previous day so headed there. As I was walking along the street, I passed a few live streamers and wondered what they were streaming about as they were in front of the now shut bars and clubs. I made my way to Starbucks and saw that it was a fancy Starbucks Reserve type of store, I had never seen or been to one of these before. It had a fancy coffee bar in the middle to order your coffee at. I ordered my usual a basic americano and nearly ... read more
Hunan Provincial Museum
Hunan Provincial Museum
Hunan Provincial Museum

Asia » China » Hunan » ChangSha October 26th 2023

An unexpected few days off work meant I was able to visit Changsha. I had wanted to visit in the National Day holiday but train tickets were impossible to get. Changsha seems like a popular city for Chinese people to visit, but not really known so much outside of China. The train journey itself was nondescript and after a couple of hours or so, I arrived in Changsha. I was mildly irritated that I had had been unable to set up the subway app on my phone as it only worked with Chinese ID numbers. Luckily, ticket machines in all the subway stations were plentiful so it was easy enough to get a ticket, it just meant I had to know where I was going at all times. Exiting the subway station, I was in one ... read more
Genki Sushi
Genki Sushi
Genki Sushi

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