China II

Asia » China
February 3rd 2010
Published: February 22nd 2010
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From Shanghai we headed to one of China's ancient capitals, Xi'an home to the Terracotta warriors. Here we saw the city's old Muslim quarter before heading off to visit the city's most famous sight. It is estimated that there are around 6,000 warriors in total with only a thousand having been unearthed. An impressive feature being that each is unique with no two having the same face. Next we h... Read Full Entry

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28th February 2010

Your journey
Still enjoying reading about your travels. Look forward to seeing photos of Selina soon!
1st March 2010

You lucky people!
Well those pics in China want me get on the next plane out there! Look at you cookin', river cruisin', and tootlin' around on bikes!! The scenery is just awwwwwesome (rarely used American word), It looks warm but sometimes misty round the hills? Was it humid? Well I hope you all havin' a great time in Vietnam, it really is a trip of a lifetime- it'll be a shock getting back home. Only good thing is it will be summer here, thanks for the pics again. Must admit the expression on that pigs face when he evidently got steam rollered is quite startling, not happy at all!! Certainly is a place for sights and sounds like they like the sight of you two also! Keep on truckin' love Dad and Mum

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