Blogs from Siem Reap, North, Cambodia, Asia


Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 8th 2024

Gestern hatten wir noch einmal zwei Highlights: wir beobachteten den Sonnenaufgang in Angkor Wat (leider konnte man den Stern wegen Wolken nicht sehen) und später am Tag machten wir eine Fahrt mit einem Fesselballon. Letztere wäre beinahe wegen zu viel Wind ausgefallen. Abends bekamen wir dann noch ein Essen in einem schönen Restaurant.... read more
Besuch von Angkor Wat.
Ballonfahrt bei Angkor Wat.
Ballonfahrt bei Angkor Wat.

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 7th 2024

Gestern besichtigten wir drei Tempel im Gebiet von Angkor Wat. Das waren Bayon, Ta Prohm und Banteay Srei. Diese Tempelstadt besteht nicht nur aus dem viereckigen ummauerten Bereich mit großem Wassergraben, sondern auch aus vielen Gebäuden außerhalb davon. Das ganze Areal ist riesig, aber es gibt zumindest jetzt auch weite Regionen mit Dschungel. Das Wetter war dabei heiß und schwül, aber wenn man sich von so etwas abhalten lässt, kann man nicht die Welt bereisen. Insgesamt waren wir zehn Stunden unterwegs und sechs Leute unserer Gruppe fuhren vorzeitig zum Hotel zurück. Nach den Highlights Saigon und Halong-Bucht ist diese Stätte ein würdiger Abschluss unserer Reise.... read more
Bayon Tempel.
Ta Prohm Tempel.
Banteay Srei Tempel.

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 6th 2024

Heute besichtigten wir zwei Objekte in Phnom Penh: das Nationalmuseum und den Markt. Danach machten wir uns auf die etwa 7 stündige Fahrt nach Siem Reap. Dort angekommen bezogen wir unsere Zimmer und ich aß zu Abend im Hotelrestaurant.... read more
Im Nationalmuseum von Phnom Penh.
Im Nationalmuseum von Phnom Penh.
Im Markt von Phnom Penh.

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 1st 2024

I headed to Siem Reap in Cambodia from Luang Prabang. My goal was to explore the Angkor Wat complex, which is the largest pre-industrial city in the world with an urban sprawl of nearly 3,000 square kilometres at its peak (based on LIDAR studies). Cambodia's history is deeply intertwined with India, linkages dating back to the Pallava Dynasty in Southern India. The fact that Angkor started as a Hindu Temple complex dedicated to Lord Vishnu (and Vishnu was the deity that the Pallavas worshipped) before morphing to Buddhism is a sign of this. Its complicated history of monarchies, colonial rulers, Khmer Rouge and the genocide, and subsequent political rulers, nothing has taken away the deep intrigue Angkor creates among anyone interested in history and architecture. Nearly 1/4th of Cambodia's employment is from the tourism sector and ... read more
Angkor Wat
Angkor Thom Complex
Ta Prohm

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap December 17th 2023

The site Angkor is where moated cities; terraces ; pools and temples were constructed from the 9th century. The most famous temple is Angkor Wat. The area became the centre of the ancient Khmer civilisation and is the size of 304 football pitches.The sight was left when trade routes became disrupted and the surrounding area became unsafe. The Khmer political centre was relocated in Phnom Penh but the Angkor area remains in constant use by Buddhist monks and nuns for worshipping, There has been a concerted international effort to help restore and conserve this important site with India, China and France among the countries to help fund vital work. While impossible to visit every temple in the area we were determined to visit as many as possible and to experience both sunrise and sunset in Angkor. ... read more
Impressive bayon trees are a feature at Ta Phrom
Which came first the temple or the tree?
Expect a lot more cloister shots

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap December 16th 2023

Up before 6am on Thursday morning as Jeff was taking us to terminal 4 at Heathrow for our first flight of the day with Etihad. A smooth check in of our luggage then through passport control and security to head for breakfast at Costa. The flight was delayed due to an unforeseen maintenance issue but we were confident we would make up time in the air. We had booked the 2 seat row at the back of the A380 cabin which meant a bit more room. The selection of films on planes these days is mind blowing and we discovered we could play each other at Yahtzee 🎲on screen so this became quite competitive 🤣The food received mixed reviews but we didn’t starve and we could order hot drinks anytime including hot chocolate which was 😋 ... read more
Onboard the first flight of the day
Very impressed with the up to date flight information on the back seat screen
Sunset view

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap August 3rd 2023

The proverbial "bucket list" sounds so final, like time is drawing near to leave this earth, as Jyaaack and Morgan portrayed in the famous movie. People often ask me about my own bucket list, and I prefer to call it my Water Pail list. And I have done this for many years now. It sounds less "final." Having any type of list puts undue pressure on oneself. When I started traveling, I did not have specific goals in mind. I just wanted to see and learn as much as I could. And I have, without the pressure of a list telling me where to go. Though I did visit rather touristy places, my favorites always remain Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and the Amazon Rainforest. I see another danger, the anxiety or depression that comes with getting ... read more
EU map
Annapolis walls

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap June 3rd 2023

The other night at a group dinner, a friend asked about the best place I have ever been. Here is my answer. The tumbled, jungle-clad ruins of Angkor Thom are intensely atmospheric and have long lured travelers. The sprawling complex of temples, gates and monuments, decorated with carvings, was built between the 9th and 14th centuries, when the Khmer civilization was at the height of its power. The largest and most famous temple of them all is the breathtaking Angkor Wat – watching the sunrise as its striking silhouette is mirrored in the still waters of the reflection pool is the ultimate experience. The beautiful Bayon Temple, evocative jungle-strangled Ta Prohm and pink-sandstone Banteay Srei are other must-sees. I have made the trek to Cambodia and Angkor Wat three times. Ta Prohm is my favorite. We ... read more
Ta Prohm
Looks alive??

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap March 10th 2023

We arrived in Siem Reap after a thoroughly enjoyable time at Hoi An/Da Nang, Vietnam. Getting here was a bit frustrating, a long flight that took us to Bangkok with long waits at both airports. The best part of the day was arriving late at our hotel, Viroth's Villa in Siem Reap, a 4 star hotel but only $100 CAN a night! It was recommended by home exchange friends (Ed and his lovely wife) that we met online during our previous Asia trip that was cut short by Covid. The breakfasts by the pool was gourmet! You won't regret a stay at this wonderful hotel - the service from all areas was exceptional. We loved getting bug sprayed every time we left the hotel by the front desk staff! What a treat! They arranged all of ... read more
Tuk Tuk with Driver and Guide
R & D outside Anghor Wat
Scooter - the common transportation

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap January 25th 2023

Savoteur has this to say: Traveling and seeing the world is something that you will never forget. Adventures and experiences are some of the best things that money can buy. Traveling can be affordable. You can travel the world much cheaper through travel hacking and using points from travel rewards cards. As you make your travel bucket list, make sure to put things you would be interested in. May it be adventurous, or to see beaches and cities, make your list your own and enjoy the journey. These 25 travel bucket list ideas are here to help you to create the best list possible. (I will only include those that I have done) Viva Las Vegas Probably one of the easiest and closest places to visit. Vegas offers gambling, shows, shopping, golf, dining, nature, and in ... read more
Dubrovnik's famous Buza Bar
Santorini sunset
Ta Prohm, Cambodia

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