Blogs from Bangladesh, Asia


Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka March 4th 2023

After almost 6 weeks in Bangladesh I am wrapping up my time here and headed to see Hope, Irene, and all the ladies at RWO in Uganda. While not the most beautiful country I have traveled to, the people make up for that. I found everyone to be so helpful and accommodating. I was trying to call a CNG (tuk tuk) to go to dinner in Bongua and had 4 people come over to help when the driver didn't understand my request. This is common that locals all try to help a visitor have a positive experience in their country. Of course after getting me settled I got the two questions I always get: What country am I from and can they take a selfie with me! I have learned so much while in Bangladesh and ... read more
Evening Out with Friends
The Ladies
My Friend Aneka and her Band

Asia » Bangladesh » Dinajpur March 1st 2023

I am coming into my last week in Bangladesh before I head to Uganda. I spent this time traveling to the north of the country to visit a Tarango location as well as an Amal Foundation project. The northern part of the country is quite different from the south mainly because it is cut off by the Padma River. The north has one of the largest populations of indigenous, tribal people in the country. Most of them migrated to the area from Burma before the British period. Most of these people are disadvantaged compared to ethnic Bengalis. The tribal people have their own cultural traditions and language. The vast majority of the tribes are either Buddhists or Hindus. Bridges have recently been built to cross the Padma River. But until then this area has been cut ... read more
The women awaiting our arrival
Prepping the Jute to make the thread
Creating the jute thread

Asia » Bangladesh February 26th 2023

Everyone told me I had to visit the Sundarbun region of Bangladesh before leaving so I did as I was told. Sundarban Reserve Forest is the largest mangrove forest in the world. It is in the delta of the Bay of Bengal. Many animals live in the Sundarbun including the endangered Bengal tiger. The largest population of Bengal tigers lives in Sundarbans (this area spans Bangladesh and India). On the Bangladesh side in 2014 there was thought to be 76 tigers and now their numbers are over 100. I spent 3 days and 2 nights on a 'cruise' through the river ways. I use the term cruise lightly as this boat is certainly not part of the Royal Caribbean line. The boats look much more like shipping vessels or perhaps a very basic live aboard boat. ... read more
Look down the River
Look down the River
My friend Zan on the Boat

Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka February 22nd 2023

Alcohol is essentially illegal in Bangladesh. With the country being over 90% Muslim it is illegal to sell alcohol in stores or restaurants. There are just a few exceptions: there are a few "foreigners only" liquor stores as well as bars that pay high bribe fees to the government (they are frequently raided). Both have very limited selection of liquor, beer and wine. Finally, there are embassy clubs. Embassys are considered foreign land so each one has built a club/restaurant attached to their offices. Foreigners can go to these establishments and order alcohol free of consequences. When I am not dining with locals (they would not be permitted entry)I will dine at one of the embassy clubs so I can have wine with dinner. An added benefit is the low spice food they offer which is ... read more
Sweater Piecing
Hand sewn details
Quality Control

Asia » Bangladesh » Sylhet February 20th 2023

I had a few free days so I decided to visit the tea plantation district of Bangladesh which is on the border of India. Bangladesh is the 10th largest tea producer in the world. This industry employs over 4 million people in this region of the country. Tea production dates back to British rule when the East Indian Company started the tea trade in the hills of Sylhet and Srimangal. I decided to fly to the region and then take a train from one area to the next to enjoy the scenery. Upon landing it was wonderful to see the lush greenery and smell the crisp clear air. After Mexico City, Dhaka is the most polluted city in the world so this was a welcome change of pace.. I stayed at a lovely nature retreat up ... read more
Sylhet Tea Fields
Sylhet Tea Fields
Sylhet Tea Plantation Workers

Asia » Bangladesh » Barisal February 20th 2023

I spent two days visiting one of Tarango’s longest standing projects in southern Bangladesh. Tarango started working in this village in the 1980s and has assisted with an assortment of projects from putting in their first road, securing homes against floods, microloans, and jute production. Our reason for visiting is that a partner NGO is going to assist the village with skills to combat their increasing months of rains and high water. The women can only produce the jute products 6 months of the year as the remaining months are too wet. Much of the jute production is done at home so women can work while still caring for their family. During the rainy months their homes are not dry making production impossible. The women and families need a source of income in the remaining months. ... read more
The women greeting us at the center
Shipping Jute down the river
Making the most of his bike capacity

Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka February 17th 2023

One of the pillars of Tarango is providing micro loans to women in Dhaka and surrounding districts. Today I joined one of the field managers when he went for a visit to a nearby slum. They have been offering micro loans to women in this area for over 10 years. Each area has a community president elected by the local women. The community president is the primary person to decide if a woman can receive a loan and for how much. Because these are all non collateral loans she is relying on her knowledge of the local business market and if she thinks the woman can/will pay the loan back. In addition to loans, Tarango offers a safe and trusted savings program. Women can bring as little or as much money as they can save to ... read more
Women in Yellow is the community President
Repayment booklet
Repayment Booklet

Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka February 14th 2023

I have spent the last several days with a wonderful NGO called Tarango. I was initially drawn to them because of their micro loan program, but I have gone on to learn more about their different programs and have continued to be impressed. I will start with sharing about yet another inspiring woman who is leading this organization. Kohinoor Yeasmin has been the executive director since 1994 and has developed it into the organization that it is today. Kohinoor keeps calling it a small organization. Perhaps compared to the mammoth size of BRAC it is, but their impact is huge. From the first time I met her I could tell she does this work for all the right reasons. Because of that, anything I know about her I have googled compared to her sharing. She has ... read more
Kohinoor Yeasmin
Jute woven and dyed in the country side
Cutting Patterns

Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka February 14th 2023

In 2001 Tarango opened a safe house in Dhaka for victims of domestic violence, child marriage, and trafficking. While staying at the home the women receive counseling, skills training, legal and social support to slowly give them the skills to care for themselves. I visited the home on Friday night with two doctors from Germany that were supplying a well visit for the women. The women were so young, but I know they have come from a very troubled past. For women to seek refuge here it likely means they are coming from very serious abuse situations. It is common for poor parents to send their daughters to work in different parts of the country or surrounding countries. They believe their daughters will have jobs such as a seamstress, nanny, cook or maid. But, it is ... read more
Doctor at the Shelter
Women at the Shelter
Street Food

Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka February 8th 2023

Amal Foundation is another impressive organization that I have connected with while in Dhaka. They were founded in 2014 with the focus of education, emergency response, health and women's empowerment. They were one of the first organizations to assist with the recent Rohingya Refugee Crisis. Since 2016 more than 700,000 refugees from the Rakhine State of Myanmar have fled to Bangladesh to escape the never ending genocide happening in Myanmar. Amal was there to provide food and medical attention while the larger organizations were still strategizing. I was specifically interested to meet with Amal Foundation because they just started a pilot program providing micro loans in rural villages to prevent girls entering into child marriage. First, let me take a moment to brag on the founder of this organization. After attending college at the University of ... read more
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Rohingya Refugee Camp
Rohingya Refugee Camp

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