Blogs from Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa


Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City January 19th 2024

Given all the sitting we’d been doing over the past week, it was obviously important that we mixed things up a bit and did some lying. Our flight to Zanzibar was quite cool as we had a very clear view of Mount Kilimanjaro out the window - its snow capped peak towered above the dark plains below and the peak next to it had a thunderstorm, together with lightning brewing overhead. We were assaulted by the wall of heat and humidity that greeted us as we left the airport but were luckily in our airconditioned transfer before too long and headed for the beach. The plan for the next few days was just to relax on the beach with some books, some cocktails and dips in the pool. Oh, kittens, play with lots of kittens. And ... read more
Our spot in the sun
And the pool
Tough to take

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar December 10th 2023

After A left late at night, I slept in a bit and left around 6am, with the guy, Pascal, who had picked me up when I first arrived. Throughout the trip, I had loved seeing the beautiful purple jacaranda trees, but never got a good picture. He stopped a couple of times so I could try again; pictures really do not do them justice. Maybe next time.... Airport check-in was fairly easy and we were loaded onto a very small plane with entrance at the back end. After we arrived in Zanzibar, the plane continued to Dar es Salaam. It was called "Precision Air" which had me a bit nervous, but it seemed to be a well run operation! Flying over Zanzibar I was a bit blown away with the condition of the buildings - I ... read more
Mahali Hotel
Mahali Hotel

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City November 24th 2022

Literally. No metaphor here. We visited Zanzibar before, and now have visited Zanzibar again. Here are some highlights of the trip. - We stayed at the Dhow Palace Hotel (got a great deal by calling direct even when the booking sites said it was all full). This was literally the palace of a man who built it in the mid-1600s. His family kept it for about 200 years before it was taken over by his clan. Now it is a private hotel. Very cool place with lots of quirks, secrets, and fun antiques on display. - We found a great community shop run by this Rastaman. It's all local arts and crafts for sale to tourists like us. Some special stuff in here. I got the boys new shirts and gifted the owner with a portrait ... read more
Rad old mirrors
Community shop
Rastaman connect

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City November 24th 2022

Zanzibar is a place that is immensely photogenic. It’s not all pretty. Some of it is exceedingly beautiful, but some of it is ugly and dirty and pitiful. Even those parts are photogenic. I saw tropical beaches and antique palaces, I saw mangy street cats and overflowing garbage bins. I wanted to take pictures of all of it. Appropriately—for someone like me with the artists eye, the photographers love of the natural subject, and many years of training and practical experience in photography—I brought along a great camera. Most of the pictures I’ve been posting on my blog have come from my iPhone. It’s not the new one and I don’t really care. I didn’t buy it for the camera, it just happens to be one as well as being all the other things it is. ... read more
Door 1
Secret Garden
Pretty Woman

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City November 24th 2022

According to some things that I have read, Zanzibar has been continuously occupied by human beings for some 30,000 years. According to some other things I’ve read, the earth was created less than 8,000 years ago. I wasn't there for either, I just read about it. Either way, people have been living on Zanzibar island for a very long time. The name Zanzibar comes from the Arabic words for, “land of the blacks”. They named it for the African people they found living there, whom they called the, “Zanj”. The Arabs mixed with the locals, forming the Swahili peoples, who built thriving trading cities over the past 1500 years or so. Inviting the Persians, Indians, Chinese, Indonesians, and others to join the trade in ivory, precious metals, and enslaved humans from the mainland, they built up ... read more
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Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Zanzibar City November 16th 2022

Last night, instead of bird song to lull me to sleep, it was voices and clatter in the narrow street below, coming through the slatted windows. Did not keep me from going to sleep immediately. Our walking tour of Stone Town started at the hotel’s door, a few steps from the Old Fort . Taib related its history: the Omanis had already established a dynamic spice trade in Zanzibar by 1503 when Vasco da Gama defeated them. For 200 years the Portuguese controlled the country until about 1699 when the Omanis reconquered Zanzibar. Power went to the strongest navy in those days; both Portugal and Oman, being small countries, suffered from not being able to hold on to what they had conquered. The Old Fort was built by Omani Arabs as a defense against future Portuguese, ... read more
Studded carved door
Cross is a tribute to David Livingstone
Fish market

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar November 15th 2022

At 9:00 (a luxuriously late start), we climbed onto a large air-conditioned bus. No more safari trucks! Our drive took us through the forest, where Taib, our local guide, described the special growing conditions in Zanzibar. Many kinds of trees grow interspersed on the same land, and they grow tallest in the island’s centre, which is a rainforest. There, in the Jozani National Park , it rains at least every week, as it was raining today. The Park is the home of the Red Colobus Monkey . The native trees are mango, teak and breadfruit. Eucalyptus, Australian pine and acacia were originally imported to reforest the island and are maintained to spare the native species from being cut down for wood. These imports are quick-growing hardwoods, used fo... read more
Nutmeg fruit on nutmeg tree
Taib displaying clove flowers
Lunch: fish and vegetables with rice

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar November 14th 2022

Last night I fell asleep at 9:40 while typing! Thus, this morning I was chipper at 5:50. I sat on the tiny porch of my chalet and drank hot water while reading. At 7:00, I walked over for breakfast, to the consternation of the waiter. Vegetable omelet and toast, accompanied by delicious little cinnamon buns. I am eagerly looking forward to visiting the spice farm tomorrow. A long walk on the beach – on the Indian Ocean! Calm, warm surf washed over my feet and ankles. Details of birds and shells attracted my eye, but I took photos blind, because the sun washed out the camera screen. All along the beach are resorts such as this one; we may be the only customers at ours. Dipping in the ocean was essential. The water was very shallow, ... read more
Sea shells gently washed up on the sand
Golden Clove Beach Resort
My chalet

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar November 13th 2022

Again I watched the sunrise from my bed! When I went onto the patio for a bigger view, I saw first one and then two elephants ripping and crunching trees in the valley below. An exotic way to end the safari part of our trip. Breakfast was, as yesterday, vegetable omelet with toast, plus hot water and lime. Today there was some local, tough back bacon. Once out of the Tarangire Park environs, we joined the highway and made good time. Speed bumps were limited to before and after villages, where the speed limit was 50 k. Cows plodding along and across the road were very emaciated, a few looking like they would be unable to hang on until the rains. The grass had been chewed into dust. More traffic moved in both directions, because we ... read more
Lucas in front of his school
Innovation House

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Nungwi November 20th 2020

Lundi 26 octobre : c’est aujourd’hui qu’officiellement mes vacances commencent. Ça ne sera pas facile. Entre 6 :00 et 8 :00 du matin. C’est le chaos a l’aéroport de Bangui. J’ai fait mon test pour le virus chinois le vendredi matin, pour avoir le résultat le samedi matin, or le samedi matin ce n’était pas prêt. Je me pointe quand même le lundi matin à l’aéroport. Qu’est-ce que je peux faire ? Ils refusent que je fasse le check-in sans le certificat de l’Institut Pasteur. Par la grâce de Dieu et grâce au dispatch de la MINUSCA, je réussi à retourner au centre-ville à l’Institut Pasteur et à obtenir rapidement mon certificat. Je laisse mes valises dans le bureau de MOVCON a l’aéroport. L’aller-retour vers le centre-ville ça s’est bien passé, le gardien de sécurité ... read more

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