Blogs from Tarangire National Park, North, Tanzania, Africa


Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park December 4th 2023

We were picked up at 7:30 am to make the 3-hour drive to Tarangire National Park, our first safari of the trip! Abdul was our guide and driver, who had 20 years of experience (his favorite safari is the Serengeti, fyi). It was just the three of us, with a full safari land cruiser and surprisingly comfortable seats. There were some drinks in a cooler in the back, and the hotel had made each of us a small packed lunch, which was nice to snack on since we had a quick basic breakfast. This lunch turned out to be the second best of the three, and I absolutely loved the gingham bags they were put in. We made our way from one side of Arusha to the other, which took about an hour as it appeared ... read more
Tarangire National Park
Escarpment Luxury Lodge
Tarangire National Park

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park November 12th 2022

The sun rose directly into my window. For a few minutes, I watched it while lying in bed – a first! I jumped up, grabbed my camera, and sat on the patio for the rest of the display. My reward was in the form of a dik-dik strolling unconcernedly across the grass, about twenty feet from where I sat mesmerized. Our destinations in Tarangire Park were a water course of the Tarangire River and a distant swamp fed by the river. Before we were out of the lodge parking lot, Lucas was showing us wildlife. The large baobab tree at the entrance had a Strangler Fig as a parasite. The fig was so much smaller than the giants in Cambodia, I didn’t even recognize it. In the parking lot of the Park entrance, he saw us ... read more
Zebra taking a quick dust bath
Waterbuck in the Tarangire River
Leopard defeated

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park November 12th 2022

After lunch we went to the Silale Swamp, where the river moved through green marsh grasses. Thousands of birds picked through the plentiful waters. A pair of African Fish Eagles surveyed the scene from tree tops; the juvenile birds perched at a little distance. Catfish swam in the river. Pelicans flew in like twinkling lights, so graceful in the air. Egrets shone white in the murky green of the plants. Saddle-billed storks strutted about, while Marabou Storks stood tall and still – both waiting for opportunities. All along the edge of the river, like a living fringe, Whistling Ducks moved in slight waves. Farther out, white flamingos held sentinel. Even a few hippos were humped like rocks in the distance, not coming up for air while I was watching. A Secretary Bird made a big noise, ... read more
Eland on the move
Elephant unhappy with us
Zebras dust bathing

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park November 11th 2022

Happiness met us for a guided cultural walk in her town, Mto Wa Mbu . She is part of Cultural Tourism Enterprises, a community organization that encourages and supports local businesses through tours and experiences for tourists. She said that in the town’s population of 18,000 there are a hundred different tribes, and they all work together. She was accompanied by Feliciter (fe lees tah) and a trainee. We met her beside the local banana beer pub, our first cultural stop. Seated inside, I peered with trepidation at a large plastic beaker holding some sort of banana brew. In fact, on the top of the liquid was the sprouted millet used to ferment the beer in a separate room. Happiness passed around samples of the miniscule millet seeds, the sprouted seeds, and powdered crushed millet. On ... read more
Happiness introducing the Mtakuja Art Group
Cooking on the wood-fired stove

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park February 2nd 2020

After stopping awhile to visit with a group of Maasai villagers near their water wells we drove to another Maasai village just outside the boundaries of Tarangire National Park. But here we were inside their village, among their houses, chatting with the delightful eldest son of the chief, and the chief as well, although he was busy with a friend, both of them thinking and drinking, apparently the main job that males do in the Maasai society. The chief's very short hair was grey, but he didn't know how old he was since only the most recent generations are now required to receive an education at schools; earlier no one had known - or known how to - keep records of births or deaths. The females in our group spent the morning interacting mostly with the ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park February 1st 2020

It is another beautiful morning here in Tanzania. Again we have an early start as Sultan, our most excellent guide, explained that our activities should take place before the day gets too hot. But it never seems too hot to me here; most mornings and evenings are downright chilly and the middle parts of the days are only gently warm. For me it's never quite hot enough! So we were all ensconced in our Jeeps by 7AM, punctually ready to go. We were driving along in our two safari vehicles when fairly suddenly our driver, Morgan this morning, pulled off the road and onto a grassy hillside. What was happening? Sultan told us there were wells in this area belonging to the Maasai, that many times every day women of all ages would come to fill ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park April 5th 2019

The KLM Airbus landed like a huge nightjar in the semi darkness of the Kilimanjaro airport in Tanzania. I checked my watch. It was 9:30 pm. I looked out the window; the distant hills in the moonlit night were a mystique sketch in the horizon. Lovely! Instantly I fell in love with Tanzania. Love at first sight. Little did I know that I will be wheel chaired to a flight halfway around the world from the same airport in the next few days. No, I am not going to talk about it in this video blog. I want to share the stories of beautiful Tanzania that I have loved and been loved by the people; Tanzania that has emptied its love and wilderness to me from the day one. And no regrets! The immigration formality took ... read more
Tarangire River bed is dry
He has the right of way!
Landscape of Tarangire National Park

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park December 19th 2018

The first national park on our safari with Joash Africa Wilderness Insight was Tarangire, chosen as it was closest to Arusha and had the largest concentration of elephants in the world. After an early start, Josh picked us up at our hotel in Arusha and drove a couple of hours to the visitor centre at the entrance to the park. There we were able to use the facilities and wander around some of their informative displays whilst our guide sorted everything out regarding park fees. There were also some excellent stained glass windows showing the park in both wet and dry season. Soon enough we were on our way along bumpy park tracks around the baobab trees and acacias, looking for animals and birds. They were not hard to find! It was very soon into the ... read more
Stained glass window

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park September 15th 2018

From Zanzibar we’ve made our way by ferry to Dar es Salaam and then by bus (a very long day!) to Arusha where we begin a 6 day Tanzania camping safari. Two of our friends from England join us here and we will travel together for this safari and afterwards for 12 days in Uganda. Tarangire National Park is our 1st stop out of Arusha. It’s not one of the better known game parks so I’m unsure of what we’ll see here, but I shouldn’t have been worried, the game viewing here is excellent. It’s been almost 30 years since we were last in East Africa (and that was in Kenya) but I’m aware of a number of high profile stories about the problems of poaching and threats to animal numbers such as elephant, but it ... read more
More wildebeest

Africa » Tanzania » North » Tarangire National Park September 13th 2018

Glyn asked me this morning about my feelings on people who brush their teeth whilst walking. No. I do not agree with it. Teeth cleaning only takes a few minutes, so why the need to go for a walk around the campsite? There's also been a severe case of socks and sandals where the lady in question was actually wearing fluffy socks with said sandals. Her companion started singing 'here comes the sun' as the sun rose, then found the actual track on her phone, subjecting all around to it. I can't wait to read Glyn's blog as I'm sure he will go into a lot of depth about this kind of thing. We'd got up at 6.20am to see the sunrise at 6.40am. It was already light and the sky had been pale grey for ... read more
sign at entrance of park
Zebra in waterhole

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