Blogs from Liwonde NP, Southern, Malawi, Africa


Africa » Malawi » Southern » Liwonde NP April 20th 2019

Hippos, elephants, a lizard, a spider and more It has been on our minds for a couple of years to visit Malawi. It may be a bit of a forgotten corner of the world but it is a country people we have met have spoken well of. This year it fitted nicely in our schedule to go there and since we also managed to get flight tickets we decided to go. Malawi is shaped almost like a sausage, it is long and narrow. We arrived in Blantyre in the southern part of the country, almost at the end of the sausage. But we decided to leave straight away since we knew that it is in the central parts of the country, also known as mid-sausage, where the more interesting things are. Our first stop was therefore ... read more
Spider with catch

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Liwonde NP February 6th 2019

It was just a short drive from Zomba to the town of Liwonde. We had thought about staying there somewhere and just doing a river safari, but once we looked at the accommodation options there was no way that was going to happen. Instead we phoned Liwonde Safari Camp (as recommended by a woman we met at Zomba Plateau!) who told us where to park so they could come and pick us up. We felt a bit sorry for url= Camp on the bank of the river as we left our car in their care for a couple of days. They are undergoing a bit of a face-lift at the moment and they will be well worth checking out once it's finished. Getting to the camp was no mean feat. It soon became apparent why our ... read more
Liwonde National Park
Liwonde National Park
Liwonde National Park

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Liwonde NP March 21st 2013

Friends invited us to this amazing camp in the Liwonde National Park. We went after the rainy season and were just blessed by the spectacular view of the Shire River and its hippos! Spectacular... read more

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Liwonde NP May 6th 2010

May 1st is Labor Day in Malawi, this is to show appreciation to the workforce of Malawi, this year the theme was ‘giving opportunity for reliable work’, because 1st fell on a Saturday this year the public holiday was moved to the Monday. I’m only really telling you this to give a background for why I had a day off work, I had nothing to do with any events going on and I only know the theme because I saw it on a poster out the bus window. I decided to take the opportunity of the 3 day weekend to go away, unfortunately we had schools program training on the Saturday, which was annoying but it’s what I’m here to do so I really shouldn’t complain. Anyway I stayed around to do the training and then ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Liwonde NP May 4th 2009

I have been very busy this month! A short recap: At the beginning of April I attended a Malawi Blood Transfusion training in Lilongwe. It ended up being only myself and one other volunteer (Tessa)... A lot of people had come into town for a camp GLOW fundraiser, and therefore did not plan to go to the training. My friend and I thought it would be sooo weird and boring because it was just the two of us (and there were more trainers for the seminar than there actually were trainees, haha) but it turned out being quite informative and fun, and we got free tea and lunch! That Friday we also celebrated Tracey's birthday at Summer Park (a local restaurant that serves good milkshakes, but only decent pizzas in my opinion). I then returned to ... read more
Elly Leaving
Cathy and the Hitchhiker's
Nelson our Anamed Trainer

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Liwonde NP October 27th 2008

Liwonde is about 1 hour north of Zomba. The national park is some 540 square kilometres stretched along the side of the shire (pronounced shiray) river. The Shire originates at Lake Malawi and drains into the Zambezi. Liwonde itself is a small town located at the barrage which regulates the flow of the Shire further south. Several small villages are located along the Lower Shire and a couple of weeks ago the press reported that a small girl had been taken by a crocodile from its banks. Apparently this is fairly unusual but not unheard of; but fishermen who fish in the river in small dugout canoes often suffer accidents with the crocodiles and lose an arm or a leg in the process. Sue and Gareth decided to camp in the park on Friday night and ... read more
A raft of hippos
Bachelor Herd of Heffalumps
Mud Mud Glorious Mud

Africa » Malawi » Southern » Liwonde NP May 18th 2007

…when a mazungu comes to visit. Without question, the most incredible experience of my trip to Malawi was the day and night I spent in the village of Njobvu. This is a “real live” African village which Central African Wilderness Safaris has helped establish a small tourist programme. A couple of huts have been built, in the local style, as accommodation for tourists, with associated “facilities”. A guide, Enoch, shows day and overnight visitors around the village, introducing them to the traditional healer and various villagers who demonstrate their crafts and skills, showing them round a typical home, and arranging for children and young people to sing, dance and chat to them. At present, however, they are only getting a couple of tourists a month, and I couldn’t over-recommend a trip if you are visiting ... read more
children at Njobvu village
the village band

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