Blogs from Chitimba Beach, Lake Malawi, Malawi, Africa


Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach January 13th 2019

The majority of travellers head to Chitimba when visiting this part of Lake Malawi. We opted for a couple of nights at Maji Zuwainstead. We were attracted by the contribution they make to the local economy and the possibility of seeing some development work in progress. It didn’t quite work out that way. Our minibus dropped us off by the main road and we dragged our luggage along a rough track for about a mile to the entrance. Having booked on we were disappointed to find that they were not expecting us but pleased because the walk-in rate is substantially lower than on the website. The downside of not being expected was that the rooms were not exactly in a welcoming condition, or at least we hope that was the situation. Although our “gold” room ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach April 28th 2018

Week 2 - Malawi Our first night camping Chitimba on Lake Malawi experience. I was just getting settled into the tent, ground mat laid out, sleeping bag ready for its first night camping in Africa too, and pillow ready for head to hit......when all of a sudden Meg and I saw a flash of light...followed by an extremely loud thunder clap (Lindsey, Catherine and Meredith, as thunder storm specialists, you can envisage what was going through my mind.) It was coming to the end of rainy season in Malawi, so this was to be expected. But it rained and rained and rained for at least a couple of hours, with the odd sprinkling of more thunder and lightening. On one hand, it felt nice to be out in the open, listening to the rain, next ... read more
On the road
Chitimba beach, Lake Malawi
Typical house, Village

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach December 1st 2017

Our next destination is Malawi, the warm heart of Africa! We are camping in the shores of lake Malawi, which involves a big drive from Tanzania! Very soon after crossing the border into Malawi we noticed that the people here are indeed very friendly, every child runs shouting hello and waving at the truck, and even some adults too. If we see them to wave back they often switch to a double handed extremely enthusiastic wave! On our first morning we had the opportunity to visit the local witch doctor. This was definitely worth the money simply for the entertainment factor! We had a short walk to the local village, accompanied by a group of villagers, where we were sat upon a bench hastily assembled from some planks of wood and locally made bricks. We were ... read more
Carrying 40l of water on her head

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach October 24th 2012

Day 14 - 18 Three days of long, hot drives (high 30s) through Zambia and into Malawi...real Africa with the small towns, markets etc. Lukasa Zambia is a surprisingly modern city with lots of inte-national money ....and always KFC! Crossed border to Malawi, no issues just lots of paperwork and line Zambia check. Then 2 days at Kande Beach on Lake Malawi...90 miles of white sand beach...picture Long Beach at Tofino with similar waves and sand but water around most of th past two days body surfing . Absolutely gorgeous place! Visited the local village, homes, school and clinic.... many villagse in Malawi now has a well courtesy of Canada....makes us proud. Schools are 100 kids per teacher but again, lots of Canada flags on books, furniture etc. The medical clinic was a good ... read more
Sunset Lk Malawi

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach September 12th 2012

Lake Malawi, Malawi – 12 – 14 August 2012 We left the Farm camp by 6.00am to drive south. We drove through a lot of villages stopping for diesel, at one stop, toilets for another and food for another before reaching the Tanzanian-Malawi border at 2.00pm. We apparently experienced the fastest border crossing – 45 minutes. It usually takes up to 4 hours. We all cheered when we heard that. AS were then in Malawi, we turned our clocks back 1 hour. They are on the +2 GMT, now 8 hours behind Brisbane and 6 hours behind Perth. WE arrived at the Chitimba Resort which was right on the banks of Lake Malawi. Although in Africa there is very little concrete paving etc, this accommodation site which was the standard dirt, was all swept and the ... read more
Boabab Valley (3)
Boabab Valley (21)
Boabab Valley (27)

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach September 6th 2012

Thursday September 6 All day we chased the sun. Leaving at 06:30 we chased it high into the sky and then all afternoon until it set around 18:00. It's funny how much quicker it seems to rise at dawn and fall as it sets and if you're not ready with the camera, it's a whole 24 hours until your next chance... ---------- Monday September 10 We spent three nights at Kande Beach on the shores of Lake Malawi, followed by two more nights further north at Chitimba. While four worked their butts off in an effort to complete the PADI certification (they stayed at Kande one extra day so as not to spend their stay in Zanzibar doing it there), the rest of us perfected the art of relaxing. Okay so four went out to the ... read more
Rubber tree plantation
Carving out an elephant
How my elephant looked to begin with

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach August 17th 2012

Today we had a relaxing day around lake Malawi in Chitimba. We spent some time reading in the hammocks, walking down by the beach area, and then we went with some of the group over to the neighbouring campsite which had a large bar area. Lake Malawi is very interesting to see as it is so big you can’t see the end of it, also it has sand around it so you think it is actually the ocean. When we went over to the other campsite it didn’t take long for Chris and I to hear the familiar sounds of home. We heard some people with the Northern Irish accent. Chris took the opportunity to go and speak to them and found out that it was an elderly couple over to visit their son and daughter-in-law ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach August 16th 2012

Today was another driving day as we headed towards the border of Malawi. We got up early and were ready to depart for 6am. Due to unpredictable border entries we packed our lunch in the morning and set off for another long day. The drives really are part of the overlanding experience, they can be very long but really to be able to see so many countries in such a short space of time it really is the best option. Again,everybody slept for a while on the truck, played some card games, read a little, for some reason my travel sickness hasn’t bothered me too much on the truck which is a positive as it would be a very long journey if I wasn’t able to do anything other than sit looking out the window. When ... read more

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach July 20th 2012

After an interesting boarder crossing where we were almost ripped off by money changers we entered the very friendly country of Malawi. Malawi is a noticeably poorer country than both Kenya and Tanzania however the people are extremely warm and welcoming. After driving across the boarder and through numerous straw built villages we made out first stop, Chitimba on Lake Malawi where we stayed for three nights. We spent a lot of time in the local villages where we enjoyed visiting the students and teachers at the primary school and had a tour around the community health centre. The village had just had a water pumping system put in and were proud to show it off. I spent one afternoon learning to wood carve, I carved a giraffe with a little help from my 13 year ... read more
Dancing with the children
Beautiful Chitimba
Chitimba Village

Africa » Malawi » Lake Malawi » Chitimba Beach June 18th 2012

Getting from Mbeya to the Malawian border was comparatively painless, even if we did stop less than hour away to wait for the minibus to fill back up. I even saw and got to speak to the first white people I had seen in days. After getting over the border, I took a shared taxi to Karonga and from there, a bus to Chitimba. The journey was a measly 6 hours. Chitimba is one of the first towns going south on Lake Malawi. Nearby there are a couple of campsites, where I checked into the Chitimba Campsite and immediately went for a swim in the lake. Chitimba is an idyllic spot, with a big sandy beach. It is overlooked by a couple of mountains and I spent the rest of the afternoon there by the water. ... read more
View of Lake Malawi
Up the Dubs!
Church at Livingstonia

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