Blogs from El Calafate, Santa Cruz, Argentina, South America


South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate November 24th 2023

Our rest day started off with hotel breakfast (so I did have to set an alarm). We did a little exploring after, and found a cute park with very informational signs near the hotel. We couldn't have asked for better weather! Sunny and warm, about 70, with no wind. Part of our wandering included a typical part of travel for us: stop at an ATM to pull out some local currency for cash on hand. An odd thing happened-- every ATM at the bank looked like it would work, then said it couldn't fulfill our request. We even tried very low withdrawal amounts. Nothing. Everyone takes credit card, so we just moved on for now. After a little more wandering, it was about lunchtime. We stopped at a nice place for empanadas. Oh my gosh they ... read more
Enchilada lunch at La Tolderia
Lunchtime buddy
Yeti Ice Bar

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate April 21st 2022

So instead of going all the way to the tip of the continent, we instead turned around and headed up route 40 to visit Patagonia, the huge region that tends to border Chile all the way up until wine country. Our first stop was El Calafate, recommended by cousin Mike and hugely popular for both international and Argentinian tourists for the giant glacier. When we got into town we were immediately charmed by the wide array of boutiques. There they have a local berry, the Calafate berry. We were able to taste an Alfajor (omnipresent cake available in all flavors that you can find just about everywhere in Argentina, either in Industrial or hand made form, I became quite addicted to these) made with these berries. Also remember those cute Guanaco's? Yes we did try a ... read more
El Chalten
Top of Mount Fitzroy, El Chalten
Mt Fitzroy hike

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate March 30th 2022

Bonjour à tous, Hier au soir rien de rare, un peu fatigué, je ne sais pas pourquoi, peut être la journée de navigation, pas le courage de retourner dans le centre pour manger, je vais au resto, juste à côté de l'hôtel, 50m, je voulais manger léger, et le boss me propose mouton grillé, je lui dit que je n'ai pas assez faim, il me propose une demie portion, pour un demi prix. J'ai bien eu droit à la demie portion, sur laquelle il n'y avait pas grand chose à croquer, par contre le prix lui était entier. Je m'y attendais. Avec une bonne discussion et la menace de le faire savoir à l'hôtel il a tout de même divisé le prix en deux. C'est pénible de toujours se battre. Ce matin le minibus est à ... read more
le Perito Moreno
vue du bateau
le Perito Moreno

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate March 29th 2022

Bonjour à tous, Ce soir je vais commencer, par une formule un peu triviale, bien française et qui aurait pu me servir de titre "le cul bordé de nouilles" vous allez comprendre. Hier au soir, je suis allé mangé du Guanaco, qui est variante de lama. (pas Serge). Sur le menu c'était annoncé "guanaco, hongo de pino y végétable cubierto" pour quelqu'un qui n'aime pas trop les expériences culinaires je me suis lancé. Il s'agit d'une sorte de totelinni-ravioli garni à la viande de guanaco, accompagné d'une sauce légèrement piquante, plus genre maïzéna. Je n'ai pas trouvé de coup particulier à cette viande, peut être trop cuite, peut être la sauce a pris le dessus, pas mauvais mais pas exceptionnel. Ce matin le minibus devait me prendre à 7H15, aujourd'hui, il avait 20 minutes d'avance, il ... read more
glacier Upsala

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate March 28th 2022

Bonjour à tous, Ce matin au petit déjeuner je discute avec Jean Baptiste, le gérant de l'hôtel, et il me dit qu'il est né à Lyon à l'Hôtel Dieu. Curieux de croiser au fin fond de la Pampa argentine, un lyonnais. Son père était étudiant en médecine en France avec un stage à Lyon. Curieusement il n'a pas la double nationalité. Pas comme certaines qui viennent accouchées en France uniquement pour ça. Suivez mon regard. Mon souper hier au soir, pas terrible. Je pense être tombé le mauvais soir, tous les guides en fond des éloges, "mes strasbourgeoises" aussi. Je choisi pour changer, de l'agneau à la broche, j'en profite pendant que je suis en Argentine. L'expression que la peau et les os prend ici toute véracité, en plus mal cuit, et tiède, et la taille ... read more
Lac Argentino
Lac Argentino
Lac Argentino

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate March 27th 2022

Bonjour à tous. La première photo "la Patagonie vue d'avion" la photo n'est pas retouchée l'eau est vraiment de cette couleur turquoise. Dans les prochaines lignes j'espère que je vais faire baver les "viandards". Hier au soir, sous une pluie battante, je me suis rendu à ce restaurant grill barbecue qui était complet, il y 3 jours. A 8h10, il y avait déjà un peu de monde, on me désigne une table, juste à côté de la salle où il y les grills et barbecue géant. Je passe ma commande steak choriso (ici c'est nature) plus un verre de vin je fais confiance au serveur pour le choix, qui en faite était le patron. 5 minutes après il arrive avec une assiette et dedans une énorme saucisse et de la sauce assaisonnée. La saucisse bien plus ... read more
toute l'argentine!!!!!
la Patagonie
le canal Beagle vue d'avion

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate November 8th 2019

R: So up until now you will have noticed most of my photos have been rather grey looking. The weather in Chilean Patagonia had had moments of brilliance (such as walking down from the Mirador las Torres - which was fantastic), but the weather generally comes in off the pacific and hits the mountain ranges and is generally much better in Argentina. This is where we were going next. First we had to pack up camp - Chef had made eggs and bacon again - there was so much of this that I was starting to feel that no matter how much exercise I did, it wouldn't burn all this off. It also went perfectly with the hot sauce! The tents came down and we packed up - thankfully it wasn't raining this morning. As we ... read more
Torres del Paine
Torres del Paine
Chilean Border Station

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate October 24th 2019

Up early for 7am breakfast, before taxi arrives at 7.30am to take us to the other Buenos Aires airport. Have enjoyed staying at Los Patios de San Telmo. Much, much cheaper than Chile (US $150 for two double rooms for 2 nights versus US $210 for a family room in Santiago for one night at Casasur Charming Hotel), great location in lively, characterful San Telmo, interesting decor and generally chilled with a nice vibe. Only small niggles would be that the room was a bit too warm with air con not working and fridge not working. Pretty smooth and uneventful trip to El Calafate with LATAM. Spent about half an hour with a helpful LATAM sales lady trying to decipher the various emails I’ve received from LATAM about problems with the refund. All pretty confusing and ... read more
Looking out towards Lago Argentino
Our stray dogs waiting to take on next passing car.

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate January 28th 2019

This morning we fly 350 miles north to El Calafate, a town on the edge of the Patagonian ice field. We arrive at the airport in plenty of time, which is good because it is now that we learn that Aerolineas Argentinas has a 15 kg luggage limit – not 23 kg as indicated on our booking form. After checking in, we have to wait in a long queue to pay our excess baggage fees. But first, the old man has an argument with the check in clerk, followed by an argument with the excess baggage clerk, rounded off with an argument with the supervisor. We board our flight, I’m hoping it’s calmer then our arrival when I genuinely thought I was going to star in the sequel to Alive! The next 3 weeks of our ... read more
Landing in El Calafate
Malvinas memorial
Flamingos on Lago Argentino

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Calafate October 16th 2018

Today was a bit of a rest day with just one activity planned. We woke up in time to have breakfast and finish packing our bags before checking out at 10am. We left our bags at the hotel for the day as we were informed last night that a driver would pick us up at 6:15pm for the airport transfer. The activity today was to visit the Glaciarium which is a museum dedicated to glaciers as suggested by its name. There is a complimentary mini-bus transfer that leaves on the hour. As we got there early we looked around a free open air museum dedicated to explorers of the Patagonian region with figures sculptured by an artist. It was also like a small botanical garden with typical plants and trees of the region. It was a ... read more

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