Blogs from North Sea, Atlantic, Oceans and Seas


Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea May 29th 2024

Before we start with today’s story, we should update you on last night. The “all aboard” time was 9:30 but at 10:00 there were still buses returning with passengers from the excursions. There were about 100 people lined up for the security check and to come up the gangway when we last looked. We figured they were pretty tired from a very long day, but they probably got to see a lot of interesting stuff. We are sure the most enjoyable sight was to see the ship still waiting for them. This morning was a chilly, rainy morning. We went to the buffet about 9:00 and every time someone came in/out from the Lido Deck, the automatic doors stayed open and cold gusts of wind blew into the dining area. That hurried us along with our ... read more
Carved Bird
Carved Penguin

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea May 27th 2024

Today is Memorial Day – at least in the US. Janet had brought along a “patriotic outfit” and saved it to wear today. We saw a couple of other people wearing something patriotic, but most people looked like they do every other day. At 11:00, the captain made an announcement about the meaning of Memorial Day and called for a moment of thoughtful silence. David was out on deck and practically everyone stopped what they were doing and stood silently. After about a minute they played Taps over the loudspeaker system. It was nicely done. But let’ back up a few hours. We had set the alarm for this morning, and today we actually got up. We went to the dining room and had a sit-down breakfast instead of going through the buffet. It was a ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea May 22nd 2024

After a busy day yesterday, we had a restful Sea Day today. Yesterday was sunny in the morning and partially cloudy in the afternoon, with a high temperature around 75. After we returned to the ship, it started raining and continued throughout the night. We sailed about 10:00 and are on our way to Norway. Unfortunately, it had become windy, and the ride started getting bumpy during the night. Early today there was a 30-mph crosswind and the temperature only got to mid-50’s. By mid-afternoon it got up to 60 degrees and only half as much wind, so the ride was smoother. Anyway, this was a good day to hang around the cabin and try to relax. We had a little late breakfast, but David was able to find a chocolate donut (with chocolate sprinkles) for ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea June 27th 2023

Just a few weeks ago we were leaving home and starting an amazing cruise vacation. Unfortunately, today we are packing our bags and preparing for the end of our vacation. The Island Princess is headed for Southhampton England, where we will leave the ship and fly back home tomorrow. Today we went to the dining room for Janet to have one more breakfast of Eggs Benedict. We have skipped telling you that she has found chocolate croissants are very good and has one almost every morning, even upstairs in the Horizon Court. David has been having blueberry muffins most morning, and today he had ham and eggs to go with it. Today is also the last day for Janet to mingle with her new stitching friends. Today they had a group "show and share" where everyone ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea June 25th 2023

We have said goodbye to Norway and are on our way across the North Sea, heading to Scotland. After all our visits to interesting places in Norway, we have to say we really have enjoyed this cruise. There are still a couple of days left before we return home, so we will still be reporting more fun and relaxation. This morning we got up and went to the dining room again for Eggs Benedict, or at least Janet did. David had Ham and Eggs. We then went to the Crooner's Lounge where Janet was able to spend the morning with her knitting friends and David was able to draft yesterday's BLOG story. After getting some final updates, we published yesterday's story. Hopefully you have had a chance to read it and will understand why it was ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea June 16th 2023

We need to begin today by correcting an error in yesterday's blog. Nordfjord is NOT the longest fjord in Norway. It is very long but is only the 6th longest in Norway. The Sognefjord is the longest fjord in Norway and more than twice as long as Nordfjord. We wanted to correct this mistake. Our guide must have said something like "one of the longest", and we don't know about other long fjords elsewhere in Europe. Sorry for the mistake. Today we were sailing northeast along the coast of Norway, in the North Sea and heading toward the Norwegian Sea. We were told that the name Norway was derived from the original Norse language meaning "way to the north", as they sailed up the coast. It then began to refer to the land mass itself, and ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea June 13th 2023

We are back at sea again, this time on our way to Norway. We are sailing through the North Sea. The sky has been sunny all day and the temperature was in the mid 60s. However, we are zipping long about 18 knots and there must be a headwind too, because it has been really breezy on the open decks. This morning we ate breakfast in the Horizon Court. There was a whole new group of people trying to stack food as high as possible on their plates. At least we have learned not to overeat, just because you can - these new folks will learn that in a few days. After breakfast Janet went to the Knitter's group in Crooner's Bar and found some of her previous friends were back again on this cruise. Of ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea October 22nd 2022

We are now on the high seas. Our two ports in Europe, La Harve in France and Plymouth in England started out rainy but cleared up as the days went on. I had planed to explore Devon and experience Devon High Tea but it was a tender port, the seas were rough and my back is aching. So I bailed. Last night I enjoyed a lovely veal chop and capped the evening off listening to the rock group. I so wanted to get up and dance but sanity prevailed. One brave woman got on the dance floor solo and the lead guitarist joined here for a bit. The seas began to get rougher by bedtime. During the night we were rocking and rolling and today there is rain, thunder and high swells. I am thankful for ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea August 4th 2018

Yesterday we got our laundry back. First, we got back the laundry we’d put out two days earlier; which, then had Sharon concerned since she was missing her second pair of jeans. Later we also got the load that we’d put out before that (which included Sharon’s missing jeans); so, it does appear that the extra washing imposed on the laundry for all the linens being cleaned is delaying this service. Our first load was already going to be late, so they saw to it that the second was delivered on time; or, so it seems. I had to use my favorite Trivia T-Shirt as an undershirt in the morning, the one that says, “I don’t need Google, My wife knows everything!” So, it was nice to have regular clothes again. There is no mass this ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea September 16th 2017

Breakfast was up in the Lido, and today being Saturday, Sharon would be attending the Vigil Mass later in the day. It’s never fun waking up to the realization that the time to pack is neigh and what once seemed a never-ending vacation is almost at its end. With the refunds to my account from several tours that I’d canceled I had a negative balance on my cruise account, so I bought the bingo cards today. Today’s crowd was the biggest yet, and even Linda and her husband John showed up, as good Catholics do. But my system of waiting until card sales are nearly through didn’t work today, as it did at our last bingo when Sharon won. We both got to briefly stand; but, the bingo gods weren’t smiling on us today. It was ... read more

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