A walk down Manhattan

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October 3rd 2008
Published: October 3rd 2008
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All the front pages where about the VP Debate.
Yesterday I thought it might be a good Idea to have a wonder down to Wall Street to see what all the hoo-haa is about.

Wall St is located in the far south of Manhattan Island. The hostel we are staying is on 103rd St which is around the north west of Central Park, between the two is about 6 miles of Broadway.

It was so interesting walking from one end to the other watching how the character of the street (and colour of skin) changed as we got further south. I really enjoyed all the little parks the city has, they are are great for people watching.

It took about 4 hours to get down to Wall St, the place was teeming with media vans, police and people from Fox News with balloons saying "We own this story" eh? Anyway, the police had the whole thing barricaded off, so we couldn't get any where near.

Lisa suggested we take the Staten Island ferry. It's free and it sails past the Statue of Liberty on the way out, which I wasn't too bothered about, but the view of Manhattan on the way back is amazing.

Found a falafel bar for supper. It was really nice, we should have more of them in the UK.

P.S. If your wondering about the photographs that look a bit more like paintings, they are made by taking 3 photographs: one over exposed, one under exposed and a third normal one. You can then combine them in a piece of software called photomatix. It brings out all the details in the shadows and highlights. I'm totally addicted to them.

Additional photos below
Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


Law and OrderLaw and Order
Law and Order

They where filming and epiode.

HDR photo looking down broadway towards the start of the theatres

We stopped off at Bryant Park of a coffee and a scone
Pam: Girl on the loosePam: Girl on the loose
Pam: Girl on the loose

You turn your back for 5 minutes...
Wall StWall St
Wall St

All the area a round the NYSE was closed off

They own the storey... apparently
Important buildingImportant building
Important building

I'm not sure why it's important, but it probably is.
Aother HDR PhotoAother HDR Photo
Aother HDR Photo

Of another building I dont know what it is... but it's shiney.
The skylineThe skyline
The skyline

Another fancy pants HDR of the New York skyline

4th October 2008

Nice Pics
Hi Doug and Lisa, great to see you're having a good time. Liked the photos! Say hello to Snake Plisskin for me, although, I heard he was dead.
6th October 2008

So Jealous
Hey Doug sounds and looks like you are having a fantastic time. I am loving your fancy 3 pics think it looks great especially the NY sky line. What is a fafel bar??? The only film I can think of with central station is Xmen...but you are righ there must be loads more

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