Blogs from Monte Carlo, Monaco, Europe


Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo May 13th 2014

Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo August 10th 2013

French Riviera & Monaco 7 to 9 Aug 2013 – from Ventimiglia to Hyeres It had been a very hot night at Sam Remo and we had a few mosquitoes as we left the camper door open. But despite this, we got up and left at 7.45am to try to beat the traffic. From Sam Remo to Nice…it didn’t work! The traffic and narrow roads were incredible. Despite reading advice that Monte-Carlo traffic and available parking was incredibly unfriendly to campers, we tried…and failed, so we decided to take the written advice and drive to Villeneuve-Loubet which was 45 kms further west along the Cote D’Azur (French Riviera). Our drive through Monte-Carlo looking for a park gave us a picture of the busyness of this port-based city, and that walking around was the best way to ... read more
Monte Carlo Monaco (8)
Roof top gardens in Monte Carlo Monaco
Many posie cars seen in Monte Carlo Monaco (2)

Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo June 30th 2013

Our second port where we have to use tenders to shore, as they only have one huge wharf and there was a Carnival ship in town. Monte Carlo, Monaco is such a picturesque place - dripping with money - expensive boats and yachts everywhere and loads of expensive flashy cars. Monaco is a very small municipality - 3/4 mile - but built up the very steep mountains surrounding it. We walked over to the casino and then back around the bay and up the hills to Old Monaco to the changing of the guards at the palace - saw the cathedral where Grace Kelly was married, maze of little narrow streets around here being Sunday there was a little market on and lots of lovely restaurants. Short visit here as we sailed at 3.30p.m. but did ... read more

Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo June 21st 2013

Today I explore the principality of Monaco. The second smallest country next to the Vatican, which Ive also been to. Im excited to see Monaco and Monte Carlo, and all the yachts I imagine. It did not disappoint. I hopped off the train and looked at my directions I had received from a client about an amazing walk On the far side of the cliff. Im in a church square that opens up to the harbor where, as you can imagine, a ton of big yachts, bobbing slowly in the marina. To my left is a long hill that goes up towards Monte Carlo. To my right I can see a cliff around the other side of the harbor, and a stone castle tucked away on top. I walk over to that direction and get lost ... read more
Those are big yachts

Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo June 21st 2013

Hej hej, Končno sm najdla čas da se javim - po dveh tednih na ladji!!!! Je tok stvari za počet, da se mi enostavno ne da ukvarjat z netom, k dela 2 minuti pol pa crkne J No pa gremo od začetka: V Londonu se mi je že mal mešal, vse je ful predolgo trajalo, tako da sem res že komi čakala svojo ladjo. Pa sm jo dobila z dons na jutr – dobesedno!! V petek ob 3 so mi povedal, da moram bit v soboto zjutraj že na ladji. P&O Ventura - nisem mela pojma kaj je to za ena ladja, sploh nisem vedla kam grem. No pol se je pa počas vse sestavilo: 5*, ful dobra ladja, ful dobra križarjenja: Najprej en teden Norveške ( Bergen, Andalsnes, Olden, Stavanger), mela sem šanso videt norveške ... read more

Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo June 7th 2013

Woolly was up with the birds, showered and dressed in his bow tie, we checked his temperature and double checked that he was still the same Woolly…. Woolly says – I was really excited about our adventures today, into a Principality and another flag for the blog. Having decided to take the train, Ian had a quiet word with Ollie who was sad not to be joining us, we waved him goodbye and walked the few minutes to the station. There was an impressive queue of Americans waiting for tickets so we joined the line, but the Americans all started leaving which left us only two away from the counter. The information board was flashing red, a 40 minute delay due to ‘personal accident’, no problem we thought and we collected our ticket and handed over ... read more
A drooling Mammoth
A helicopter on board!
The Pits

Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo April 23rd 2013

Monaco. Moving south, we hung a left near Aix-en-Provence, skirted Nice and arrived in the tiny Principality of Monaco. Monaco is famous for a host of reasons: it is a favorite of the mega-rich and famous and its crown princess was All American Sweetheart Grace Kelly. The Monaco Casino and Monaco Grand Prix are renown throughout the world. The Principality perches on the side of spectacular cliffs, reminiscent of Amalfi but less dramatic and more opulent. Its Mediterranean vistas are marvelous and, for those who like toys, its marinas harbour personal yachts that would qualify as ships. We went up to the Monaco Cathedral to pay respects to the tombs of Princess Grace and Prince Rainier III, and then wandered over to the Palace courtyard for views of the city and marinas. In the foreground, seating ... read more
The Royal Palace

Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo September 8th 2012

Monte Carlo, was unreal. I could not believe I was there, home of the most famous race in the world. It was so beautiful, with the sea and the mountains and cliffs. And the cars, holy crap. If I was walking around the streets and didn't see at least one car worth more a 100,000 dollars in 5 minutes it was unusual. Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Bentleys, Rolls Royces, Astin Martins, Maseratis, and Bmws, porches, mercedes and audis up the wazoo. Everytime I saw a really nice car my heart skipped a beat and I had trouble breathing. So pretty much the whole time i was there i couldnt breath. I walked around the F1 circuite in the town. Visited the Casino of course, did not gamble though, i thought that would be a bad decsion. Went swimming ... read more

Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo August 23rd 2012

Nachdem wir uns heute morgen gestärkt hatten und die die Tupperdosen mit Nahrung gefüllt waren, verließen wir unser Hotel und fuhren weiter Richtung Westen nach Monaco. Das Auto stellten wir im Casino eigenen Parkhaus ab und begaben uns hinaus in die brütende Hitze...vorbei an all den Bentleys, Ferraris und Lamborghinis hinunter zum Hafen, wo uns die waren Prachtstücke Monacos erwarteten: eine Yacht größer als die andere...wir konnten uns gar nicht entscheiden, welche die unsere sein wird...ein gewisser Casiongewinn vorausgesetzt. Natürlich durfte einen Besuch beim Fürsten nicht fehlen und so schauten wir wir uns heute auch den Palast an. Als vierte Attraktion des Tages machten wir noch einen Spaziergang über die Formel1-Rennstrecke zum Japanischen Garten. Wir ließen es uns auch nicht nehmen zumindest schon mal unseren Füßen eine Abkühlung in dem Blau grünen Meer zu gönnen. Ehe ... read more
Vor dem Casino
Alles was PS und Namen hat, ist auch da!
Das sowas überhaupt schwimmen kann ...

Europe » Monaco » Monte Carlo July 23rd 2012

The morning was so beautiful in Cannes that we decided to start the day with time at the beach. Now beaches are not my favourite places in the world to be. Sand in generally is dirty, water is cold and dirty and I am a typical super pasty white Canadian dude. Standing next to buff, bronzed goliaths at the beach is not always my idea of a good time. However, we did have a great time at the beach today. I had to warn Sydney that beaches in France are a little different than beaches at home in that people do not always where their bathing suits, apparently she already knew that. The kid knows more than I think she does. We swam in the Mediterranean Sea and it was a lot of fun. There was ... read more
More mountain views
Views along the drive
Palace in Monte Carlo

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